TEXT:  Isaiah 28: 8-10; 1st John 2:12-14: James 2:22-25; 2nd Corinthians 3:6 

By the Grace of God, in our last lesson, we looked at the definitions of precepts and lines and how they apply to us in the New Testament Era. We also looked at the different meal allocations in the gospel: what a babe in Christ is fed with, which is milk, then to the meat and the strong meat of the Word. We also looked briefly into the need to grow through the provisions of the allocation of the word of God available to us from babyhood to childhood to adulthood and the fatherhood stage of development. 

The Letter of the Word (2Cor 3:6, Rom 2:27-29, Jer 9:23-24) 

The learning and understanding of God transcend the reading of scriptures only (John 5:39).

The letter of the word speaks of that which is physically written in the scriptures. We can approach the Bible with a scientific/lettered/learned mind. Searching the scripture with the mind of letter and concluding that the scriptures contradict itself (2Pet 3:16). Staying on the letters of the word will limit our reasoning of who God is or what He wants (Col 1:9) Apostle Paul had to pray for the church at Colosse and Ephesus for them to move from letter to precepts (revelational knowledge). 

There are 3 steps of our progression in learning. 

1) Letters of the word (1Tim 4:13) – Apostle Paul instructed Timothy to give attendance to reading (to be present at the place of reading). It is very important as believers for us to give attendance to reading (2Tim 2:15, John 5:38-39, Is 8:20, Is 34:16, Acts 17:11). 

  1. Precepts 
  2. Lines 

These are the 3 stages we go through to completely inherit the life that is in the Christ, the Father and God. The foundation of Precepts is the letter of the word, while the foundation of lines are precepts. 

The Precepts of the Word (Is 28:10, Col 2:2, John 17:2-3) 

What are precepts? Precepts are revelational knowledge of the person of Christ and of the Father and of God (Col 2:2). Precepts are the orderly laying of the thoughts (knowledge) of God. Precepts are the arrangements of scriptures by the activity of the spirit of wisdom and revelation. Precepts are the revelation of the framework of the building for proper construction of the house (Heb 3:6, 1Cor 3:9), laying them accurately upon another (Eph 2:20-22, 1Cor 3:1011, Matt 16:18). 

Purpose of Precepts 

There is a need for the careful laying of the slabs of precepts/knowledge. The understanding of precepts helps us to clearly see the building, the frame, the stage of the building, and gives a clear understanding of our growth. The laying of the precepts of Christ (Faith, Hope and Charity) helps us to know our different phase in our journey (1Cor 3:1-3 Heb 5:12-14;6:1-2).  

Precepts (Tsav in Hebrew) means ordinance. There is an order of coming to God, Precepts are the clear laid steps to reach the persons of Christ, the Father and God. Precepts are also known as laws. When the laws of the life we want to inherit are clearly revealed then the soul can come to the place of cutting covenant (we cut covenant by the revealed laws). 


The precepts of the word, when properly laid, will guarantee the life that the Holy Scriptures is revealing. Any tilt outside that which has been laid will end up in another life. We will receive mercy to clearly see the precepts of the word and prosper in them well in this season. Amen.