The New and Living Way Church, Ikorodu.

Meeting: Sunday Service

Sunday School:       Marriage and Its Purpose

Message: Understanding the Ways of the Lord

Date: 22nd August, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan & Bro Happy

Message (Pastor Laide)

1st Tongues and Interpretation

Many, many, many longings, many heart desires, cryings.

I have seen the desires of many

The heart longings of many

Many heart cry and it has generated an incense before me 

I have seen that heart that has longed for more of God, cried and waited patiently 

I have seen the longings of your heart

Many hearts will see God, you will experience God in a new dimension 

I’m breaking many castings that have blurred many sights and visions 

I’m bringing them down, tearing them apart and opening up your understanding

It’s the blessing of sight, understanding and clarity.

It’s a blessing that silver and gold cannot buy, it is a blessing of understanding

It is a blessing I’ve brought to you, yes you

Message Begins

(Proverbs 3: 2-3) Length of days and long life are not the same. We live in a generation where the longevity of days is synonymous with prosperity. It is a carnal man’s judgment. The measure of a man’s life is not in the number of days he has been able to live but the quantum of life he has been able to trap. It takes judgement to be able to trap all of God’s life. The reason why an average soul wants many days is not that he wants to tie with God but to serve and savour corruption to the fullest. That is why the heart of a man will despise eternity. A man can pursue vanity all his life and when he has retired, he will then begin to attend to God after he has expired all of life. 

A soul has not seen the beauty and value of fellowship with God and the accumulation that each communion brings that is why he thinks there is nothing to do in eternity. The accumulation of life doesn’t happen in one day, it is line upon line, precept upon precept, scoop upon scoop. Life is communicated by giving of the law (John 6:63).

(Genesis 6:3-5) Since the day man stopped living by the word of God, long years did not matter because there is no reason for many years. Man will multiply death and race fast into corruption. (Luke 13:15) Until man’s heart turns towards God, the years do not matter and life does not count, it is all vanity. Once the heart starts pursuing the Lord, his years starts to count – he starts living. 

(Isaiah 55:8; Prov 16:2,9; Prov 21:2) Man must return to God’s thoughts and ways. The ways of man are many. Ways and thoughts are generated from the heart and mind. When you see a man, you see his ways. Every way a man owns is his righteousness. That is why a man’s way is right in his own eyes. The ways of man are strange to the Lord and those are things that separate us. Man is so strong and mighty that he can use God to achieve his own end and what he wants. 

(Habakkuk 3:2-5) It takes an everlasting way to break an everlasting mountain. (Psalms 139: 23-24) The ways of the lord are everlasting. Man’s way is short because his sight is short. The wicked think their ways are hidden from the lord. A man can have ways that seem right but are wicked. The way everlasting is only one way; there is one way that leads to life and we must learn that way. People present their ways to the Lord and ask for His blessing, but the direction of paths is not to make it in life but so that man can locate the way. Until you locate the way, life is but a shadow. 

The wisdom that crafted the ways of life for us is not from the tree of life. We have wisdoms that are strange from the technology of the spirit, so a man knows how to live his life and all through his life, God will rarely matter in it and he will never meet the agenda of God and why he is living in the first place. 

(Ecclesiastes 12:13) The whole duty of man is to hear and obey commandments. Man was raised for one purpose: to fear God and keep his commandments. We must keep the commandments of the Lord, that is the secret to life itself. The reason why man doesn’t keep the commandments of the Lord is that we fear that our natural will be unattended to and that is what keeps us in the bondage of death. Every disobedience is tied to fear: fear of the unknown. Fear makes us not respond to God: Satan made it that way to prevent us from obeying God’s commandments. There are many things that a soul is afraid of and those things defined our ways. Satan ensnares us and brings temptations in the many things we are afraid of.

The ways of the Lord are perfect and upright. When a man has been falsely raised, the farther he is from the Lord. There are things that the ways of man have made significant – like money. It is the ways of man that gave money its strength. If a man’s ways change, certain things will fall – things that the soul of men have lifted high will fall. 

There is the way everlasting. The ways of the Lord are in Him from the foundation of the earth, He doesn’t change but man changes. Man’s way is unstable and short. What a man has been exposed to conditions him into a way but the ways of the Lord are true and so are His judgements. The ways of man will perish.

(Exodus 33:9-13) If the Lord doesn’t show us His ways, we can’t truly know Him. His ways are everlasting and there is a knowledge of Him that is hid behind everlasting. Before every revelation are ways. Every declaration of God to the Fathers is a revelation of ways but not ‘the way.’ There are the commandments of God that a soul must receive to be able to receive His ways. These ways are locked in the commandments; if you don’t know His ways, you can’t see His face. 

God gave Moses something that the children of Israel didn’t see: His ways locked in His commandments. We are in a generation that is oblivious and nonchalant about the ways of God. When the Lord does not find His ways on the earth, judgment is coming. Abraham was an everlasting man because he kept everlasting ways. We must find out the ways of the Lord and keep them. The longing of an average soul is very light, yet this is the greatest time of our lives to seek God but Satan is wasting the strength of men. 

It takes a measure of hunger and thirst to get God that is why Satan saps the strength of men and prevents men from seeking God. (Isaiah 55:1-2) The only commodity we need is a hungry heart that wants truth at every cost, that wants to lay hold on God but Satan will stay on a generation to make sure they won’t seek God. 

Whatsoever our soul’s pursuit is, is seen as currency. A generation spends money but doesn’t know they are being spent by pursuing that which is not God. God wants to bring us to a point where we can look up to Him, but Satan wants to make men look up to something else: their soul pursuit. He makes men spend their souls. Satan makes the soul despise the word of God.

(Isaiah 55:1-3) There is good food in the scriptures, kingdom and in the commandments of the Lord but not every soul can see it. We eat by hearing; if we don’t hear, the soul can’t eat and live.

(Deuteronomy 29:29; Romans 11:33) Despite the fact that the ways of the Lord are past finding out, God wants us to search it out and do them. (Colossians 3:1-3, 1Timothy 6:11) we must spend our souls’ resources and strength on that which is good.