TOPIC:The Without Realm and The Within Realm of The Holy Ghost!
TEXTRomans 14:17; Acts 14: 22; 1st Corinthians 2:9-14; Romans 8:5,9; Hebrews 9:1-5


We give thanks to God almighty for His leading over and through our Father, Pastor Emeka Egwuchukwu and Pastor Olaide Olaniyan, to have us as a church consider this series about the Holy Ghost and Things of the Spirit again. By God’s grace, in the last lesson, we learnt that the Holy Ghost is the third person of the Godhead and that He possesses the exact same quality of life that the other Persons of the Godhead have and are. The Holy Ghost is as uncreated as the other two Entities of the God Head. He is not a force, neither is He an office nor an angel (1st John 5:7). We saw that, in fulfilling the ministry of the Godhead to mankind (summarized in Genesis 1:26), the Holy Ghost executes specific ministries to the world (Acts 16:711), to babies (Acts 4:29-30), children (Acts 20:28) and mature believers (1st Peter 1:12). These He does in partnership with men whom He raises to be ministers of the gospel at different stages of meals/growth.

The Realm of the Spirit in the Earth (Genesis 1:5-8; Ephesians 2:2; 1st Thessalonians 4:17: Revelation 12:7-9)

When God created Adam and His wife, He had made “a realm of the spirit” for them to function in with their spirits and souls. Adam was meant to occupy this realm of the spirit through obedience to God. When Adam was created there was no “satan or evil spirits” on the earth. Adam and his wife were meant and intended by God to govern the earth from the heaven of the earth mentioned in Genesis 1:5-8. This realm of the Spirit is what Apostle Paul called in wisdom in His epistles as “the air”. That air is Adam’s heaven, given to him by God. This heaven is a little lower than the heavens of angels (Psalms 103:19-22). When Adam and his wife sinned by obeying the devil and disobeying God’s commandments to them, he opened the door for the devil, and subsequently other evil spirits to come into the earth, and into the air.

It is worthy of note that “Adam and his generation” (all of those who walked with God before the death, burial and   resurrection of Jesus Christ Our Lord) didn’t have the Holy Spirit indwell their spirits. They also didn’t have access into the Holy Spirit or His things or the things of God.

The Holy Spirit: His Gifts, His spirits, His things (Isaiah 11:1-3; 1st Corinthians 12:4,7-11; 1stCorinthians 2:9-14)

After the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ Our Lord, the seasons and dealings of God with man, and towards man changed. Because of Jesus Christ Our Lord, God opened the door to His own original things to man (which He never did to Adam and his generation, or to angels in heaven). The Holy Spirit was sent to the earth after Jesus’ ascension, to begin a new dispensation of God towards man (John 16:7, Acts 1:8). Now humanity through Jesus Christ can access the very things of God through the Holy Ghost!

At the new birth, our spirits became born again by the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost indwells the spirit of a believer (Ephesians 1:13-14; 1st Corinthians 12:13). The Holy Spirit seals our spirits.

The-Without-Operations of the Holy Spirit

The nine gifts of the Holy Ghost are without operations of the Holy Ghost, not the within operations or life of the Holy Spirit (1st Corinthians 12:4,7-11). A person can have all the gifts of the Holy Spirit operational in their life and/or ministry, but still have not accessed the “within life in the Holy Ghost!”

The Seven spirits of the Lord are also without operations of the Holy Spirit upon a believer for to grant them access to the resources/knowledge of the Things of Holy Spirit, but not the very life/lives within the Holy Ghost (Isaiah 11:1-3).

It is good to note that the-without-operations of the Holy Spirit are mighty blessings of God which He permits in the life and amongst God’s People. But these operations are not going to impart the lives that are within the Holy Spirit to the soul of a believer (Romans 14:17).

The-Within-Operations of the Holy Spirit: where all the things of God are! (1st Corinthians 2:9-14; Romans 14:17)

The core gospel really are the THINGS of the kingdom of God that are in the Holy Ghost (Isaiah 52:7; Romans 10:15). “The things” in the Holy Spirit are lives (Christ life/meat of the word/new man, and Everlasting Life/strong meat/The Father).

It is the things that are within the Holy Ghost, which are the very things that are inside the Word and The Father that are the subject of these lessons. We are trusting God to increase our wisdom on how to possess and lay hold on the things of the Holy Ghost (or the lives within the Holy Ghost), by the gospel! The things within the Holy Ghost are the natures of God, the very genes of God that God want to work/form in our souls. Amen.