15/10/2021 – Pastor Laide

Message Begins

Revelations 5:1-6. Revelations 4:4-Angels of presence are angels of stature. Isaiah 53 was talking about God leading 

The Cherub that could reveal who God is by His revelation. He mirrors God and wharehouses God in high degrees. All of the persons of presence are named after God. To gain a stance in His presence is to be named after God…it is to bear the name of God. There is a place that the son or lamb is a standing in the midst that is higher than where the angel of presents stands.

As high as those angels are, when they see what the son had become, their glory and their wearing also becomes. By so much, he has becomes better, that by inheritance, he had obtained a more excellent name. It was inheritance that gave him a name that is more excellent than those of the angels of presence. To an inheritance incorruptible, indefiled and that faded not away, reserved in heaven for us who are kept…

By inheritance, he obtained a more excellent name than them and a more excellent place to stand than these angels of presence.

Hebrews 1: 3-9 it was inheritance that he received to excel and stand in a place within the throne, that the angels of presence cannot stand. Verse 5 there is none that is the begotten son in the angels. Adam is a son of God, but he’s not begotten son. To be begotten is to have come into incorruptibility. To have come into the entity of God. 

Hebrews 9:23-24 Anybody that will come into that place, they must make you Godly by the Word. Hebrews 1:5-8 the journey in to lay hold on inheritance is a journey of Godliness/Godification. That lamb that he saw in the midst of the throne was a soul that journeyed into incorruptibility by laying hold on inheritance. These angels of presence also have inheritance. They obtained their own excellent name by inheritance, by heritage, and by it they have a name, named after God. 

Revelations 7:1-3, Revelation 14: 1-4 The place wherein this people are being seal is that they have been adopted into a place in the presence. One terrible thing that happens…Lev 22:1- Levi was the one in Israel who had the heritage of presence. Deu 10:8- the lord separated Levi as people of his presence. Nobody else had the privilege to approach close (presence/throne has many levels. The beginning of presence is the holiest) But in the holiest, the throne upon the arch overshadowed the …). A breach would happen if anyone else come close. Meaning that there is a stature that should approach unto presence, and oñce that stature is fallen, it shall be cut off…even though it is the soul’s heritage. Your heritage is to uphold a stature of righteousness and separation. Now, it is a grievous thing for a Levi not to be able to come to the holy place or be a priest. Only Aaron approaches into the most holy presence. Those places wherein there are statures, where men have gained standing by inheritance, (he by inheritance obtained a name that is more excellent).

There is a company of Zion that has the father’s name. There is a company that was caught up to the glory of God. Rev 12: 1-7 Look at the 144,000 in chapter 14…this is not the lamb that was standing in the midst of the throne, he has come from the midst of the throne and come to Zion. The lamb left the midst, came upon Zion and they sang this new song. The throne is an heaven to Zion. Zion is heaven, but the lamb came and stood upon Zion, the they sang a new song before the throne…

Before the throne of God, not in the midst of the throne of God. To come into inheritance, what they use to doctor you is the doctrine of … because they want to give you place for to stand.

Ephesians 5: 1-6 Love must become an offering and a sacrifice. The love walk must become…Paul said I’m ready to be poured forth as an offering. To embody the dimension of love that will qualify us, we must be poured forth as an offering. you can claim to love and still hold your life. Many of us love, but we’re not ready to be poured forth an offering and a sacrifice in love. I must by submission to the spirit…Hebrew verse 25 by the spirit, we can become an offering to God and a sacrifice, sweet smelling savour – by the spirit. Paul, Peter came there.  What the high priest go into he holiest to do is to offer and sacrifice. But they go with the blood of others. No high priest ever went with his own blood. But he with his own blood, he had appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself that it is appointed unto men to die once. He both was an offering and a sacrifice for a sweet smelling savour unto God. Not zeal or willfulness, but by spirit walk. By spirit walk, he came to a point where he was first purified. He was without blood. The efficacy in his blood is in the fact that he had by the spirit come to to the place where he was separated. You need to become an offering and sacrifice, but before it, there are blemishes that can spoil sacrifice that the spirit will first deal with. Ephesians 5 those are things that must not be once named, meaning it must not be mentioned at all, you must give no room for it. In the multitude of words…be slow to speak… Even a fool when he refrains his tongue is thought to be wise. When you talk too much, you’ll definitely sin. Think more than you talk. It is what comes out of your mouth that defiles you…out of the abundance of the heart…

Some jokes are not comfortable or convenient. Instead of these things, give thanks. If you don’t have anything to say, give thanks to God. Fill you mouth with thanksgiving, you maintain an atmosphere of the spirit like that. They will purify us from warmongering etc to bring us into inheritance. 

Philippians 2: 17, 2 Timothy 4:5-7 from Ephesians 2 between the time of knowledge and an time of readiness is a wide gap…a long walk. The offering is not necessarily death. Jesus said he poured out into death, but the offering is the pouring out of his soul. Sometimes they might demand that it is poured out into death. Sometimes, it is not necessarily a pouring out unto death. They might not request you to by

It’s a body that is broken, a spirit that is broken that can hold will and do it without turning to the right or to the left.  In Kings chronicles, there are kings that did the will of God, but not with a perfect heart. A person can do all that was prophesied everything concerning him, but won’t still bring pleasure to God like He wanted. To handle the will of God, you must have become a sacrifice of God. The sacrifice of God is a broken spirit. A broken and a contrite heart oh God, thou would not despise. That lamb that stood in the midst of the throne stood as it had been slain. There were beings Alice in that terrain but could not prevail. But to stand in the midst of the throne, to become a sacrifice of/to God, they will not onky make it by will, they would have tampered with the nature of the heart.

Isaiah 66:1-2the throne was set in heaven, not like the whole of heaven is the throne. He didn’t say to this man will I inhabit, but to this ma will I look. He won’t even turn His face to any soul or being that is not of a poor and contrite spirit. 

The lord will deliver us from a heart structure that makes the truth of God look like an opinion or suggestion. It is an evil work that has been done in everyone of us. It can take several years for soul to journey to the point where the truth of God’s word becomes an oath and binding authority over his life. Even after knowledge has come, for a heart to be rot in a man…all of the brings of presence have one thing in common – harkening to his voice. In that terrain, we don’t second guess. In that place, we don’t contemplate. In that place, as it is revealed, we do. We are not permitted to deliberate on that which is spoken, it is our oath. As it is proceeding forth, a lot of mercy will go into framing us thus. They can raise us like that – where we’ll come to the place that we’ll say that “my meat is to do the will. Of He that sent me and to finish his work”. If we will handle inheritance, If we will be people of presence, we must be first made. 

The lord will crumble the time it’ll take us to come to obedience. We will be swifter in obedience. What defines those plane if presence is how aligned and how prompt they take the word of His voice. The lord will bring us in in the name of the Lord Jesus.