Meeting: Sunday Service

Date: May 5th, 2024.

Minister: Bro. Niyi Otunaike.

We should not choose to be ignorant around the  difference between precept and lines. These are intricacies of the scriptures that we must learn. Our understanding of these intricacies is a sign of growth in the spirit. We will not be a perfect or be a whole man if we mumble these things together.

God is not wicked and won’t lay demands if He has not first given us the precept or enablement to do lines (instructions of life). We must pay attention to understanding the different divisions in scriptures. We should not be weary everytime doctrine is divided and further divided. 

But the path of the just is as the shining light, That shineth more and more unto the perfect day.” (Proverbs 4:18) – The light ought to keep getting brighter and brighter until the day dawn or unto a perfect day (perfect understanding). 

We must not be tired of learning. The reason we struggle to obey lines is because we have a wrong precept already resident in our soul. Every line a man lives out indicates the presence of that precept in the soul whether good or bad. The precepts of God fights against the precepts of Satan. This is why we must give ourselves to an abundance of speaking or hearing. 

Why we find ourselves still obeying the wrong precepts is because of an abundance of the wrong precepts in us. Constant listening to the word will give us strength to live out the lines of the precepts of God. 

                                               THE END