Meeting: Sunday Service

Date: 17 March, 2024

Ministers: Pastor Olaide Olaniyan 

The effect of living in ignorance or being ignorant of God’s word and his promises to the believer is a life of unnecessary pain. When we don’t know what is happening, fear creeps in, and the pain multiplies. (1 Pet. 5:8-9) One of Satan’s wisdom to steal, kill, and destroy is to make us feel like what we are going through is unique. Tribulation is not unusual or something to be surprised by, it’s a part of our path (1. Pet. 4:12, Phil. 1:28).

“I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” (Psa. 16:8) – When we are aware of what the Lord is doing, our prayers change from prayers of deliverance to prayers of assurance. A man who has not come to peace will not be able to discern accurately and will most of the time tend to respond to Satan out of fear for his life. 

Tribulations and adversities that come to the believer is by the sovereignty of God’s will. Tribulations are to help us become what God purposed in His heart for man. Knowing this, we should expect to be taken through highs and lows, abundance and lack. When we understand the goal of God, we will not be moved. If we don’t know this, we will resolve to optimism or motivational speaking. Positive confession is not faith. Being subject to faith is how we will stay in God’s will for our lives.