Date: 9th May, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan

(Hebrews 4:1,16) If we don’t know the reason why God wants us to fear, we won’t know the kind of fear He wants us to fear. The Lord does not even want a trace, likelihood, a near trait of coming short in anything. The Spirit of the Lord lusteth to envy (James 4:5-10) (James 4:3-5)

Not being faithful to the Christ-life is adultery, in the sense that you have been joined to the life of One but you are not faithful to that life called Christ life; you are still double-minded. Doubt is a terrible sin in the presence of God. (James 1:7-8) “For let not that man think that he will receive anything of the Lord, a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways”.

A person cannot receive the things of the Lord because of double-mindedness i.e double soul, exhibits characteristics of two souls; has a soul minding the things of Christ and still minding the things of the world. He affirms in his heart that the things that are being taught are true but can’t divorce the former conversation, preferences and choices. For a double-minded soul, it still wants to entertain its lusts. He wants to follow God really and still wants provision to be made for his lusts but the Lord will not accept you with your idols. 

(1John 2:15, James 4:4) Friendship with the world is enmity with God. We must hate this world, with perfect hatred, in the very recesses of our hearts and fibre of our beings. If you love to know the world and are also willing to bear your heart to the world, that is intercourse and deep fellowship. 

The world wants to know all that is in us, but the secret of our strength must be shut up (Judges 16:15-18). We can use this world with our hearts detached totally from it (1Corinthians 7:31). We can also open our hearts to the world, and the world in turn, like Delilah, knows how to vex our soul unto death; it wants to know the root of our commitment and love unto God. It does not want to strengthen us, but to kill it. But thank God for the jealousy of the Lord. God doesn’t share, He doesn’t want our hearts shared with anybody. If we bare our hearts to the world, it will create another god for us. That which is in your heart is exclusive to God alone. Be careful who you bare your hearts to. You must guard your heart with all diligence because Satan also wants to control and get a hold of the core part of our being which is our hearts.

(James 4:4-10) You should be wary of the attack of the world on your heart because, if it breaks into your most holy place, you will become a total enemy of God. The Spirit of Christ lusteth to envy but giveth grace. The Lord resists the proud but giveth grace to the humble; the proud is the soul, the one who has taken the things of the world against the counsel of the Spirit. The proud soul is strengthened against the weakness of the spirit and goes for the preference or suggestion of the world instead and God resists him. 

Satan can never come close to the knowledge of God because God resists him. He can never apprehend the knowledge of God. Satan knows scriptures but he can never find the knowledge of God because there is something that resists him because of what is in him (satan).

It is the humble that will find help in the time of need (Hebrews 4:16). We need grace; we need mercy and grace but they can’t be found by he that is proud. If there is pride in our heart, the Lord will not hear us (Psalm 66:18)

(Psalm 73:4-19) The arrangement of the world to puff up men is to provoke us to esteem iniquity. There is a fury of hell against the church. Moses chose to rather suffer affliction with the children of Israel than enjoy the pleasures of Egypt – the pleasures of sin – for a season. One thing we must know is that all the pleasures around are for a season. We must love the reproach of Christ. We must learn to laugh at the devil for all he brings at us. He wants us to regard iniquity. Iniquity is very subtle.

The fact that you can believe God for your next meal is a blessing. Having to wait on the spirit, trusting God, there is a way it cultures your mind to believe the invisible. That training of faith trains you to see the invisible against the material. The dealings you are going through is a privileged position. The afflictions of Christ that surround our path is honourable. If there is a place that has not been dealt with, somewhere in the heart, we will be moved.

Until you submit to God, you won’t see where He wants you to come to. When you submit to God and resist the devil, you will begin to see where God is calling you to; there is a closer reach the soul can come into. God will move closer to you if you draw nigh unto Him. 

Mourning for God is beautiful, not mourning as the world does. It is a cry for salvation. It is a product of fear that is capable to deliver from death.

To come into rest, we must labour lest anyone fails of that grace of God. (Hebrews 12:15) You can’t enter into rest without grace; it takes the humble to receive grace. Anything that was not worked by the work of Christ is false. They have to uninstall pride which can resist God in our hearts and bring us to a place where we will be able to draw nigh unto Him and cling ourselves to receiving His grace (Hebrews 12:15-16).

The people in the wilderness did not just turn their back on God, they were angry and bitter against the way the Lord was dealing with them. They were bitter against Him because it looked as though God was not working out things for them.

Grace makes you above bitterness. Satan cannot call out bitter waters out of you because you have accessed grace. What grace does is to kill the root of bitterness; to prevent it from springing forth. If you don’t access grace, it can spring up and it might not even be immediately, it might be 10, 20 or 30 years of wilderness journey. 

(Hebrews 12:16) In this place where God is sharing His heritage, we must be careful of morsels of meat. We must be wary of things that will take us away from where inheritance is being given. Morsels of meat can appear in many forms, we must be wary of it; of that which will make you depart or make your heart stray away from the giving of heritage. 

We must not joke with the leading of the Spirit in this season. We must fight to hear and hear right and do and do well. The Lord will grant us judgement and discernment but we won’t come into judgment if we don’t pray well. It is the place of prayers that helps us to navigate and weigh. If we will be bearers of grace, we must have stayed in the place where the Lord can beat everything that can resist God away, to the place where we become so free and light to bend to every width and end that the Lord requires us to. The Lord has moved materials to the site and wants to start building.

1st Tongues & Interpretation

For you are occupying, even occupying a terrible position in the spirit, even a high place in the spirit. 

I say to you at this time, you all need to wait on your calling, you all need to wait on your calling, you are a minister, wait on your calling, as a drummer, wait on your calling. Wait, for we are sending a massive wave of the spirit, even a massive wave of the spirit, to bring you into the tutelage of your calling, even the tutelage of your calling, we are bringing a wave upon you for your calling. Do not say that it is only for the director, even the director of this department, you are all called to occupy this position in the spirit and you must not be found wanting in your calling. 

Pray that you succeed in my calling, pray that you carry my tabernacle well. Wait on your calling, you all have identities in the spirit, I know you by name, I know your position, I know you by your rank and I’m even demanding and requiring that you wait on your calling. You carry a great sacrifice for the body which is my choice. Wait and prosper in your calling, increase in your calling. It is a time for you to pray that your calling abounds more in the spirit of Christ. There is a grace that is supposed to land upon you at this time, a grace to harp the high praise of the Lord because you are the harpers of my calling.  

I say wait on my calling, this is a high calling in the spirit. I’m taking you into the high praise of God, whereby you will be able to lay down direction for the church, even direction for the assembly. You’re in a crucial place in the spirit whereby you can channel a direction for this assembly. I have changed your terrain in the spirit, you have come to the terrain of changing direction. I say to you, pray and wait on your calling. Pray, pray, pray, even that the spirit of morning light rest upon you and every one of you. Pray that the spirit of morning light rest upon you, for you are in a crucial place in the spirit, even a crucial place upon this assembly.

2nd Tongues & Interpretation

For there is an allocation for you in this season, even as a unit, there is an allocation for you this season. There is that which is packaged for you to use, even for you to come into, for there should be a change in your order of ministering, there should be a change in your order of worship. There is an allocation packaged for you in this season that you must grab, that you must use, that you must come into, that you must find grace to come into, so you need to pray. You need to pray that the season does not lift without you coming into that which has been packaged for you. 

For there is an allocation packaged for you to come into a higher dimension in your ministry, even to come to a higher plane in the spirit that even your worship may become purer and more acceptable in the spirit. You have an allocation in April, even in this season of prayer, even in this season of visitation. So pray, pray that every one of you might be a full partaker of that which has been prepared for you. 

3rd Tongues & Interpretation

Mercy, mercy, mercy, even mercy upon this assembly, even mercy to come into the knowledge of the Father. You need much mercy at this time to climax into the knowledge of the Father, you are at a threshold where you need mercy, even many mercies, to come into the knowledge of the Father, you need the mercy of the Lord.

It is a time whereby you need to cry out for mercy, to obtain mercy even to pull down the season that is upon this assembly. It is a time for you to cry out and hunger even for the mercy of the Lord, to bring down the season of the Lord that is upon this assembly. 

It is a time that you must not be found wanting, without doing anything in the spirit. It is time for all heads to gather together to pull the mercy of the Lord. It is the time when everyone has to carry out his own burden, gather together, lift up the banner of the assembly together with the set man. It is a time that you need mercy, even the mercy of the Lord to forge ahead at this time. At this time, you need to pray for mercy, you need to stay and pray until the Lord shows mercy upon this assembly. You are at a threshold whereby a season is about to break forth upon this assembly.

The season is gathering, even the season of knowing the Father, even the time of coming into the knowledge of the Father. It’s a time for everyone to lift the banner, even to lift up the burden of the Lord this season upon this assembly. For my mercy to come down, for the mercy of the Lord to come down. It is a time for the mercy of the Father upon this assembly.