Meeting: Sunday Service

Date: May 5th, 2024

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan

Question 1

Sis Victoria: Scripture emphasizes that our prosperity is tied to believing the Lord and believing in his servants whom He has sent. What are some instructions you have kept and are still keeping concerning believing the men of God placed over you for your prosperity?

Bro Yemi Adegoke: We must always tell ourselves at every instance where we need to make key decisions that “I won’t do anything without hearing from my Pastor, even though the feedback might be different from what I want”. Word of righteousness should groom us. It is crucial that we pray when we have issues with spiritual authorities. Mention their names during prayers. When you stay with people, it means they are calling you to see their nakedness and it is left for you to cover it. Be open-minded when submitting things to spiritual authorities. The devil would bring up instances to accuse you. Stay around spiritual authorities, not necessarily because you have something to say, but just to gist, and then things (commandments) would be said.

Sis Wura: if you find yourself struggling, just understand that it is a life that was already there and it should not be what they are preaching is wrong but we should see it as an avenue to submit.

Question 2

Sis Wura: What do you do when your believing in them is attacked or are you usually unwavering in your believing them? (Read 2 Chronicles.20:20).

Bro Banjo: There is a family we belong to,  the household of faith. Condition your heart to stay steadfast that you can’t prosper with the things of God for your life if you are not submitting to our Pastors. You can prosper in the things of God if only you submit.

Sis Victoria: The devil is the Father of lies and hence we should not believe the thoughts he brings.

Question 3

Sis Victoria: One of our greatest undoings is familiarity. Can you share areas where we can get too familiar with men God has placed over us?

Bro Yemi Adegoke: Familiarity is not clique or forming alliances. Familiarity is disrespecting someone behind them. If you find yourself struggling in the secret place in your heart, the Lord has  not yet appeared. Mark 6:1-6. When questions are still being asked, familiarity is being locked somewhere. We should not allow familiarity. Seasons in God are not patterned by clocks and calendars. The Lord knows how to route each other’s life. Don’t disregard brethren. Always be at alert when you see yourself disregarding brethren and quickly correct your ways.  There is no offence that is so high that the Lord can’t bring down.

Sis Wura: Don’t be high-minded. We are high-minded because we allow our class to play out when we see people’s infirmities but we don’t see how the Lord is working with them. Would you still be able to obey the Lord despite seeing the infirmities?

Question 4

Sis Wura: Pst Emeka said a generation can be marked for prophecy and miss it. This means that a person can have prophecy hanging over him and not come into it. How does this happen and how can we avoid it?

Bro Yemi Adegoke: We can miss prophecies because we did not pay attention. We would only enter into prophecy only when we have laboured, prayed and the Lord has brought understanding. Ensure we are walking in Love. Once a prophecy is not manifesting, go back to what the Lord has said. 

Bro Banjo: what should be our heart posture so we don’t miss the prophecy. We should understand that the spiritual controls the physical. We should recognise that every season has something hanging over it. Live by every word, do little promptings. 

Sis Victoria: It’s one thing to hear the prophecy, it’s another thing to war to make sure it comes to manifestation.

Question 5

Sis Victoria: Prophecy came and emphasized the significance of angels, how we are supposed to discern them, to learn how they minister so we can walk or work with the spirit and also how that we can’t live without their ministration or be guided out of this world without their ministration. Has the Lord in any way taught you how to allow their ministry to thrive in your home? How do you ensure to keep an atmosphere that allows them to minister in our homes and in our daily living?

Bro Banjo: (Hebrews 1:14) 14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” (Mark 16:20) 20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.”  Stay with the Word. Staying with the Word is what would bring angels. God knows what we need as long as we are staying and abiding in His word. Staying with)in the Word brings the manifestation of angels.

Bro Yemi Adegoke: Submit your curriculum of the word to spiritual authorities. Keep on pursuing God.

Pastor Laide: The word of the Lord is very volatile. 1st Corinthians 14:10. Be guided by authority so that you don’t miss it. There is no material that does not carry its own spirit and when you fellowship with such materials long enough, you would begin to fellowship with such spirits. You need a lot of wisdom and discretion. It takes ages for you to know that some manifestations are from the devil. Anything that refuses to be tried and tested, suspect it. Don’t let satan kill you, authorities are there to support your vision and not to kill it.

Concerning prophecy: the part of warring with prophecy. Discern the vessel and discern the vessel through which the prophecy would be fulfilled. It’s not only about warring with prophecy that would fulfil it 1st Timothy 1:18-19. How do you war: we war by holding faith. Your greatness warfare that Satan uses is not allowing you grow. Focus on growing instead of focusing on the manifesting. Learn to hide it and continue journeying if not you would work it out by your own energy. God said it because he is the one that would fulfil it. Our own responsibility is to journey, follow the prompts of the spirit that is essential. If there is any prayer that we should pray is to hold faith, to have a good conscience. Satan is to hinder your growth and he can achieve it by the same prophecy that you heard. Fix your eyes on Jesus, keep growing, keep labouring for growth. Faith here is not believing, but a life. As you continue living the life of faith, every word would be manifested. You can’t journey in faith without prayer. The skill of warfare is staying in faith.

Question 6

Sis Wura: You can be raised with traditions of men, with rudiments of this world, with philosophy and you can be raised with Christ. Have you ever had things that you were raised with but had to break from at the hearing of Christ? What was the process like for you?

Bro Yemi Adegoke: everything starts from the family. The family life is “we go through it together”. Don’t act differently when you are not the one involved. One of the things God used to break me was family life. Allow the Lord to break traditions and ways.

Sis Wura: (Colossians 2:8)8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” Let the instruction come from God. As we stay under the word of righteousness, light would always come and show us how we should walk.

Question 7

Sis Victoria: What does it mean to love revelation but not submit to the demands of revelation? Have you been convicted of this before by the lord? How did you repent from this?

Bro Banjo: if you are calm and obey the spirit, you can talk it through rather than being angry. As a people that are hearing word of righteousness, we should always look out for how to break it down to a lifestyle. Do the things in hope of the promise.

Question 8

Sis Wura: In the coming times, there will be wealth transfer and believers placed in places of influence and authority. Until then what should believers do, what is the right heart posture to words like this so the purpose of following God doesn’t shift to waiting for wealth transfer?

Bro Banjo: Our heart posture is still to await the appearing of the Lord. And faith towards God should still be the order for everybody. Our heart posture is still to always seek for the Lord.

Bro Yemi Adegoke: Learn to sow seeds, learn to know that the Lord would need our carnal substances. The wealth transfer would come but it should meet us with the right heart. Learn how to part away with your carnal substances.

Question & Answer Session

Question 1. Is my natural life also tied to my Pastor?

Pastor Laide: When scripture is talking about prosperity, it is not just talking about the natural, the prosperity is about wholesomeness, meaning you receive grace to move forward. Can you increase in material wealth without losing life? Tobe able to do that, you need to be guided in the way of the Lord. 

(3 John 1:2) 2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” The crux of the thing is soul prosperity. God wants you to prosper in your soul and this can not be done without the oversight of your pastor. Prosperity is by leading the of spirit. Every single thing we come into is by the Lord. Concerning our natural, let our hearts rest. Our natural is covered. Don’t allow satan harass you especially with the thoughts poverty 

Question 2: Bro Yemi Adegoke said prophecy won’t be fulfilled unless understanding comes, can we truly obey commandments without truly knowing it’s  intricacies

Pastor Laide: The truth is some instructions would not come to us before light breaks out.  If you wait to fulfil an instruction before light or understanding comes, it might be too late. The full profit of a prophecy would not come until understanding comes. So you need to stand in faith and also watch the conversation of those who have gone before you. Some things, you would not understand until you obey it. The secret is taking the first step with faith. Sometimes, your obedience comes before understanding. Sometimes understanding doesn’t precede the act of faith. As we obey, more light and understanding would come.

Pastor Olaide Olaniyan (Round up) 

Resources are coming, prepare for it. And how do you prepare for it, we prepare by being faithful and diligent and you would discover the Lord would bring waters.