4th of September, 2022.

TEXT:Romans 8:14,16; Psalms 25:5,9


Some may say “but we have dealt with the issue of ‘The Leading of The Spirit of God’ before in Sunday School’ why go into studying it again?” Why not study another series of topics? Well, the truth is, the teachings on ‘The Leading of The Spirit of God’ is one that we can never outgrow no matter the level of our spiritual growth. It is wisdom, it is safety and great help to consider subjects as ‘The Leading of The Spirit of God’ over and over again.(Philippians 3:1)

After the fall, man – who had always lived and prospered in Eden, was chased out of the very presence of God (Eden) (Gen 3: 22-24). Man, having been chased out of Eden because of sin and death in him (in his spirit), now needed to be led to find his way back to God, who lives in paradise/Eden. Until after the fall, Adam and his wife didn’t need to be led, but to be instructed by the Lord God concerning their affairs in the garden of Eden.

The very thought of being led already tells us that man does not presently know his way back to God. Also, the core purpose of every leading of the spirit, be it a leading on physical things, material things or spiritual things, is ultimately to get us to arrive back to God, who lives in Eden.

Why Learn How to be Led by the Spirit of God?

Because we, at the point of new-birth, did not know how or even why we need to be led. Nobody (no believer) at the point and time of being born again really knew/knows why they need to be led by the Spirit of God (if at all they even know what it means to be led).

We need to be led by the Spirit of God, so that we can be led and guided back to God – who dwells in Eden (Romans 3:12, Matthew 7:13).

We need to be led to know and learn the ways and the thoughts of God. By doing so, we will better discern and avoid the way(s) of the enemies of God; Satan being their chief (Isaiah 55:8-10).

To consistently, continually, and progressively be positioned to receive the leadings of the Spirit for our continual journey towards God, until we fully arrive at God.

To get the best out of our Christian life and sojourning here on earth.

Undoing some wrong and incorrect mindsets about The Leading of The Spirit that Some of us Believers Have

“Must I have a deep knowledge of God’s word to be led?” No! (John 10:1-5). Everyone who is born again has the nature of the Lord in their spirit and can automatically (and immediately after they are born again), be led by the Spirit of God. There is nowhere in scriptures where a deep knowledge of God’s word is a prerequisite to being led by the Spirit of God, for a believer.

A believer cannot be led in his/her spirit by an evil spirit because evil spirits cannot access the spirit of a believer, which has been sealed by the Holy Ghost (Ephesians 4:30).

The Lord, through the Spirit does not lead His children by prophets or any other ministry gifts (in the New Testament). He rather leads them/us in their/our spirits, while ministry gifts (who are shepherds), through their oversight responsibility confirm or “dis-confirm” such leadings.

It is good to stress the following also:

Every believer, before we were born again, had been led by evil spirits in our souls (1 Corinthians 12:2). It is the soul that is being led through the “recreated born again, new creation – human spirit”. But the Holy Spirit – who now lives in our spirits, puts leadings in our spirits for our souls (Proverbs 20:27). 

The Holy Ghost does not directly lead our soul (He does not by-pass our spirit to led our souls). He puts leadings and directions for our souls in our spirits (Romans 8:14, 16). It is good to stress that at new birth, the spirit is a man while the soul is a baby (1 Peter 2:2; Hebrews 5:11-13).

Leadings are in levels, and are in proportion to our growth levels in the things of God. Naturally speaking, children learn the voice of their parents by constantly hearing their parents’ voice, in some cases even from the womb. In like manner, newborn babes and children of God (spiritual babies) need to become very acquainted with the voice of the Holy Spirit, the Son and the Father from the pages of scriptures. This fact cannot be overemphasized! 

Many believers crave for and want to have deep fellowship and directions of the Lord for their lives, but they don’t have and have not imbibed the discipline of READING the scriptures. Many of those who are like this end up not being properly formed or framed within for to be led. They have within their souls, what you might want to call or liken to a structural defect. Such defects eventually become a clog-in-the-wheel of their arriving well in God.


In conclusion, we need a heart of meekness and continual humility to maximize this series being taken, so let’s be open hearted as we take yet another journey into the emphasis of ‘The Leading of The Spirit of God’ here in Church!
