Message (Pastor Laide)

If you are a believer, you have come in contact with something more than ordinary, you shouldn’t behave like ordinary men. (1 Corinthians 3:1- 3) If Paul said, “you walk as men…”, that means believers are ordinary. What you have been brought into as a believer is not a conversation of men. What you’ve been brought into by the reason of new birth in Christ Jesus is not an ordinary thing. To live like every other person is in contravention to the oath of your being.

The world is carnal in judgment. There is a mind that satan has cultured in men regarding the Word of God that makes men speak ill of the workings of God. And sometimes, the world’s definition of being out of place is that you’re a poor, haggard person. Satan’s definition of who a Christian should be is to be a “haggard man, or miserable man”. That is not the definition of our Lord. One characteristic of our sufferings as believers is the joy of the Lord. Joy for us is not our external state but what we have found in the Word of God. The definition of our life is that we don’t live for what the world lives by or by their principles. 

(Ephesians 4:17-18) There is something that governs the gentiles (unbelievers): the vanity of their mind. They live for vain things, and the essence of their life itself is vain. There is something that makes our life worthwhile than a gentile’s life. The reason for our living is beyond this place. This doesn’t mean that our focus should be going to heaven. But, the Bible says our conversation is in heaven. Our life expression, the manner of our life is heavenly (Philippians 3:20).

(Matthew 6:32-34) The gentiles are always concerned about what they’ll eat, drink and what they’ll be clothed with. There are food and garments in different directions. The basic needs of man: food, clothing, shelter. But one of the secondary needs: education. Education comes in because after eating real food, your mind must be fed. Feeding in the natural is more than what a man puts in his mouth, but what he also puts in his mind. Like feeding, there is no end to learning. We keep learning to stay relevant. It also extends to wearing garments. Chasing after natural things have garments. When scriptures said “don’t be concerned about what you eat, what you drink…:” it is because, all these things have garments. Gentiles are more mindful about what they wear. A person is much more than the cloth he’s worn externally. Their soul also wears ‘clothes’. The kind of food you take in determines the texture of your skin. What we take in determines our garment.

(1 Samuel 16:6-12) David was a shepherd, carrying the sheep upon his shoulders. The way David smelt like sheep because of his proximity to the sheep is how our Lord smells like the church because we are His sheep. To despise the church is to despise God and Christ the Shepherd. There’s a garment that David was wearing that in spite of all the shepherd stench, the Lord loved it. 

(Ephesians 4:18) One thing about the gentile life is that gentiles are blind and they live in vanity. There is something about the knowledge of God that they don’t desire. 

In the pursuit of relevance, a soul tries to amass things because without it, he feels naked, he feels unclothed. As a believer, it’s an aberration for you to come to church and feel inferior.

There is a wearing that people wear externally that makes them feel inferior, but God doesn’t care about it. The definition of a man that’s suffering is a man that doesn’t have GOD. There is nothing comely about our lives in the external. Regardless of the situation, if God can be in it with you, then you’re not suffering. You can be in a palace and be suffering because there is chaos, anarchy etc… Do you know how precious it is to be free of anarchy, chaos, etc? 

There’s something about the life of the believer. There’s something that he has, something that he’s been adorned with, something that he’s bequeathed with. There is something peculiar about the life of a believer who is in Christ Jesus and is being cultured after faith. 

No matter your economic state, you’re identified as a  believer in the spirit. (Act 3:5-10) Many of us don’t know what we have in Jesus. We complain of everything we don’t have but never appreciate what we have. 

In economics, human wants are insatiable – there will always be something that you’ll want. There is something that the soul of man craves, and that craving is the craving of God that nothing can fill. 

Consider Solomon. There was nothing under the heavens that was hidden from him. Everything is vanity upon vanity. There is something you have that the world is in need of. There is something you have that God has given to you that is meant to stem into everything. And satan will fight tooth and nail that you don’t get it. 

What did the disciples have? It wasn’t healing anointing and ability to preach, but, John in the spirit saw that they had been given something. That thing is more precious than gold, earth and everything that is in creation. If only you knew the worth of what has been given to you, you will not cry for what you don’t have.

Some people cry because of afflictions, lack, failure. But, you’re a believer. Do you know what has been given to you? If only you knew what has been given to you as a believer, you’d wipe your tears, stand up and walk confidently. Because you know you have everything and anything you need. 

Eni to ba ni Oloun ni oun gbogbo: a person that doesn’t have God has nothing. The person that has Him, has everything. It is the pains of denial that satan uses to torment us. If you see a man turn from faith, relinquishing the things he has come into in Jesus, then it is because of pain. Those thoughts, when Satan succeeds in painting them on our minds and prevails, it will make a man look for other means and solutions. (Ephesians 4:18) It is not the working of GOD, but ignorance that makes men turn.

(Isaiah 59:1-3 )Every believer needs to come to the persuasion of what the Lord has done in the new birth. Without that conviction, storms will come and hit hard. It is a foundation problem, it is not a building problem. Your building must have been raised but the problem is a foundation problem.

When little things of life offset a man, then he didn’t drink milk well. He quits because of failure in low things. The things that make him sad are things that he has been assured of in the scripture.

You cannot succeed in the advanced things if you’ve not been grounded in the basics. That’s why the Lord often comes back to the basics, to renew our foundation.”Trust in the Lord with all your hearts…” (Proverbs 3:5-6). Can you trust in the Lord with all your heart? Not some or part.. with all. Even when life doesn’t make sense. A person who doesn’t know it will not be able to walk in the word of righteousness. A heart must be trained to trust the Lord, that’s why the beginning of faith is believing. We were told about the birth, resurrection and death of Jesus and we believed. If we can believe this, we can believe the whole gospel. If we can believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, then we can believe the whole gospel. Don’t let satan tell you that this message is too high for you to believe (Galatians 3:1).You can believe for everything – healing, growth, learning of Christ, things of the Father etc. 

God did a work in us, and it’s going to be the sealing of the foundation upon which every other thing that is in faith will be built upon. Everything that Jesus did, He did in His Father’s name. Jesus didn’t live His life on earth in His name. He lived with a higher name. But when He was about to go He said ,”if you ask anything in my name…” He gave it to the disciples and they used it for a while. Until Paul came and showed them the name, CHRIST.

(John 20:29) Be wise in your journey, you must understand patterns. God will give us wisdom. 

Whenever men say nothing good will come out of you, you lean on the power of Christ, not to show men, but to trust God. There is a greater life in the Son of God and we must come into that. We must find grace to come into it. We must believe. 

(Luke 1: 1-4, 1&4) The gospel and the epistles are a compendium of things that are most surely believed among the church. Most surely believed, that is, the very fabric of our conversation. If you see any Jew that doesn’t believe, then he is not a Jew, That is the origin of their nation hood. There is a sojourn of the people of God in Egypt and how God delivered them. It is the story of the Hebrews. If you see anyone that doesn’t believe this, he/she is not a Jew.

Rooted in the writing of Jesus, is the desire for you to come into CERTAINTY. The scripture is enough for a man to believe. What is written there is sufficient for any soul to come to understanding (Luke 16:27-31).

If you read scriptures and you don’t come out with a conviction, you’ve just defeated the purpose for the writing of it. Everything that God needs you to come to faith is in the scriptures. God will not do less or more. 

What do you believe when you read the scriptures? What conclusion do you come to when you read the scriptures?

There are treasures in the Word.There is power much more than we think or can ever understand in the Word. If God can get 10, 20, 50 people who can believe in the Word of God for what it is, things will change. (1 Timothy 1:4) If you see failure in understanding, it’s because we’ve not dared to believe God’s Word for what it is. 

If you see people who believe God’s word, they’ll stay in the place of love, they’ll be forgiving and caring. They’ll be broken and would stay in the place of prayer.

Failure to believe the word of GOD is what makes us dull. (Hebrews 11:3) Can we believe what the word of GOD is saying? Can we dare to believe? Can we dare to cast our lives on it? (Luke 24:25 Proverbs 3:5-6) Don’t lean on your own understanding, in all your ways trust Him and He will direct your path. (Psalms 16:10 Proverbs 4:18)

Everytime we believe, we make the power of Jesus come alive. Can God get a harvest of men who believe what the word of God is? The foolishness of God is wiser than man even when we don’t understand. Believing even when it doesn’t make sense, believe. 

Whatever level we are, can we believe what the word of God is saying? Can we dare to believe? Trust the Lord with all your heart.

Tongues and Interpretation

For this reason the son of man has come so that He can destroy every work of satan. I’m breaking barriers, old natures, so that He can break oath nature that you have covenanted by walk. Repenting them back to Jesus. I’m breaking the world of Satan even upon souls. I’m breaking the work of Satan. I’m breaking them. I’m visiting your nature. The son of man was slain that He might destroy genes. I will come and dwell in you. Even the core of your being. It is a season of total turnaround. It is a season that all of you will turn. There is no place I can’t reach in you. I created you. I’m remitting them back to myself. I knew you before I created you. I’m bringing you back to myself. You will cry out to me, you will seek me. You were created by me and for me.