Meeting: Wednesday Prayer Meeting

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan

There is a commission of prayer to a church in everlasting life. One of the burdens of the spirit is for us to interpret the conversation of a doctrine or lines of precept and we need to clearly see these details else we will talk about the mystery of it but never be able to live it. 

“For thus saith the Lord unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and take hold of my covenant; Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off.(Isaiah 56:4-5)

“Thus saith the LORD of hosts; If thou wilt walk in my ways, and if thou wilt keep my charge, then thou shalt also judge my house, and shalt also keep my courts, and I will give thee places to walk among these that stand by.” (Zechariah 3:7)

There is a name and place for sons and daughters, there is also a name and place for angels, even for those angels who fell, there is a name and place for them. There is also a name and a place that is better than the name of sons and daughters and that name and place is an everlasting name. 

“And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.” (Revelation 12:7-8).

Satan and his fallen angels still have a place in the air even though they fell, however, a generation will arise that will by their obedience obliterate the place of fallen angels from the heavens.

Places are inheritances and one is named according to their placement. Part of the heritage of God to a people coming into life is not just a place or name, but to bring them into an allocation (his holy mountain and his house of prayer) (Isaiah 56:7)

What happens in the place of prayer is not just praying, but a soul arising into a higher estate. Every time a soul bows in the place of prayer, he should arise in a higher estate. He should be washed, renewed, cleansed, justified in prayer. We need to be baptised into prayer and this will only happen if a people are taught about prayer.

A house of prayer is not a location but a people; where prayers are continually offered day and night. Part of our spiritual heritage is that we become a praying house. Some believers think the more revelation, the less a need for prayer but we must understand that with the abundance of revelation is a greater responsibility to pray. There is no one that understands scriptures like Jesus and we saw His commitment to prayer all His life. 

We can’t pray beyond our age, growth and maturity in the spirit. The burdens we are able to bear in the place of prayer are abstracted by the definitions of our reality in the spirit. We can’t bear a burden much more than our eyes have been opened to see. There are certain prayers a believer will no longer pray once their understanding is enlightened. Many times when we pray we seek sustenance (food and clothing) but what God is looking for are men who He can give inheritance. We must be as Jacob who wrestled with an angel for blessing/inheritance at Peniel (Genesis 32:6), same Jacob who had previously sought sustenance at Bethel (Genesis 28:20)

The baptism into being a house of prayer is a work of joyfulness God will do in zion churches. While most believers start out praying for sustenance, there remains a higher realm of prayer of judgement and justice.

Prayer is not just a means to get things from God, even though we are permitted to do so, but it is a place where secret things exist and are revealed. Prayer is an arrangement by God designed for us to engage the spiritual and to bring it to life and the promise of an answer is what makes us engage in it. The end product of prayer is not just the answer or result but is to show us things that we did not previously have an understanding of. 

God will not ask to pray if He does not want to show us things so we can do them – “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” (Jeremiah 33:3).

The complete cycle of prayer is to ask – seek – knock. We should not stop at asking but progress into seeking and knocking until a door is opened unto us. Many believers stop to see the need for prayer when all their carnal needs are met but prayer was designed primarily to engage the spiritual for to break into light and understanding of things that are hidden.

“It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: But the honour of kings is to search out a matter.” (Proverbs 25:2). – One kingly nature in the spirit is the spirit of search; a quest to resolve or looking for answers or laws. We have a responsibility to pray and once we understand these things, staying in the place of prayer will not be difficult. A soul that does not understand what prayer is for will always struggle to stay in prayer. 

It is possible for prayer to become our default location, where we are constantly seeking the Lord so much that the spirit becomes our default place. Nothing spiritual, heavenly or divine happens naturally or by happenstance. The only medium things of God and of the Father are pushed into the realm of man and their experience wovened into the fabric of man is only by prayer (Ephesians 1:15-23).

Every house has a spirit that rules the house. This spirit is the strong man of the house. The spirit that rules the house of prayer is the spirit of grace and supplication. Even in the natural, houses also have spirits – this is not to instil fear; this knowledge is so we are not ignorant. We must pray until we are baptised into a house of prayer.

Interpretation of Tongues

I want you to measure up as a house, to come into measures of the house of prayer,

Some things will not change till you attain to this stature, even the stature of intercession, of supplication, of petitioning heaven.

I need to raise a house that can custode prayer.

For things heaven to come, you must know how to petition heaven for things to change, for things to shift ground.

You cannot contend with me if this house is not raised

For the den of thieves will not change if this house is not raised

For this house must know how to follow the beat and the rhythm of heaven

For you will not fall again, because lack of fervency in the place of prayer can bring down a frequency,

I want to give gifts even in the place of prayer for you to see the counsel of heaven and make sure that the will of the Lord find its footstool and His agenda gains space

So I want to raise you as a house of prayer for you to press into the burden of the spirit.

For many things will fall at this time for you to measure up to heaven in the place of prayer.

                THE END