30th of April, 2023 



TEXT:     Matthew 16:17-19, Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 10 


In our last lesson, we began by the grace of God, a new series on Church life. We were able to see origin of the church and how the church differs from every other gathering of people on the face of the earth. The study also outlined some of the core purpose of the Church being: 

  • For the full expression of God (Eph 1:22-23) 
  • A footstool of God (Matt 5:13-16, Matt 16:19) 
  • To show the wisdom of God to principalities and powers (Eph 3:10) 
  • The pillar and ground of truth (1 Tim 3:15) 
  • A ground for souls to be saved (Acts 2:47) 


One of the major issues we must understand properly to be able to have a proper church life is the authority bestowed on the Church by the Lord the owner of the Church. 

Men, governments, and the society at large do not understand the Church. Even new entrants into the church are still very much in the dark as to exactly what the Church is for. It is always viewed as a weak entity, and some see it as a tool for expression or avenue for gain. It is, however, God’s wisdom to make the Church look weak in the eyes of men, for the purpose of stilling the avenger. Jerusalem shall dwell like a city without walls, the glory of the Lord shall be her covering (Zech 2:4). Part of our erring in not discerning the Church is because we do not know the authority the Church has in the sight of God. 


The Lord is the Head of the Church. Authority rests on the Head, and the Church derives her authority from the Head. The husband is the head in a family, and by that stand, another authority is resting on him, the woman (wife) also shares in that authority that is resting on the husband. When the man is not around, the wife can act instead of the husband and her authority is not to be questioned. 

When Jesus rose from the dead, He said, “All authority in heaven and earth and beneath the earth has been given to me” (Matt 28:18). He became the Head of all things to the Church, that is to say, the Church has right of way to use the authority. The Lord also gave the disciples (who represented the Church), power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases (Lk 9:1). In Mark 16:17, the Lord said, “in my name shall ye cast out devils, speak with new tongues; nothing of the powers of the enemy shall hurt you”. When He said ‘in my name’, He meant ‘in my authority’, meaning that the Church has right of way to use the authority of Jesus Christ. 


  • The Church has power and authority over all the devils (Lk 9:1) 
  • The Church has power and authority over sicknesses and diseases (Mark 16:18)  
  • Whatever the Church binds on earth is recognized in heaven (Matt 18:18) 
  • Whatever the Church loses on earth is recognized in heaven, meaning that, what the Church allows is allowed by God, and what the Church disallows is disallowed by God (Matt 18:17-19). 
  • Within the Church is the key of the kingdom of heaven, meaning that, you cannot enter the kingdom without the Church granting you opening (Matt 16:19). 


  • The Authority of the Church Globally: This is speaking of the Body of Christ all over the world. The Church is one in the spirit, but located in different nations of the earth. Here we speak of authority of the universal Church covering the whole earth (Eph 5:23; Col 1:18). 
  • The Authority of the Church in Locations: This may be in cities, states, countries, etc. It defines the face of that particular church, e.g. the church in Laodicea, the church in Ephesus, etc. This describes the church in location as cities. Its authority covers where its located (Rev 2). 
  • The Authority of the Local Assembly or Sheepfold: We also find Paul in his epistles referring to the church in the house of ‘so and so’, here, it’s a localized setting. The Church has authority to act and execute the will of the Lord in her local setting (1Cor 16:19; Col 4:15; Matt 18:20). 

Note: The wisdom of localizing the Church is so that the Lord can walk amidst the candlesticks, which is the Church, that He might take pre-eminence. No one is heading the universal Church except the Lord. The Lord has placed subordinate heads over local church settings and even city settings, but these are subordinate to Him (Rev 1:12-20; 1Cor 12:28; Eph 4:7-12). 


In exercising authority, we must look at the two major spheres; the spiritual and the physical. Though the Church is a spiritual entity, we do not overlook the fact that she has a physical side; the souls in the Church have physical expressions, both sides must be brought to bear (Matt 16:19). We also find this wisdom in the epistles, not only paying attention on the spiritual reality but also in the same letter, addressing the physical. By God’s grace, we will discuss this more in our next lesson. 

Some of the ways by which the Church can exercises her authority are: 

  • Through Prayers: The church has audience with God like no other group of people on the face of the earth (John 14:13-14; 1John 5:14-15). The Lord is a perfect example; He prayed and God heard (Jn 11:41-42). Paul also said, ‘Pray for those in authority’,(1Tim2:1-2), meaning that our authority over human government can be expressed through prayer. 
  • Through the Word of God, i.e. declaring the Word of God: The Church is the place where the Lord speaks and declares his mind and His intentions, and we must speak as He does. 
  • Through Evangelism: Jesus said, ‘Go into the world and preach the good news’ (Matt 28 19-20). As we do so, we exercise authority over darkness that are in unbelievers. 

Expression of Church Authority over its Members (1Cor 12:27) 

The Church has authority over individual members of the Church. There is no individual member that is above the authority of the Church. This implies that you cannot just do as you wish. The Church limits you in many aspects. It is in keeping within the boundaries set by the head of the church, that each individual member is granted more access to the authority of the Church below: 

  • Authority to keep the Word of Truth is with the Church (1Tim 3:15) 
  • Authority to house and nurture the saints (Acts 20:28) 
  • Authority to keep the gates closed against wolves (Acts 20:29-31) 
  • Authority to discipline a brother or sister (1Cor 5:1-5) 
  • Authority to ex-communicate (1Cor 5:11-13) 


Many have usurped and taken advantage of the Church, only to their own detriment. Having not discerned the Church (His Body), many are sick, many die and some are weak. The Church is a holy ground and should be feared and respected because of the Lord, Her owner.