Date: 16th May, 2021

Ministers: Pastor Laide Olaniyan

Pastor Laide

One thing I am trusting in God for at the end of this series is a push for judgement from within. That we will be so angry with Satan and his subtlety in swaying us with all manner of doctrine. When we begin to see the antics of Satan, we will see how far he has gone to make a mess of our lives.

We must understand this teaching. It is not just a series for us, it is a season of enlightenment because Satan has hidden under many lies to perpetrate evil.

A believer can be oppressed by Satan if he allows it. If eventually, we discover that there is satanic oppression around our life, we must understand that we allowed it and the most fundamental way out is going back to the Word and standing in the place of prayer (James 5:13-14). Our first response to the oppressions of Satan is not “deliverance” as is common today. We can refuse satan in our lives. However, there are times we can allow demonic oppressions to degenerate and might need external help. At that point, it’s good to agree with brethren as there is great power and multiplication of strength when there is an agreement to pray. It is not until we go for deliverance that we can be free. We can get the devil out of our life and business proactively, not necessarily reactively. Once the Lord has revealed it to us, we must immediately take a stand against the devil.

There are all manner of revelations, so if it doesn’t bear witness with our spirit (not our mind) or with the promptings of the Holy Spirit inside of us, we must not go for that deliverance. We can note sometimes when it seems like alarms go off inside of us. There is a wisdom to handle situations where family members invite deliverance ministers against our wish. In cases where we’re told to fast and pray, it’s okay to do so as it helps us. There are also times some of their requests we must firmly resist to save our spirit.

(Romans 14:16-23) The principle here is this: if you are persuaded in your heart that you don’t have a demon, a minister or anyone forcing you to confess otherwise things that are not in you that does not edify anybody is satanic. Christ will not do such. We need to stand our ground and say no because if we go ahead with it, we are violating our conscience as this is done from a place of faith. Therefore, it is a sin and in that atmosphere, wrong spirits can rest. To stand our ground in this is standing for what is right and this is a good fight.

Once companying with people who are using a different light goes beyond what edifies and there is a compulsion to violate your conscience, that has gone beyond the boundary of edification. (Romans 14:19) If it edifies and doesn’t violate our conscience, then we can allow it but not peace that violates our conscience.

If it is external liberty like covering of hair, not wearing trousers, etc that have to do with the things of this world, we can consider them as we’re not to hold tightly to those things but if we’re now being compelled to admit that something is wrong with these things and that other people not doing it are sinners, this is an effort to indoctrinate us and we must be careful not to violate our truth. We must understand the boundaries of these things such that Satan doesn’t sway us. Many for the sake of peace have allowed satan through people.

That we know truth does not mean we should become contentious when dealing with people who have no access to this light.

This series would give us the judgement to shut doors to spirits. Nature is powerful and some men have infirmities that strengthen evil spirits. For example, we’re in a world that there is enlightenment and there are objects that are like gates and if the Lord doesn’t give permission, we have no business doing or using them because there are things reinforced by spirits (1 Corinthians 8:4-7). If we are not sensitive to the spirit, we can be swayed. Some of us, due to lack of sensitivity, have walked into the wrong environments and we then find we’re being swayed by the wrong atmospheres. This is not to make us fearful. We must not be led by our lusts but by God to prevent problems.

Once we can begin to sense the atmosphere that some objects, things or friends bring, we must also trust the Lord to raise children that are minding God and can sniff out the devil.

Satan to a great extent is not assaulting the church but is sending in peace offerings (like with Balaak) that will cause exchange of lifestyle and that is a greater assault of wickedness.

We would encounter some people in life that are an embassy of strange spirits; we would need to rebuke the spirits to reduce their influence over us. If God ministers grace, we can minister deliverance over them with their consent but principally we are to guard ourselves. The foundation of it should be staying in truth, in the Word and praying in the Holy Ghost. This cannot be overemphasized.

We must have power even over social media; not all things edify. There is a way man wants to magnify everything other than God and it is a mirror of the state of the church. Worldly standards are being exalted above the standards of righteousness. To know those who are not of us can be seen when men (especially believers) rise in anger at the mention of some standards of righteousness (1 John 2:19).

The Lord will help us to keep the sanctity of the spirit and not be swayed into ungodliness. Amen

Tongues & Interpretation

I want your conscience to be built up at this time with so much defensive system. I want it built up with so much wisdom. Guard your camp even against the attack of the evil one that comes in many sayings. I need you to build your foundation so much upon truth. I need your foundation to be strong upon the truth so that you can stand against the onslaught of the evil one, even against the wisdom that satan is using to creep upon souls.

I need you to be wise and you cannot be wise unless you invest your life in truth. I need you to be strong in truth for you will receive an unction from the Holy one so you will know and He will tell you what to do per time. Your shepherd will not be there per time to tell you what to do but there is an unction of the Holy one that can give you a defensive system to attack satan within your conscience, even within your camp for it is a time to preserve your camp, even to preserve your conscience.

Invest your life in truth and know the truth. Your freedom is in truth and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Make sure to invest your life in truth, don’t just stand wavering, not knowing what to do. Even at this time, the wisdom of the Holy one is coming upon you and I want you to maximize this unction for the day will come when this will be questioned of you and you will know what to say because you have invested your life in truth.

Invest your life in truth.

Pastor Laide (Message)

We are people of the spirit and our life is tied to the spirit. We must live out the spirit. The only safe path in life is to hear by the spirit; no other thing or way. Sometimes, it doesn’t make sense because we have plans in the natural, but we must be willing to be called fools for following the pathway of the Spirit. It may not make sense to us but it makes sense to God. If it is God, it is good and we should be satisfied with it. All we need to do is to be persuaded that it is God and that is how He wants it. 

(Psalms 34:11) The fear of the LORD is teachable. If it is teachable, then it’s a doctrine. Only a Father can call children. You must be a child to be able to learn the fear of the LORD, not just a child but one that is willing to come to the Father. The Father is a teacher of the fear of the LORD. This fear of the LORD is the fear of GOD. 

(Isaiah 11:1-3) The Lord is a Spirit but the Lord also has a Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:17-18) There is the Spirit of wisdom but there is also wisdom with God. There is understanding, might, counsel, knowledge and fear of the LORD but they all have Spirits. (Revelations 5:11-14) They are entities of the Godhead and are not things as we see them in the realm of men.

The essence of the seven Spirits is that they are the rudimentary teachings and equipment for another school. When the curriculum of the fear of the Lord is opened up, one will quickly comprehend it. Without the giving of the seven Spirits and the church coming into the understanding of the seven Spirits, they will never get to a place where they complete the curriculum of the fear of the Lord.

That fear in itself is the beginning of wisdom. Actual understanding is an entity. Understanding is the comprehension of truth. The spirit of understanding is a precursor to understanding itself. The curriculum will be unveiled by the activities of the spirit of wisdom because they are the necessary foundation.

The fear of the LORD is a teaching, Jesus had to be taught to fear the LORD; the Spirit taught Him. 

(Philippians 2:7-11) Jesus became the servant of the Godhead and was made in the likeness of men. He humbled himself and was obedient unto death. The curriculum that Jesus obeyed into death included the curriculum of fear. (Hebrews 5:1-7) He embodied the fear of the LORD. The fear in the place of prayer is not it. There is a learning that resulted in Him being made perfect, He then “became”. 

The fear of the LORD is high learning. The fear of hellfire or eternal fire is not the fear of the Lord. It takes quickened understanding to comprehend the fear of the LORD. The fear of the LORD speaks of things of resurrection; of quickening. (Psalms 34:12) You have to be a child to be taught the fear of the LORD.

(Psalms 34:13; 1Peter 2:1) You have not learnt the fear of the LORD if all malice, all guile, all hypocrisies, all envies, all evil speakings have not been laid aside because those are the beginning of the teaching of the fear of the LORD.

Hypocrisy is professing to live by a standard you are not living by. It is hypocrisy to say we love the Lord and disregard our neighbour or brother. It is to be guilty of an offence that you are punishing others for. You want to be judged by a different standard from which you are judging your neighbour by. Sometimes, we feel people should understand us but we rarely bear and understand people; this is hypocrisy. The Lord must heal us of all hypocrisies.

Evil speaking can look like truth-speaking but it is evil. (James 4:12-16) The fear of the Lord will expose to you the different cadres of evil speakings. Some confessions and affirmations are evil in the sight of God. It will take the fear of the Lord to X-ray evil speakings. The natural man does not know what evil is unless he has been shown from the Word. 

(2 Corinthians 1:15-24) Paul was showing the Corinthian church that even though they teach integrity and steadfastness, they were still subject and malleable to the Spirit. 

Many churches have structured the HolyGhost out; rarely can the HolyGhost move. We must be subject to the Spirit to flow with God, if not, we will never find the way of salvation. God wants us to be intricate, delicate minded, skilful in wisdom to find the path of salvation.

To handle the fear of God is a work of wisdom; the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. By the time we start coming into fear, we will see judgment. We must not come outside the tutelage of the fear of God.

Tongues & Interpretation

Great shepherd, great shepherd, the Great Shepherd is here. 

Visitation, even the visitation of a high and holy one, is a teaching visitation, even this visitation is to teach you, this visitation is to nurture you, to guide you. It is the visitation of a Great Shepherd. It is for to bring teaching, even teaching of the fear of the Lord. It is to bring deeper things of God to you. 

To nurture you and to cooperate with the seven Spirits of the Lord, even to teach you how to dig out things by cooperating with the seven Spirits of the Lord. Some things will not go except they come to company with you, except they come to teach you and lead you and guide you on how to deal with infirmities of the soul around natures that have tarried for long. But the great one is in your midst to teach you the way of the Lord so that you can grow past it, to teach you, to do a great work upon your soul, to cooperate with you, to co-labour with this assembly so that many can drop wrong nature.

Even the wrong nature of the evil one, even sin that so easily besets, he is to do a great work. Even a great work in the fear of the Lord. The activities of the seven Spirits of the Lord have been heightened upon this assembly. Even the Spirit of wisdom will visit you, the Spirit of counsel will visit you, the Spirit of power and the Spirit of the fear of the Lord will visit you. 

The Spirit of the Lord is upon this assembly, the Spirit of might, the Spirit of counsel, the Spirit of wisdom. The Spirit of the fear of the Lord is coming in a greater increase upon this assembly, it is to teach you how to reverence the Lord in this season. There is a teaching anointing upon the house. There is a teaching anointing and it is to show you the works of darkness upon the soul.  Hearken and hear the Word of the Lord even according to the teaching of the most high God.