Season of the Spirit (21/02/2021)
Pastor Laide Olaniyan (Exhortation)
(Psalm 23:1-6) This psalm is a psalm of redemption and it typifies the journey of a soul to a
point where it abides. At the end of that journey, the soul will come into a dwelling in God’s
house forever (John 14:2-3). The essence of Jesus going to his Father is so that He can come
to dwell forever. But that forever dwelling does not happen automatically. It is a course. It is a
(Psalm 23:1)‘The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want’ – This wanting is not lack in the natural,
it is not lacking good things. Good things are not high-end physical things, but rather things that
pertain to godliness. The shepherding of the lord is to bring us into places and provisions for the
prosperity of souls.
The lord can deny you things in the natural for the utmost and better good so that a soul can
gain life. He can lead in a path where abundance doesn’t come. That life does not look like a life
that has good – that has been led in goodness. But when God is shepherding a life, that soul will
not want.
(Psalm 23: 2) ‘He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside the still
waters’. Green pastures, still waters, are both leadings that are for the restoration of a soul
because there are pastures and meals the Lord serves to restore a soul enabling it to walk into
things that the Lord has prepared.
Restoration of the soul is not the fullness of the provisions of God, but a soul has to be restored
first for it to be able to enter into further meals of the spirit. Your soul has to be restored for you
to enter into a further meal.
Righteousness has its paths. We will not come into the fullness of the way of the Lord if we have
not been led in paths of righteousness.
(Psalm 23:4) ‘Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil’.
This evil is not the evil of spiritual wickedness in high places. This evil is still at the low pedigree

of the rulers of the darkness of this world. ‘I will fear no evil’- this means I will not be afraid of
what the world teaches men to be afraid of.
Walking in the course of righteousness expires the fears of this world. It is not just a declaration,
it is a leading in paths of righteousness that expires the fear. At the end of the walk of
righteousness, the fear which this world extols has been expunged from the heart. We would
have been tampered with on the inside to expire things inside of us.

‘Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me’. This comfort is for people who have done Christ. It is a
comfort through all tribulations, in preparation for something.
After we have been led in green pastures and have been led beside the still waters and our soul
has been restored, and have been led in the path of righteousness for His namesake, His rod
and His staff now prepare another table in the presence of our enemies.
(Hebrews 1) This table is a table that teaches you to love righteousness; it is a table that
teaches to hate wickedness. This table is prepared in the midst of enemies. We must eat this
table in the midst of warfare – ‘before mine enemies’.
This table is prepared in the midst of enemies. We must eat this table in the midst of warfare.
For your head to be anointed with oil. The meals that heaven will serve us at this time is not
going to be at ease. You cannot partake of the meals heaven is giving us this season and feel
that it’s going to be at your convenience.
There will be battles on the right and warfare on the left. A resolution has to be worked in our
heart that we will partake of this table no matter the cost or what comes our way; no matter what
satan brings against us, no matter what spirits throw at us. This table, we will eat it and finish it
because we will be taught the love for righteousness and hatred for wickedness.
Satan doesn’t want us to understand what wickedness is, he doesn’t want us to breakthrough or
be free. It is a test of hearts, that is why the Lord will permit it. Our enemies were not there when
we were being led to green pastures and beside the still waters. All that while, there was no
trouble. (Psalm 23:2) It is when believers are getting it right that the terror of spirits is unleashed
upon them. They want to dissuade us.

That table will teach us love for righteousness; we will come to love righteousness, not just the
righteousness in Christ, there is an everlasting righteousness. When the Lord is bringing a soul
and shepherding us through green pastures, He has a destination in mind. Green pastures, still
waters are still outside of the house, we’re being brought to a place where we will dwell forever.
When you are being led through paths of righteousness or valleys of shadows of death, you’re
being brought closer home. You are finding the path that leads to the abiding place: the Father’s
house. It is inside the Father’s house that a table is prepared for you.
In the places wherein we are not properly seated, satan will come to cheat us. If we will come to
the place where we will abide, the Lord would have cultured us through several paths.
We must fight to eat these meals the Lord is bringing to us; fight to receive it. Don’t mind the
distractions, don’t mind inconveniences, no matter what is happening externally or internally,
silence it to eat this food.

Pastor Moses Omokhafe (Exhortation)
(Matthew 10:40-41) A prophet’s reward is not what we receive when they pray for us or bless
us, the reward of a prophet is Eternal Life. The prophet is a bearer of the seed of that life. A
prophet according to the New Testament is not a man that prophesies or does foretelling. There
is a commission of a prophet. The prophet is commissioned; he is the sent one, he is an
When you receive a prophet, you’re receiving that which has been given to him to deliver; what
a prophet comes to deliver is what you get. Because he is a prophet, it is not something he
manufactured. It is what is given to him by another who is higher, to deliver to the people. When
you receive that prophet, you receive the reward: eternal life.
The Lord can send a minister again and again. It is left for the people he is sent to, to discern

Rev. Kayode Oyegoke (Message)

The Father’s blessing is a vast study in the scripture that the Body of Christ is unaware of. It is
hidden and at the same time, the Body has not done justice to Christ because if you don’t see
Christ you won’t see the Father.
Jesus at age 12 was the first one to call God, Father. No one had ever addressed God by this
name before in the Bible. The name was strange to mankind. (Luke 2:48-50) They didn’t
understand Jesus because they never saw God as a Father. They didn’t understand that He
was referring to the Father that brought the message to Mary. His mother didn’t give birth to Him
through human biology; the HolySpirit intervened in her biology to birth Jesus.
He called God, Father. At that age, his mother would not have told Him that He’s from God.
Mary would have told Jesus that He was from God around the age of 18.
Jesus came through a parent to show us He is among earthly citizens. It was during the census
period that Jesus was born, when the earth was being numbered. A Caesar of the earth, an
emperor of Rome that the whole earth was under, wanted the earth numbered.
Jesus has an earthly origin through a father but that father was not involved in planting a seed in
His mother. That Father was a foster father. He stood in for Jesus to cover Him so that Jesus
can have an earthly identity. Joseph would be called a good man. He paid a price.
Jesus is the first person in the scriptures that called God, Father. If Jesus did so in the days of
His flesh when He was not fully developed as Christ, and God began to show up as the Father,
then, there’s an eager yearning in God to be known as a Father. God has affection and a
yearning and it is the Father’s need.
There is a programming in the Father that waits for a response. You can stimulate your dad.
There’s a way you can get your Father’s attention. There’s a way you can touch your Father
who is in heaven, even though he is a Spirit; there are rules, routes, keys and buttons you can
press to get your Heavenly Father. There is a heavenly being called our Father and from ages
past, that yearning had been on the inside of our Father. He has so much passion stored on the
inside of Him to be known as a Father.
We don’t have the stature yet to talk to Him but He made a way in Jesus; a pathway that is a
free gift. Even an unbeliever can touch His Fatherhood; God hears even those with satanic

nature. God is not wicked; He doesn’t answer the prayers of unbelievers, but He reaches them.
They may not enjoy the full privilege of being born again and many are blind and don’t even
know how to reach Him but God is compassionate. He would send help to make sure the road
to Him is through.
The Father is the issue; He is the face behind the mask. He is the architect of everything, not
Jesus. Jesus came to help Him; it wasn’t Jesus who ‘so loved the world’. It was the Father who
so loved the world and sent Jesus. He is the one behind Jesus. When Jesus came on earth, He
was with Him, monitoring Him.
The Father is the one behind it all. He is the architect and designer of all; He is the drawer of the
programme of redemption. It was His wisdom that birthed everything: this vision, this dream.
The Father was the one who sent Jesus; He sent Angel Gabriel to Mary. He sent Jesus here
and taught Him how to grow, and how to reach Him. He told Jesus to lay down His life for us.
How can a Father give His own son to people who don’t even know Him? We were not looking
for Him, He came to look for us. We were estranged from Him, yet He came as a friend in the
gospel, Jesus kept mentioning His Father. There is hardly a chapter that He didn’t mention His
Father. He did nothing outside His Father which means this Father is reliable. Our Father in
heaven is reliable; you can rely and rest on Him.
Jesus was always trusting God but there was a challenge for Jesus to trust God more. His
Father told Him to go to the Cross and He wouldn’t be there with Him. This was Jesus’ biggest
challenge to trust God more. He had to trust God even in the dark regions and deepest parts of
hell. Jesus was thrown into the bottomless pit. If Jesus never developed trust in the Father from
childhood, He wouldn’t have trusted God at that point.
(Romans 6: 4) When Jesus went to hell, the Father didn’t send anyone to get His son, He went
in all of His glory. This means the Father can follow us anywhere. If the Father can follow Jesus
to hell, He can follow us anywhere. If you decide to leave, Elohim would follow you.
The issue of the Father is a mysterious thing. He wants us to be like Him. The end of knowing
the Father is that we should come to be like Him. What God is opening up to us now, He has
bore witnesses in people’s heart. Something made Jesus so powerful. Jesus knew secrets that
men did not know. He knew things that the ordinary eye wasn’t seeing. The Father took time to
raise Jesus. The Father taught Jesus well.

(Matthew 11:25) A babe is more of a suckling, helpless, something you carry. A babe is
extremely pure, blameless, holy. The Father is the highest babe. Because He is a babe, He
won’t reveal Himself unless to someone that is like Him. A babe will respond to Him. The things
He will communicate to the babe, if He gives it to the wise, they won’t take it because they are
foolishness to them. A babe is he who can receive things that are foolish to the wise men.
(Matthew 11:27) The Son of God is more than Christ; He is a Father. He is one who has known
the Father and has become the Father.
(Colossians 2:1-3) You can’t know all about Christ and say you know all about God. When you
know Christ, the advantage of becoming Christ is ‘what you know is what you become’. When
you know Christ, you become Christ. That doesn’t mean you know the Father but that Christ
state will give you the stand and the ability to know the Father. Jesus just wasn’t an ordinary
Son, He was a Son and a Father. The Father has an identity in that sphere as a Father; Jesus
has come to know Him and He will reveal the Father to whomsoever He will reveal Him. If Jesus
is not willing for you to know the Father, you can’t know the Father.
The Father can come and talk to you and say some things but He will not reveal Himself. In the
New Testament, it was Jesus that revealed the Father. These are laws in the spirit that will give
us guidance. The Holy Ghost will teach you Christ through the authority of the Father. You can’t
know the Father directly; it is illegal and unlawful.
The Father can only be known by one person. Even if you seem to have had an encounter with
God’s throne, that doesn’t mean you know the Father. You don’t know Him by encounter, you
know Him by dealings. The Father gave Jesus all things. He gave it to know Him and He won’t
give it to anyone anymore. He only gave it to one man, that is the owner. Jesus is the owner of
all things right now.
There are things the Father has and there are things the Father are. The Father has things
more than his Fatherhood (Colossians 2:2). In the gospel, Jesus often calls on the Father, not
God. When Jesus is praying to Him, He doesn’t pray to Him as God but as the Father. There’s a
way the disciples called the Father but not like Jesus. They’re not relating with the Father at the
same level and frequency – Jesus has more.

Christ, Father and God are the mysteries of the New Testament. Christ is the stature of a Son.
To know the Father is another dimension of the stature of the Son. Christ as the Son of God;
Christ who knows the Father as a Son of God at a higher dimension. If all we know is the
mystery of Christ, we are God’s sons at a level; lower sons. Jesus Christ was more than being
Christ. He went on to become the Son of God
(Matthew 16) The title ‘Living God’ is the name of the Father. In the spirit, when it is said that
somebody lives or is living, someone is walking or moving. The Living God is the moving God.
There is a realm of God where He lives. Anytime God is moving, He is walking, He is working.
The living God is not exposed until He has someone to train. If He tells anyone to live, He wants
to give them life and teach them how to live.
God quickeneth the dead. Abraham was dead but God made him live. The gospel He preached
to Abraham was to quicken him, to give him life. It will take a man that is alive to God to go and
kill his only son. He didn’t give Abraham that instruction when He first met him. Before He gave
the child to Abraham, the child had lived so that the child won’t be a hindrance to him. Abraham
was able to obey God’s instruction to kill his son because Abraham had life. Isaac had life.
Anything that has life, moves. Anything moving lives or has life and anything that has life moves.
The living God is a moving God, the God who moves. But then we have the God who rests; the
God that doesn’t shift, the God who sits on the throne, the God who abides.
God walks. Movement in God’s realm is not someone who is just walking around. When He is
walking, He is living and when He is living, He can give you life when you’re dead. God
quickened Abraham, He gave Him life and taught Him to walk.
When you’re living by faith, He is giving you life. He is quickening you. It is written, ‘the just shall
live by faith’: When you have faith, you’re being quickened. Abraham became a Father by being
quickened. Fathers are made through quickening. Abraham was already dead but God raised
him to life and blessed him. That’s how to bless. To really bless a person is to give him the
opportunity to live, not just to be Christ but to be a Father.
When you have life alone, then you are Christ but when you have more than life, you become a
father. Jesus wasn’t given all things at age 12. They gave Him things He can access to call the

Father in a dimension. There are things you can give to a man to make him understand. He has
them and understands them; these things are his things. We own things by understanding.
There is another level where we can inherit it. God can give you things and it can go away;
Satan can make you reject them.
The Son is both Christ and He who has known what the Father has; Christ the son of the living
God. Christ coming into fatherhood is Christ receiving the blessing. Every Christ should go on to
receive fatherly things. (Galatians 3:13-14, 26-27) All of us are children of God by faith in Christ
Jesus. For as many of us that have been baptized in Christ have put on Christ. You need to put
on Christ in your soul; you need to put on the new man. Christ is the head of the man, the man
is the head of the woman; his own wife. But when it comes to inheritance, both the male and the
female are one.
The promise of Abraham is not Christ; the promises of Abraham is not the mystery of Christ.
Abraham received Christ as a seed. Abraham is the Father of Christ in the spirit. God is the
Father of Christ spiritually, but Abraham acts as a Father figure in the flesh. Without Abraham,
Jesus won’t put on flesh. Jesus’ humanity was Abraham. The seed of Abraham was Christ.
Christ is the protege of Abraham: Abraham’s seed. It is what is called the blessing of Abraham.
(Genesis 12,22, Hebrews 6:13) Abraham was blessed and his seed was blessed as well and
this seed is Christ.
Anyone who is born again must live by faith. When you have done faith and have become
Christ, the next season of allocation is called blessing. What they gave to Abraham in the spirit
will then be given to you. The blessing was designed for Abraham and his seed; the ‘Father of
many nations’ was his seed. The seed must be blessed. We must come into the full stature of
the seed that can receive the blessing of the Father. They won’t bless any of Abraham’s
children who disagrees with the resemblance of the seed. Every born again child of God are
children of God but it’s time you ought to be baptized into the teaching of Christ.
Being born again is not enough. Christ is a mystery. How do you put on a mystery when you
don’t know it? The mystery should be understood and revealed. (Colossians 2:2) Christ, Father
and God are all energy levels of God. You can’t know God or receive Him or His things without
receiving Christ’s mystery first. These mysteries are not the same. If you want real blessing, be
ready for mystery. Real blessing comes by teaching. Real blessing comes by sitting down to

learn. The church is a mystery centre where people are blessed. There is a mind with which we
approach church; how we see the church in our days is very wrong. The purpose of the church
is for revealing mystery; it is a mystery centre.
Peter means rock. Something made Simon Peter. Understanding mystery which flesh and blood
cannot reveal – it has to come from heaven. Understanding is when something has rested on
you. You no longer think the way you used to think before. You will tangent to another direction
of thinking, you’re no longer thinking like a man, you have become Christ.
Why will Jacob wrestle with an angel? Because that wrestling is your learning in the spirit. You
have to wrestle in the spirit for you to be blessed. Blessing is the dew of the morning. This
blessing is everlasting life. This dew opens up your understanding. It means you will learn
everlasting life. There is no blessing without learning. Don’t be lazy spiritually; stay in spiritual
school. From everlasting, the Father has been pregnant with blessings. God wants to really
change us and bless us.
Abraham didn’t pass through Christ lesson. He was trained raw to be a Father. Sarah was to
give birth to a child of the promise. The promise is better and far better than an unborn child. As
God was training Abraham, he was also coming into alignment. For God to incubate the
promise, the promise is everlasting life. Firstly, they will make us Christ. We need Christ if the
dew of heaven will come to us. This interpreter of the seed is the dew. The seed will never
sprout until its blessing comes. We are nothing without our dew.
This everlasting life can’t come to earth, one man should not just receive it, it is too much. When
everlasting life is landing, it changes our constellation. All the things happening on earth is
because of everlasting life. It is satan reacting. The earth is being rearranged; satan is moving
fast to rearrange the earth not knowing he is helping God. He is moving exactly the way God
wants him to move. Every evil he is doing is falling into the arrangement of God. Satan is
redesigning his dominion. For every course of God that is major on earth, satan changes course
not knowing he is doing it for good – all things are working together for our good. As long as
everlasting life is somewhere, nothing can change it. A time will come when men will be tired of
earth and will turn to God. They will cry for help, they will cry for an everlasting answer.
God was looking for a covenant; He was looking for someone He could covenant with, someone
He would bless. The word ‘Father’ means ‘the blessed, the one who carries the blessing’. The
blessing is ‘Father of many nations’. They see you and you are carrying many nations. You can’t

be God’s friend and you will not be blessed. God wants to bless us, He has things to give to us.
He is bottled up with blessings, with things. You don’t need to be old in the natural before you
can become a Father; age in the natural has nothing to do with it. God can bless you so much
that nations can be born. God wants to make us fathers.
Keep your head until the dew falls on you. When the dew falls on your earth, it will make your
earth precious. The dew will preserve your powers. That dew doesn’t come on anyone anyhow,
when it falls on a person, it recalibrates your thinking, your judgement. A dew looks white, clear,
crystal. When the Ancient of Days came, it was said that His hair was as white as wool; that is
dew. How was His mind thinking? How was it calibrated? In everlasting patterns. Our Father is
called the Ancient of Days; He is carrying days for eternity. We will be blessed. God has sworn
to us that in blessing, He will bless us. In multiplying, He will multiply us.

1st Tongues & Interpretation
Even I have raised you as a pattern for many people, this is a true father’s blessing. This is a
true father’ blessing. As I am saying this, grace is resting upon you to tie you even within the
boundaries of my nature. As I’m saying this, it is to imprison you. It is to imprison you and to tell
you that there is no need to struggle, no need to struggle. Grace will keep you within my loins
and allocation for you. Don’t force yourself under my grace, don’t force yourself out of what my
grace has made provision for you. Monitor and see how your life is going. There is something
upon you, there is something even upon you; don’t force it out, don’t force it out. I have
imprisoned you even for this purpose. This is the true Father’s blessing. I am showing you a
pattern, even a pattern that your parents have followed. It is the same pattern and grace that is
upon you. There is nothing you’re going through that these ones haven’t gone through and I am
bringing a blessing, even a patriarchal blessing to stay under as a captive of Christ, to stay even
under the boundaries of Christ. It may look like you are the only one going through it, but many
have gone through it. So many have gone through it. It is for eternal life. It is for my life, it is for
my life. I am bringing many, many into the captivity of Christ for to gain life, to appreciate in life.
So many graces in the meeting today for you to stay even under the captivity of Christ. It is not
suffering, it is the glory of the Father. For the sufferings of this present time cannot compare to
the glory of my Father. It cannot compare to the glory of my Father. There is glory, glory. Stay
there and you will see the glory. You will see what your fathers saw; you will see what Moses

saw and he counted all the riches of this world, forsook it and followed after me. It is within that
captivity that you can see me. It is to stretch your eyes to see me. It is to stretch you to see me.
Without captivity, you can’t see. It will narrow your eyes to see far. Even esteem my captivity,
esteem it above any other thing. It is my blessing. It is my blessing that you are under my
captivity. It is my blessing, it is the blessing of the Father.

2nd Tongues & Interpretation
Relax, relax, I say to you relax. There is an economy that is ruling the assembly. There is an
economy that is ruling even over this company of people. Relax your mind, relax your mind. I
am in charge of your life, just stay under me like a baby. There is nowhere to run to. We have
cut covenant with you. There is nowhere to go. What you are hearing is a covenant; we have
covenanted you. You can’t take from us and run away, we have covenanted your loins. Relax
your mind, there is an economy that is regulating your life. Just stay on my hands like a baby
and watch me do what I want to do. Relax, I say to you relax. Relax, do not waste time, just
relax. That is the definition of my goodness; I am a good Father and I will not turn from
goodness but you have to see goodness for what goodness is. Goodness is under my captivity
and it is for your prosperity in light. I say to you, know that there is an economy regulating your
life. As many that are under this, a covenant is already upon you and there is an economy that
is regulating your life. Some of you even say, ‘I don’t hear the voice of the Spirit’, there is
something regulating your life. As you’re hearing, there is something regulating your life. It is a
covenant. Know fully well that your fathers have gone through this and you cannot be left
behind; it is a pattern and you must follow, you must follow even this pattern.