Message: The Leading of the Great Shepherd

Date: 27th June, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan


1st Tongues and Interpretation

I open a door, I open a door.

I am here to take many for indeed I’m ready to gather souls and bring them closer to my abode.

I am a Father, I have come here to pick many many children.

I open, I open many doors.

For indeed there are yet many entrances, many many. 

I’m making many kinds many kinds of me, for I’ve been sent. I open.

2nd Tongues and Interpretation

I am a healing angel.

I am a healing angel.

I’m healing souls, I’m healing bodies, I am healing.

Message Begins

(Psalm 23:1-6, John 10:1-11) This is the journey of a soul till he comes into reward. Jesus is a door, a shepherd and also the good shepherd of the sheep. A shepherd is for leading the sheep and He needs to come in through the door. He will lead the sheep in and out and He goes before them, and they know His voice. If there is no door, there can be no shepherd.

To have graduated to shepherd, you must have gone through the door. If you don’t go through a door, you are a thief and a robber. A sheep will find pasture when he finds a shepherd. 

(John 10:5-9) The person that leads the sheep out is the shepherd. The reason why the sheep will be saved is that they will find the shepherd. You don’t find the shepherd if you have not gone through the door. You must know Jesus, the door. Jesus the door is also the Jesus that raised the shepherd. He is the entrance into the sheepfold. Without that door, the shepherd couldn’t have been raised.

The door is what trains a sheep to recognize the door of the shepherd. The learning of the sheep is also the learning of the shepherd; they speak the same language. Shepherding is in various strengths. 

(Psalm 23:1) This want in this passage is not limited to natural wants. It is centred around good things so that all who fear the Lord will never lack any good thing. There is a definition that the world has defined ‘good’ which is ‘evil’- this is because the world doesn’t know good. There is also a definition of good to a good man. 

Don’t be afraid as it is the desire of the Lord to give us the kingdom. We don’t know good but there is a good man that knows what is good. For an evil man, even his good is evil (Proverbs 12:10).

(Psalm 23:1) This want in this passage has its root in everlasting blessedness even though it can have characteristics of natural blessings. It may have the expression of natural things, but it is not that. 

(Psalm 23:2) “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.” They have to make us, because at this point we don’t know the value of pasture. We need a measure of food to be led. We can’t see the shepherd immediately we get born again. What He does is subject us to pastures for to eat. It is when a soul has eaten of good pastures that he can be led. 

(Psalm 23:3) “He leadeth me beside the still waters, He restoreth my soul.” There is the water of restoration to assemble us back into a people. There is a leading for that. Our soul has to be restored to be led. 

Our souls do not start receiving leading until it has been gathered as a people. Our spirits can be led, but to lead our soul, they will first lead our spirits to assemble us into a people. 

“He leadeth me in the path of righteousness for his name’s sake.” They are not leading us for our souls’ sake but for His name’s sake. There are pathways of righteousness. It is the soul that journeys in them that will receive the name. Sometimes, these pathways are not in green pastures, not as though we will not find pastures, but they might be in dry and arid land for His name’s sake.

(Psalm 23:4) The shepherd will go before and the sheep will follow because they hear his voice. But they are not making the sheep here, he is willing. A sheep will not normally go into the shadow of death. Because of name, it may be necessary to go through dry places to find what heaven wants us to find. Egypt was necessary for the Israelites journey: God needed that testimony as a memorial for His name.

“Thy rod and your staff they comfort me.” It is the sorority in the rod and staff that gave birth to the Urim and Thurim. That rod is a terrible instrument of judgment. One of the essences of the rod and staff is to teach the sheep judgment.

When we are being led for restoration of our souls, to gather back from the counties wherein we have been scattered, the dealing is different. But when we are led because of the name, the table is different and this is where the good shepherd comes in. We will not see the good shepherd until we come to this realm. We can’t know the good shepherd when we get born again because we don’t even know evil or our enemies.

(John 10:12) The hireling is the opposite of the good shepherd. He can come through the door; he is a hired shepherd. The sheep are not just what this good shepherd leads but they are His own; He is leading them to become His own. Hirelings cannot lay down their life for the sheep. Wolf is an immature lion; the stature of the adversary is that of a lion and bear, and it has spots like a leopard. David at age 17, he could face the bear and the lion for the sake of the sheep.

The shepherd whose sheep are his own has become good. When Jesus laid His life down, He became a good shepherd. You don’t see the ministry of the good shepherd at the beginning of your journey. There is something a shepherd lays down that makes him good. When the sheep eats the produce of their life, the sheep also becomes good. 

“Thou preparest a table before me on the presence of mine enemies”. This is because of oil. The table is the Lord’s flesh and blood. Sheep like green pastures but don’t like flesh and blood. But as a reason of age, he can eat flesh. 

The nature of the Father is ‘lambish’ but also ‘lionish.’ When some things begin to be uttered, you know that the Father is around because it is only the Father that can bring them forth. 

We have been taught to pray in the name of Jesus, but there is a greater name. When we stand and have received that name, nothing will be denied. Nothing will be denied the holders and the ones who have received the seal of the name.

When a lion roars, it is a form of thundering and it pertains to the opening of seals to the matters of life everlasting.

Satan is not just a thief and a robber, he is also a hireling. Sheep do not stand the risk of thieves and robbers because they will not hear that voice. There are operations of darkness we are higher than because of sheep leading, but there is also another operation.

The wolf wants to scatter the sheep. The oneness and gathering of sheep are tied to their inheritance. Without gathering, they can’t come into the inheritance. Wolves and hirelings scatter the flock. They are operations of Satan that the sheep must be acquainted with because that is the operation of Babylon. ‘Scatter sheep’ is a word that can come into a sheepfold and can shake them till they lose name and identity.

(John 10:7-10) There is a door of the sheep and there is a door to the sheepfold. The door of the sheep and the door to the sheepfold are two different doors. You pass through the door of the sheep many times to get established. Then, another door will be set before you where when you come in, you can’t go out.

(Revelations 3:8) The word of the Father is living and abiding. We will become living. The shepherd will lead us into living pastures, rivers of living waters and we receive the name. There is a door for abiding. It is only abiding entities that embody ‘the name of my God and the name of the city of my God.’ 

We have to come into the ministry of the shepherd for his namesake; the Lord is this shepherd. He won’t lead us directly, but would lead us first in green pastures and then in the path of righteousness.

The oil is a blessing of abiding. The Lord wants us to come into the abiding priesthood.

Abundant life is many layers of life. It is different from everlasting and eternal life. When we abound in life, we come into everlasting life but they are intrinsically different. We must incline our hearts to come into the everlasting lot, then we would be coronated. We must incline our hearts to the shepherd of Israel so as to bring us into the courts of the Lord. 

We need to abound in life to hold everlasting things. We must not joke with the shepherd role of our Lord Jesus.