Date: 11th April, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan

(Titus 1:1-5) The promise of God is eternal life and that is the sole hope of the church. Everything that is done in the church is towards that end, not just in doctrine, but also in structure. Everything about the church is arranged towards eternal life. It is not only the doctrine that is towards eternal life, the whole life and framework of the church is arranged for eternal life. A person cannot take an earthly structure and put the word of eternal life there; it won’t survive because the church is not just an organization, it is a spiritual body.

The church is spiritual and arranged against a wisdom, an enemy. It is not by people’s creativity or intuitiveness, but by the spirit. When a church or local assembly is birthed, there is a need for wisdom to navigate into the structure of the spirit, both in outlook and in doctrine because you can’t truly bear Word. The degree of the word that every local assembly will be able to bear will depend on how aligned the church is in the spirit.

(Exodus18:1-20) (Acts 6) A church can seem to have a word but when they fail in structure, Word terminates. This is why Satan doesn’t only fight the word, he also fights structures. There are things that much be set in order. The church is a spiritual entity that is crafted in the wisdom of God and we must know how God laid the fabrics of the church so we can war against spirits. 

Satan has cascaded his operations to the grassroots level. The governance of the kingdom of darkness is at several levels. You don’t know a man until you know him personally. Even God doesn’t know you, He has to search the heart and try the reins. God, in the program of eternal life, does not just conclude that we are saved because there are multi-level deliverances. 

Satan has arranged structures down. He tampers with the lives of men by the use of wicked spirits. The decisions we make and think are ordinary are far-reaching than you think, especially when they are not submitted to God. Sometimes by your own judgement, you feel you have checked it and it’s okay, but safety is important. 

Submission and alignment to authority is one key place where Satan cheats us. Truth is not afraid to be tested. Once a thought or impression is afraid to be judged, check it again. One way to catch Satan is the fear of submission. The church is arranged for our salvation. We must stay within our boundaries of authority in Christ. We are arranged according to our hierarchy in the spirit. We must stay at our level until they move us. To stay within the place where the Lord has given you authority is faithfulness. 

We ought to be sound, but we can’t be sound if we don’t submit ourselves to structures and teachings at several levels. If the multi-level arrangement operation does not happen in the church, the angel of the church will not be able to move us on to things everlasting. 

To move on to things everlasting is not difficult, but the things we are leaving must be attended to. There are multi-levels where these things are supposed to be taught. So, they can be constantly remembered and can keep walking into new frontiers in the spirit. But if those things are unattended to, new things won’t open up or the things that have opened up will get corrupted at the base, and satan will begin to take advantage of people at the fringes. 

For us to advance in light, there must be a multi-level system, else, some truth will go into oblivion. The quantum of things that have been opened to the church is voluminous and the things that are not held steadfastly, we can easily let them slip. If some things are not held properly, we won’t be able to open light at the places where it ought to be opened. If we are to progress in light, we must discern how the church is woven. The secret to word is alignment to spirits in order, otherwise, word will never grow. 

There is a structure of wickedness designed against the church and right from the church in the wilderness, one of the things that Satan attacked was the elders because they were not established in the word. When God was coming, their hearts were not prepared to receive God. When Satan got into that system, Israel perished and wasted away. 

We must hold fast things that have been and also connecting the things that are being revealed, such that nothing is lost. No matter how big a church is, every soul must be accounted for and be accountable to someone. That is how churches pass into life. Everybody must be known; anything that does not make you feel at home or comfortable amidst the brethren or in the church is Satan; that which doesn’t make you open up with sincerity of the heart is Satan. It is in the midst of brethren that feigned faith and fringed love is exposed. 

The community life is God’s wisdom and design for prosperity in the word of eternal life. Once that system is weakened, the church will be weakened. To be established in doctrine is very tough, it is not easy. It takes labour (Acts 20:17-31). There are works to be done. This system is arranged by God to make sure we are stable to the roots. You can’t grow well outside of the church. 

The wisdom that crafted the church must be discerned and aligned with. We need to have fear, but we need the knowledge to have fear and reverence. Learn to stay at your level until the Lord raises you, this is a show of faithfulness. Discern church, there are spirits that want to jeopardize our faith and we have to be careful about it.

Anything that cannot endure sound doctrine and the atmosphere of the spirit is an enemy of progress, let it go! Anything that can’t survive the spirit must not survive. There must be no provision for the flesh. We must stay and endure sound doctrine until everything flesh is expired and only Christ and the Father is seen in us.