30th of October, 2022. 

TEXT:   Romans 13 vs 1-3; Hebrews 13 vs 7,17; 1Thessalonians 5 vs 12-13 


By God’s grace, in our last lesson, we learnt that when God begins to immerse a saint into the subject of the leading of the Spirit, He creates circumstances within and around us which are conducive for us to learn the teachings of Christ/Everlasting Life and atimes, allows for Satan and his cohorts to tempt and trouble us. We further were helped by God to stress that there are striking differences between the dealings of God and the oppression of the enemy. A believer would not be able to discern these differences if such is not well grounded in the testimony of God’s faithfulness and knowledge of our fundamental spiritual rights as believers. Submitting to Spiritual Authority vis-a-vis Subjective Leadings of the Spirit of God 

The series on the “Subjective Leadings of the Spirit of God” would not be complete without considering the angle of being subject to Spiritual Authority as an expression of the subjective leadings of the Spirit of God. Like almost every subject/theme in the scripture, when light and understanding is low or not available on a matter, Satan and fallen spirits prey on the ignorance of God’s people, causing damage and destroying lives! 

Some facts about submitting to Spiritual Authority that is worthy of note for our ingestion: 

  1. We are expected and arranged by the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit to be “subject (through being subjected) to the leadings of the Spirit of God (Deuteronomy 8 vs 2-3). This is done by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself through the Holy Ghost, for our soul salvation. Nowhere in the New Testament are we told that Spiritual Authority are meant to subject a Sheep/Saint, not one. What the scripture says, rather, is that God’s people should submit themselves to Spiritual Authority (Hebrew 13 vs 7,17). The thing worthy of note is that God’s people are the ones WHO SHOULD SUBMIT! What this means is that, as a Child of God, no Spiritual Authority is meant to rule our spirits, we are the ones that are meant to obey, and if we choose not to obey, we would miss out on the blessings/rewards of obedience (Isaiah 1 vs 19; Hebrews 5 vs 9). 
  2. It is Gentilic for any form of Leadership/Authority in God’s house to subject a saint to a path or way that such saint does not have a witness concerning their spirits (Romans 13 vs 1-3; Luke 22 vs 25-26; Mark 10 vs 42 -44). It is the wisdom and manner of the world to subject their followers or those they lead but it is not so in God’s house! Amen. Even in marriage where the wife is told to be subject unto her own husband as the church is subject unto Christ (Ephesians 5 vs 24; 1 Peter 3 vs 1,5) The husband is not told to subject his wife, rather, he is told to love. Why is this so? Because the wife is told to subject herself! Subjecting people, which definitely will be against their will, is not of God. 

Submission (not subjection) to Spiritual Authority; an expression of Subjective Leadings of The Spirit of God 

When we submit to Spiritual Authority, we are in a manner being subject to the leadings of the Holy Spirit of God. This is so weighty and fearful that there are great consequences for those whom themselves stand in a place of Spiritual Authority (Hebrews 13 vs 17; James 3 vs 1).  

The truth is that there, and should not be any joy in being a Spiritual Authority in any manner because of the weight behind it. Spiritual Authorities are ‘Men’ that the Lord Jesus Christ has led and put graces on for to both lead by their lives, teachings and oversight. They are “mini- Christs” that the Lord Jesus Christ put in the Church for the raising, and edifying of the Body of Christ (Ephesians 4 vs 7-11; Hebrews 13 vs 7). 

Who is A Spiritual Authority according to God’s Word? (Hebrews 13 vs 7,17; 1 Thessalonians 5 vs 12 -13) 

A Spiritual Authority or Shepherd that a sheep (soul) should be accountable to is a minister of God, who occupies one of the fivefold ministries (Ephesians 4 vs 11), and one whom the Lord has specifically set over a particular Sheepfold/Church/Work (Acts 20 vs 28). One whose walk and work of faith points the sheep/saint towards becoming more like Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5 vs 12-13; Hebrews 13 vs 7). 

All of the above criteria are MUST for One Who must be An Authority that Souls must submit Their lives to. 

A Spiritual Authority according to God’s Word is not just one who can preach and/or teach the Word, neither is he one who got you born again into the Faith! Also, a spiritual authority is not someone that you share your issues with and who counsels you. Scriptures unambiguously gave clear cut definitions of who a Spiritual Authority is and we will look some into it. 

According to the wisdom of God through the Apostle Paul, an Authority in God’s house is: 

  1. One who provides pasture/God’s word for the Soul of God’s people/sheepfold (Hebrews 13 vs 7; Psalms 23 vs 1-2). Because you need the rod of God’s word to measure out rule over God’s people. 
  2. One who leads/points out direction or guides the Sheepfold (or God’s people) in what direction to go, both direction in the word and other areas of the lives of the sheep. 
  3. One whose work and walk of Faith/Conversation is in alignment with the lifestyle prescribed and hewn out for us as Saints by the Gospel (1 Thessalonians 5 vs 12-13; Philippians 3 vs 17-20). The wisdom of the scriptures admonishes that one who ought to be submitted to (though not perfect), must have a work and walk that is and should be an example for the Saints.