The New And Living Way Church, Ikorodu

Meeting: Sunday Service

Sunday School Theme: Receiving and Maintaining your Healing

Date: 7th March, 2021

Ministers: Pastor Segun & Bro Niyi

Pastor Segun (Sunday School)

Living in unforgiveness, bitterness or walking by sight can hinder us from our healing. We do not forgive because of the other person, it’s for ourselves.

 It is even scientifically proven that anger and bitterness release toxins into our system. All these things have ill effects on our health.

Healing is for us. Rev. Hagin said that when he falls ill, he immediately checks his love walk to see where he has missed it and once he makes amends, he receives his healing instantly.

When we are able to appropriate what has been said concerning us, then it’s a foregone conclusion because of the finished work in Christ. As long as the requirements are met, healing power will be made manifest. Nothing is more surer than the Word of God.

God has given us assurances in this season that healing is for us. We should not judge the Word of God based on our experiences with men.

(Luke 18:1-8) Our asking is based on our faith towards God. It is not about just praying. It’s believing what the Lord has said and staying on it. It is not possible for that sickness to stay.

Rev. Hagin, when he had congenital heart disease, stayed on the Word even when men didn’t believe. He was healed without being prayed for or laying on of hands. The surest way of getting healed is staying on the Word of God. The healing power of God is still available.

 The Lord has left the following manners for us to lay hold on healing

 1. The Need for Faith Response: We must come to a place where we believe that God is able to do that which we are asking for. We should go to the Father with the mind that He cares for us; we should also have full assurance that He will do it. When we do this, we will be able to pray with faith in our heart. There is no point praying tirelessly if we do not believe God will do it. Praying is not an activity, it is a faith response. When we don’t pray in accordance with God’s will and with faith in our hearts, we are just praying vain repetition. Faith in God is a vital requirement (Mark 11:22). Faith in God and Faith of the son are different. We must have exercised ourselves in the Faith in God before we can exercise Faith of the Son. Faith in God is an active response to God even when things or reports seem impossible, humanly speaking. We must esteem what the word of God says above reports of men even when it looks like nothing is happening. We must be able to persist and hold steadfastly to what the Word says. If we focus solely on our situation, we won’t be able to fully trust God

2. For His Mercy Endures: We are not getting healed because of our inherent goodness, because we didn’t fornicate or because we paid our tithes. We get healed because of Jesus. God will not deny us healing because we have done something bad – even though the devil makes us think that the reason we are not getting healed is because of a sin we committed in the past. God will not deny us of healing because of something we did, He heals us because of His mercy. We should come to God on the basis of mercy and grace for our healing. Satan fights us on the ground of healing, telling us it’s because of something we have done, but we must stand our ground with what the Word says; and God will come through for us. Our healing has been paid for by Jesus; we must line up and collect it for free. It is by the mercy of the Lord and faith in His Word.

3. According to thy Faith: God responds to Faith and not to our cries and tears. God will not deny anyone whatever such person has faith for. God honors faith no matter how small it is. We must start having faith for God to heal us of headache before we can go on to have faith for ulcer or something bigger. If we have faith for healing, God will not deny us. We must exercise ourselves, confessing what the word of God has said if we truly have faith in God.

There are Various Methods of Healing

1. Healing Through Faith in God’s word: The surest way to be healed is through the word of God. We do not need a healing handkerchief or someone to lay hands on us. God cannot lie, and if we are so assured that He cannot lie then we must pick it up and speak and confess His word. If we keep doing this, something will give way and we will be so amazed at what God will do. If the word of God that created an Angel makes it so easy for them to cause healing of men, we also must be able to use the same word of God for our healing. The word of God is living and powerful, we must lay hold and not doubt, because the word has enough power to heal all who have unwavering faith in the promise of God. It is our belief in the word of God that gets us healed, not any particular church. This is why every believer must be taught to believe in the word of God for all things. The ministry of the word and teaching faith is very important in every church. The victory for every believer is the learning of the word to overcome life’s challenges. It will help to not be solely dependent on our pastors but on the word of God.

2. Healing through the Manifestation of the Gifts of the Spirit: We can be healed as the spirit of God wills. He can move a minister, and healing power can be made available during a meeting.

3. Healing through the Prayer of Faith and Anointing With Oil by Elders of the Church: This is done with prayer of faith by the elders of the church. God has made provision for us so that when we cannot pray for ourselves, we can reach out to the elders to pray on our behalf. This is why as believers we must stay under covering. There will be times when we will have no strength to pray or believe God for anything. The elders of the church can pray on our behalf.

4. Healing through Laying On of Hands:  Laying on of hands is a very common practice in the New Testament. Some people are scared to lay hands on people because they’re scared the sickness will transfer to them but that is not scriptural, they’re erroneous teachings. It is good practice for believers to for loved ones, family members etc with faith in their heart. We need to know that laying on of hands is scriptural and we will need it.

Laying On of Hands is Done in Two Ways

Firstly, any believer can lay hands on a fellow believer as a point of contact to release faith and the person gets healed. It is also scriptural that husbands and wives can lay hands on each other. Likewise, parents can lay hands on their children when they are sick and expect them to be healed in the name of Jesus.

Secondly, there is the ministry of laying on of hands, a special anointing. As God wills, a person can be supernaturally anointed with healing power like Jesus or Paul was anointed.

All healing is not independent of faith. Faith is very important when it comes to healing and to anything we are trusting God for.

How to Develop your Faith for Healing

It is good to know that faith can grow. Faith is like a muscle and we must exercise it. Every faith comes by hearing and feeding on the Word of God. We must cultivate a habit of knowing what the Word of God says. We should stop searching for knowledge just to be informed but rather we should be informed in the Word of God. If we don’t give ourselves to the Word, something else will instruct us. One thing we must take away from today’s teaching is to develop our faith through the Word of God.

Bro Niyi

Satan will always bring one sickness or the other around us. Even if he doesn’t afflict us, he can afflict those around us. We need to listen to messages over and over again. One issue around trusting God for our healing is that we have a defeated mind. Many of us have not really come into an understanding that God loves us. We must understand that He loves us, and because of that, healing cannot be our problem. We must go to Him with the mindset that God will not allow us to stay in this condition. We are not trying to see if God will heal us; it is certain that He will. So when we pray for healing, we must go with the confidence that all we need to do is ask. We must stand on the Word, believe the Word, feed on the Word. We must trust God to have the discipline of the Word. We must be mindful of the things we give attention to because some are capable of taking away faith from our heart. We should give ourselves to the Word of God. When it comes to laying on of hands or prayer of faith, we must also have faith in our hearts.

It is not just the anointing upon the minister, much more it has a lot to do with our faith. We must spend time to build our faith in this season. We should not just hear these words but also be doers of these words.