Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan

Tongues and Interpretation 1

I bring you to enter, I rest the burden of the spirit

I cause you to enter 

I bring light, I lighten you 

I cause you to enter

I bring an answer to your prayer and petition

I hear your heart and I cause you and your people to enter

I’ve been sent to grant entrance to the places of your season

I’m the help you’ve been waiting for and I bring light for everyone to enter

Even the door has opened, Enter!

Tongues and Interpretation 2

I sent you this word to heal you and heal your infirmities

I need you to exercise faith in the word

Don’t doubt, you need your faith to be optional

Your own faith will make you whole, it will complete the work

Don’t give place to body infirmity in this season, for it is a distraction 

It is not Jesus that ordained it so, go in that might for your faith is operational, use it to fight, it is a concluded work for Jesus has healed you 

Make it operational and use faith. 

Message starts..

There is a great entrance before us opened by the Lord but there are adversaries. There is strong warfare against us, not just personally but corporately. We are getting close to a  plane in the spirit that spirits are afraid of and that’s why there are a lot of distractions and pressure but we will not be distracted.

Wisdom is required to discern the battles per season and entrances in the spirit. We wrestle different enemies in the spirits and they all have ways they fight us. The battle of Egypt is different from the battles of all the kings in the wilderness. With every king, there is a significance. We must fight every king in the land and conquer them. Some will fight us to keep us from journeying into life by keeping us from being established in Christ or entering the promised land (everlasting life).

We must not underestimate our enemies especially those that have a type of blessing or affinity with God. They are different from enemies that have no affinity with the Lord This is why Satan should not be underestimated as he carries a heritage even though that thing turned.

For us as believers, as we journey towards the promise which is God, there is a great need for continuous purification and/or seperation until a pure seed emerges that can abide His coming.

With Abraham, God had to purify 4 generations to get the seed that was fit for the promise. The fourth generation are the 12 tribes of Israel, they were the pure seed. We see same with Gideon and his men, the Lord separated his men until only 300 men were left from 22000 (Judges 7:5-7).

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind: Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth” (Matt 13:47-50)

God will keep separating until a pure gene that can establish the gene he is looking for arises. This separation is usually by doctrine, He watches for men’s yieldedness to embody His righteousness. “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever” (1 Peter 1:23) – We will be born by doctrine till we are established. God is very detailed and meticulous. Many of Abraham’s household had measures of ways by affinity to Abraham but not for everlasting life. During separation, God can pinpoint sins down to the specific gene that can be injurious to the promise.

The greatest hostility we’d face while we are being separated will come from the people that were once with us but were not of us, they had tasted Truth but did not stay in their estate nor journeyed further (1 John 2:19, Hebrews 6:4-6).

There is a certain carefulness and discernment the Lord will require of us who want to partake of Him and His inheritance. This is because there are many activities in church that are crafts of spirits and are not in accordance to Truth; they are all operations of familiar spirits and if we don’t have the judgment of hope, we will be deceived. Some men walk with other spirits. Some will do things in the name of the Lord and yet are not part of the stock that will take the blessing or inheritance (Matthew 7:21-23).

“And Israel abode in Shittim, and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab. And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods. And Israel joined himself unto Baalpeor: and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel. And the Lord said unto Moses, Take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the Lord against the sun, that the fierce anger of the Lord may be turned away from Israel. And Moses said unto the judges of Israel, Slay ye every one his men that were joined unto Baalpeor” (Numbers 25:1-5)

“But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.” (Revelation 2:14).

One key thing believers journeying to God must do is keep their ranks and order in the spirit. But when Satan sees that he cannot break our ranks, he casts limitations or stumbling blocks. For everyone that is looking for the Lord’s appearing, there is a manner of conversation that we ought to have because it is only a kind of man that will be granted entrance. Satan wants to ensure that some people will not enter. Sometimes he will touch our things to provoke us to curse God like he did with Job (Job 2:9).

Sometimes when certain experiences or pressures in life come upon us, spirits use it as an opportunity to teach us to bring us to a conclusion or judgement but not according to Truth. When spirits teach us, most times, we are unaware that they are framing our opinions which makes us enter wrong conclusions and arrive at a wrong judgement that is not according to truth. The teaching is to cast stumbling blocks and to give us idols.

We must be weary of idols. Satan pumps everything with lusts until it appeals with our desires and it becomes an idol in our hearts; we must understand they all have fading glory and full of corruption. 

At the junction of our entrances in the spirit, there are spirits that will attack to prevent our entrance. Only a manner of man that is sober can gain entrance. For a person that is looking for, there is a manner of man that we must be. A sober person is a mourner; he is looking for something. Sobriety gives us the right eye to relate with the world; and to see the blessings of the world as  rags (Hebrews 1:11-12)

A soul that is mourning has no interest in anything but is consumed by the thought of one. There are more instructions and profiting to life by wisdom gotten from mourning; this way, you can’t be overcharged as you can’t be mourning and be involved in everything. Fasting is an expression of mourning. There is no need for fasting if the heart is not in a state of mourning. We must be taught how to bridle ourselves and stay in the place of mourning (Matthew 9:15)

In this zone we have come into, we will be fasting often because we are in a state of mourning and looking for something. We can’t be looking for the appearance of the great God and be everywhere. 

(Matthew 9:16) Mourning is a piece of new cloth. This new cloth is a soul with a new desire and aspiration that has been enlightened to look for one, for what is actually missing.

The gospel we are being taught this day is to shield us from falling for another doctrine. In the spirit, there is a surgical operation to separate those that will carry the gene for inheritance. 

Our choices reveal our paternity; what we do shows who is begetting us. The teachings of Christ and Everlasting life are separations. (Hebrews 12:7-8) What qualifies us is that we can take rod of corrections. We must desire dealings that will make natures that are not of God to fall off and for the Lord to bring processes that purifies our genes and in the end make us fit for inheritance. 

(Malachi 3:2) Not everything will survive His appearance, some will be consumed and for some, it will be a revelation of who they are. When God brings fragrance of knowledge, some will move from life to life and some will accelerate unto death. We must be arranged for life to receive His appearance. When we are looking for appearance, we must be mourning and separated so that we will be counted among the holy stock that is worthy. As the Lord is teaching us, we need to give heed.

We are being separated by doctrine and must be discerning of the separation of a season to qualify for the next. If we want to see the glory of the Lord, His glory is in His holiness.