Sitrah Prayer Meeting (September)

8th September 2021

Bro Happy (Exhortation)

The only thing the Godhead responds to is requests by prayer: John 14 “I will pray the Father and He will give you another comforter.”

We have to labour in the place of prayer. Heaven is looking for supplication. Prayer is not just a request, it is an embodiment of their realm. When they bring stirrings of prayer, it means they are very close to us.

Pastor Laide Olaniyan (Message)

(Philippians 4:6) One of the greatest tactics of Satan is high cerebral activities. Heaven is not annulling the faculties of the mind but Satan overburdens the mind with cares: these are things that are not unlawful, they are necessities of daily living but it is possible to encumber the mind with things so much that it disturbs the arrangement of the mind. 

The earth has been conditioned so that there is so much to do and little time for God. Coming into this work is for the person who has been rid of cares. There is another dimension that cares can drive us to. Our cares can stir us. When God starts winning us from our cares, men become docile. It is impossible for someone to accurately see the mind and thoughts of God and not pray. One evidence of prayerlessness is that the soul is not seeing well again.

We must be disciplined in staying and tarrying with the burden of heaven. The goal of every genuine person praying is not the time spent in prayer but the burden. To really come into this New Testament burden, a soul must have been rid of cares, if not, he will pray amiss.  When a soul comes into this burden, that is when he can come into and bear all truth of heaven. That heart must have been separated into the things of God. What is meant to be pushed in the place of prayer is heaven’s agenda.

(Romans 8:23) Our infirmity in prayer is the interjection of our own will. The place of prayer is where we lay down our will and let God’s will come to pass. A man that will come into this place is a man that has been rid of lust and cares. He no longer cares about what people care about or think.  It is not a one day work, but progressively, he comes into such an estate. 

If we can take our eyes off the natural and focus on the spiritual, we will be taken into a new paradigm in prayer that is not moved by what happens here but by the alignment with heaven. Some things will happen and it will not further the will of God for one’s life because you were not subjecting all things through prayers to the will of God. Nothing that is spiritual comes to course on earth without the force of petition; somebody somewhere has to permit it and if God doesn’t find men who will stand and permit it, that means His will won’t be able to come to pass. 

Nothing just freely happens according to God’s will. Even before Jesus came, men had to pray. Men were praying for the consolation of Israel. The revival we are seeing today is from the prayer of some people. Nothing spiritual happens without men. 

We must know what the mind of the Lord is. The Lord is not against our desire, He just wants to purify it because there is something in us that wants to use that desire against us. (Romans 7:22-23) The reason why God is not quick to grant our desires is because of the things that lurk in them – He wants to purify them. 

There are prayers in prayer. The church has magnified the place of believers authority but we have learnt so little about the heart of supplication. True prayer that is directed upward is more about supplications than declarations. Supplication begins when the believer starts seeing things that are held in the sovereign hand of God. The soul of a man does not like to supplicate, this is because it is a place of weakness, a place of subservience, having to beg, entreat the favour of One who is higher to do in His mercy, what is in His power. 

A large chunk of our prayers is supplication. For example, praying for revelation; this is because revelation does not come by the virtue of being given birth to. 

A lot of the blessings of the New Testament, especially things that pertain to salvation, are locked up in supplication. This is because the true riches are hidden, they are kept. Things that pertain to salvation are kept hidden and locked away. A soul will stay instant in prayer and not be swayed by things here. Even if he responds here, it is because of heaven’s verdict concerning things here.

We must run with heaven’s timing and precision. When we are learning truth and God gets us to a place where we offer prayers, by virtue of our learning, the Lord rids us of things. There is so much power made available when we pray. If the prayer of a righteous man avails much, how much more a community seeking God, the quantum of energy generated will be unimaginable. Satan is afraid of what we are learning.

Tongues & Interpretation

His end is in your prayer. 

Even by the prayer, you pray by the understanding of righteousness being revealed to you. 

He knows his end is near when you pray according to the understanding of righteousness that you have. 

So he encumbers you with many things. 

He knows his end is near concerning a righteous man that lifts up his hands in prayer. 

So he’s bringing weariness and weakness that you may not lift your hands in prayer,

so that you will not see his end. 

I say to you, there is so much power and authority when you pray.

So much shift happens in the spirit when you pray in righteousness. 

Fight discouragement and weariness when praying. 

Fight that thought for he knows that in that prayer, his end is near, for he fears your prayer. 

Message Continues…

Prayer never dies, it outlives the person that prayed it; once offered up, it lives on. No genuine prayer is a waste in the spirit. Prayer offered for God’s will always live for the purpose for which it was prayed. Jesus prayed for us in John 17 and that prayer is still alive; it burns as a memorial. We can pray into the future. A righteous man offering prayers to God is not a waste, your prayer gives God the right of way to begin to make things. 

Heavens’ technology of establishing their will is setting men to stand in certain ministries to open the ground for Him to come. When God wants to establish Jerusalem, He sets watchmen. Considering the weight of what heaven is hanging over us in the spirit, we are being stirred to pray to be able to bear the weight of meals that will be coming in the latter days. This is God setting men to occupy that place so He can come. Heaven wants to come and we must permit them. 

We must pray to desire that God takes us from where we are and bring us into the things He is bringing to us. We must come into the reality of this word. It must not just be a lofty idea or thing to think about.

        THE END

9th September 2021

1st Tongues & Interpretation

My presence is here in your midst. 

For I am strong and mighty in your midst. 

For the season wherewith you’re entering, I’ve come to bring many to that which is hanging over you for as many that will key into that which is for this season that is over you. 

As many that will find grace, I’ll usher them into that season. 

Many that will labour will find rest.

For I am strong in your midst to take as many that will take up the battle this season, that will take up the grace that is upon this season.

I will usher them into that season.

For when you are praying in your various homes, I am there. 

For I am many in one, I am there with you, grace is available, grace is here.

2nd Tongues & Interpretation

I am set to prepare the way.

Even to prepare the way for the Lord for His coming. 

Even prepare the place of His abode, for the place of abode is inside you.

So I’m sent beforehand even to prepare that place. 

For the prayers that you’re praying in this season are prayers of preparation.

Awaiting the appearance of your Lord. 

I am sent beforehand to prepare.

When I nudge you to pray, it is a process for preparation.

For I want to prepare a place for your Lord which is my Lord, for the day of His appearance.

Pastor Laide (Message)

(2Chronicles 16:9) What makes up a fervent prayer? Some versions call it a heartfelt prayer. When a person is walking in righteousness, one of the things that Satan does is limit the amount and degree of focus he has on the Lord. If a soul begins to get light by the understanding of the Word, he reduces the level of dependence on the Lord such that he sometimes suggests no need to worry God.

Prayer becomes fervent when you know that God is your only option. Our prayer can be fervent when all our heart is focused on the Lord. The challenge is how to gather all the heart and focus on the Lord. There are things the Lord wants to show about Himself, but there is a way the heart has to be. Not just in trusting the Lord alone but in looking for only the Lord and nothing else. We can trust the Lord and not look for Him. Our heart needs to be fully satisfied alone in the Lord. 

Not everything that gives a solution is God’s will. The purpose of prayer is not necessarily to get results but to make sure the will of God is done as it is in heaven. If you are result-oriented, you will never discern the will of God. 

Sometimes, when the Lord tries our hearts, it is to know where it truly is: to see where our allegiance truly lies. The heart is quick to take alternatives than go to God; it switches at the slightest opposition or difficulty, this makes prayer not fervent. The day the heart puts all its eggs in one basket, it becomes fervent. 

It is an understanding to know that a matter rests solely in the hands of God. So if we have not heard God expressly or clearly, we will not stand up from the place of prayer. We must stay till we are sure we have a living word from His mouth. The reason we stay in prayer is because we are dead outside of God. If we don’t hear His word expressly or lay hold on His will, then we are dead. 

Living our life outside of a prayer life is death. We must earnestly and eagerly pant to stay in it. A person who is not panting for God will walk in death. When you want to know how truly a person has prayed, check what he does immediately after prayers; that is when you know where his heart truly lies. 

Prayer is a conversation, it does not end with “amen.” It is where we live, not just a place we lay up requests. 

Hearts that have alternatives are hearts that don’t stand for God. When the heart realizes what it has erred, and how it is severed from every other source, he spends his life hanging onto the One that can save him. The reason we don’t pray so much is because we have other gods, many other things we defer to. 

It is possible to look steadfastly unto the Lord, for our life to be anchored solely on Him. We can be so raptured into the Lord that His reality becomes the fabric of our lives and sustenance.

We can’t live the life of the Spirit without being given to the spirit in prayer. We will always err because flesh cannot walk this path; the best of men will fail. We can be connected to the heart of God all the time but we have to practise it. We have to live that life daily. Devotion and quiet time is not our offering to the Lord for the day – it is our whole life.

God wants all of our prayers to be fervent. It is not the speed or loudness of the prayer that makes it fervent but the heartfelt degree: the singularity of the heart when all the being is able to respond to God wholly. This is why prayer and obedience, prayer and reverence, prayer and fear, prayer and brokenness cannot be eliminated. This brokenness is tied around the realization that we need God and without Him, we are doomed; not just the understanding but the heart acknowledging and realizing it.

Our hearts need to cry to God, knowing that without God’s intervention, everything and anything is bleak. Once the whole heart can come into that depth of acknowledgement, all our wisdom, smartness, insight etc, becomes nonsense in this regard because we need Him. Unless He comes, everything is useless and death; the best it will give is a fix, it will never deliver life.

          THE END

10th September 2021

1st Tongues & Interpretation

I am sealing many

I will steal them and clone them

I will steal them and seal them to myself

For it is my pattern of operation in that region

I am going full out at work

I am going full out at work to steal many and seal them to myself and put names on them

I will put my name and claim them to myself

I am going full out at work and I am going after many

I am going into their houses, even into homes to steal and to seal, to put my tags on them

Even my hand will be upon them

That is my pattern of saving many in that region

My pattern in that region is to steal many and seal them to myself

2nd Tongues & Interpretation

I am bringing with me my sickle

Even to harvest many

I am coming with my sickle to pluck many

To bring many and harvest many even in this season

I am calling for you even to know how to pray

I will be bringing a burden on how to work with me in prayer

You must learn to stop the mouth of the adversary that might want to wage war upon these precious fruits of mine

I am coming with my sickle even to harvest many, even to cultivate many

Pastor Laide (Message Begins)

(Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-38) For a long while, I had thought that the issue of the disciples was prayerlessness but it was something more foundational. What Jesus brought them to do was not principally to pray but to watch. He said come, watch with me and when He found them sleeping what He said was, you could not watch for 1 hour then, He said to them watch and pray that you enter not into temptation.

The church has learnt to be busy praying, but the very foundation of prayer which is watching is a type of praying. Watching is a type or an attitude in prayer. It is a posture of the heart that engages the spirit (of the man) to track the movement of the Spirit. Watching is as critical to prayer as it is to the agenda of salvation and that is why all the things that the Lord has been saying to us, Satan wants many distracted and there’s nothing that distracts us as flesh. These distractions (of flesh) are the surfeiting, drunkenness and cares of this life (Luke 21:34). It’s not just a distraction but he has blurred the sight of man so he doesn’t see well.

Tracking the movement of the Spirit is not just reading signs. There are signs, rhythms, permutations that can be put together but much more, we have a more sure word of prophecy. Apart from the signs of the time, watching through the word i.e understanding through the word, is a more potent way of watching. Like Daniel, he stayed by watching, then understood and stayed more in the place of prayer. That watchfulness is not only essential to praying but also critical to salvation but for the subject we’re looking at, we’d look at how critical watching is to praying.

One of the passages that caught me so much while the Lord was showing me this is Luke 21:34-36. Jesus’ instruction was a petition for escape because, without watchfulness, you can never come into true prayer or fellowship as you should; and if you don’t, there’s no possible way that you can escape. It is like a maze or a den of horrors. You might escape some but to escape all, you must be brought into this place where you are watchful and prayerful always. The prosperity of our journey is dependent on the measure of sight and our labour in prayer. Jesus did not escape without praying. What enabled Him to pray aright is that he saw things that the disciples could not see. He was full of watchings. Even Paul mentioned “watchings”  in 2Corinthians 6:5. There was virtually no church Paul didn’t give the commandment to watch.

(1 Peter 4:7) Watchfulness is foundational to effective prayer life. Everyone will agree that it is easy letting your guard down but the military man knows better. He is trained for warfare. A soldier is always kitted up, he’s always prepared for battle. We are not civilians here and that’s why it says in Timothy 2:3-4 that to please Him that appointed us, we don’t meddle in civilian matters. To survive in this place called earth, we can’t afford to be civilians. To be a civilian is to be lax or loose, to not stay on your watch. To not stay on your watch is to see the enemy come and overcome us but not just that, it is also about the giving of the things that sustain us. The things that we are receiving are essential for our survival. The Son of man will come at a time that we’re not expecting if we are not watching.

The teaching of being spiritual is not to be spooky or get an edge over other Christians, it is the teaching of our survival here, without that we cannot watch. It takes a spiritual man to watch and stay watching. That is our communal life, that is the life of our tribe in the spirit: we are watchers. Not to the end that we are spooky. We’re also not astrologers. What we walk with is Spirit. There is nobody that watches Spirit thoroughly that will not be given to praying because then you will be able to accurately interpret the burden, risks and tendencies that exist in the spirit and take positions to enforce, sideline things that are essential for our survival and existence in the spirit. But there is another class of people that is oblivious to it. They just want their own things to be done.

(Revelations 3:1-6) This church got a name. They are living by works and God knows it. A person can labour for a name and fall from a place that you are standing as seen in Revelations 3:1. This church stopped watching and death caught up with the things that are. They were life. They worked till they got a name before God that they were alive, but after they got there, slumbering happened. Many of the things that were alive started to die. This wasn’t members dying, but things that made them alive began to wither and die. In verse 3, this is not Satan coming, this is God coming. It takes watching to escape and to stand before the Son.

When Satan wants to fight your prayer and salvation course, what he starts to fight is your watchfulness. Watchfulness is not suspicion or premonition, it is deeper than that. It is the ability to track the trajectory of the Spirit and the rhythm of eternal tunes. One that cannot do this cannot read the timings of salvation. It will be foolishness to him. When we find sometimes that during meetings we are not understanding or that it doesn’t make sense to us, it’s because somewhere there is no sight to be shown in our heart.

(Revelations 3:6) The blessing for them even though their work wasn’t found perfect is that He will come for their perfection. Sometimes, breakthroughs in the spirit can be a distraction from watching or even attainment of everlasting things can be a distraction.

Watching is not being moody all through the house and not talking. It is deeply entrenched within the spirit and through a soul that has been made tranquil, brought under. The more tranquil the soul is, the clearer the glass through which he sees the things of God. The person that works in the flesh will be so blurred that whatever things he sees will not even be seeing – flesh blurs out visibility. (2 Peter 1:9) What the dealings of Christ do is that they clear sight so that in watchfulness, you will see far: this is fuel for prayer.

You can authoritatively say that your victory over temptation is proportional to your watchfulness. (Mark 13:33-37) Some carnal souls have misinterpreted this verse to mean that we should open our eyes but that mind is not sincere towards God. He can’t tell you to watch in the flesh and even if you do, you judge by the spirit. The Spirit can have us pick information from news or from around us but that is not the primary witness or guidance. (Ephesians 6:18) The primary witness in the spirit for watching is in the spirit. Watchfulness is also in the spirit. It is staying with heaven to persevere through the meandering of the Spirit. It is not spookiness or wearing religious garb. If we have not been trained with perseverance in the flesh, we cannot be able to persevere in the spirit. Tracking the trajectory in the spirit without breaking off takes discipline and if we have not been dealt with in the natural, we cannot sustain it in the spirit. Watchfulness requires a degree of perseverance.

Watchfulness is essential for our salvation. (1 Thessalonians 5:3) Escaping here is escaping things that will come upon the earth. This is not global destruction but it is being ensnared with the wiles of Satan. Watching also has a tone of denial of sleep and slumber as seen in 1 Thessalonians 5:3-5. It has that sense of denial, of staying the night not allowing the force of the night to prevail over you. It stays and defies the force of the night and the force of darkness to stay awake. Only those that are awake are given light. (Ephesians 5:14) When a man is sleeping or is dead, they don’t bring light to him. He has to be awake, he has to be a watcher whether it’s morning or night. (2 Timothy 4:1-7) Paul is giving Timothy the keys to his success.

When the bible says He was a man of sorrow in Isaiah 53:3-4, it was a product of watchings. It is sight that made him sorrowful and heavy (Matthew 26:37). This sorrow is not the sorrow of the world but the burdens of the spirit. The sorrows resulted in travail (Isaiah 53:11). When a man meddles in the things of the flesh, he will never be able to interact with the business of heaven. The burdens of God will be far from such a man. Some people see the life of Jesus as boring whereas the Holyghost is not boring, he’s more interesting. That realm is busier and gives insight into the reality of things.

(Mark 13:33-37) My work tonight is to stare a desire inside of everyone to begin to long to enter fully into this watch. First for the purpose of prayer but much more for the purpose of salvation. (Luke 21:36) If you don’t watch with Him you cannot pray His prayer. If we will come into praying always or being instant in prayer, we must be watchful that we might be counted worthy to escape all. There is a prerequisite that will qualify a man and make him worthy to escape and that is watch therefore and pray always. Some people will desire to escape but will not be worthy.

Watching is not by deciding to pray at set times. It is first by light (understanding). There are salvation packages that God wants to bring down, but our frame in prayer has not been structured for Him to bring it.

3rd Tongues & Interpretation

Here in your midst is my angel

Here in your midst is our angel

Angel! Angel!! Angel!!!

I bring a garment of strength

We are bringing to your company a garment of strength

Even strength

We bring garment of strength

We bring foresight

Even foresight to see into the things of the Spirit

Even sight to see

Strength in sight

We are bringing sight

Sight upon your soul

Sight to sight our strength

Sight to watch

We are bringing strength beyond your human capacity

For so many of you have slept in times past but strength is coming

Strength is here

We are building capacity for to watch

For to see things that pertain to the spirit

We want to dig deep inside you

It is a night of strength

We are bringing might to carry things of the spirit to know what it means to persevere

We want to raise you as an edge

We want to bring you closer

You need our strength to come closer

We need to wear you the garment of a watcher

We take off the garment of filthiness

We need to wear you with things that can help you watch concerning the things pertaining to heaven

We bring strength to wear out your strength

This strength is to make you weak to the things pertaining to the world

We have brought our angels

We are in your house

Your locality will determine how you will watch with us

No matter where you stay we are there and it is to administer strength to you

There is a multiplication of ministering spirits multiplying over homes

Seeing into the matters of homes

Even watching with you.

We will come to you in your location

We are in your house, we are in your place

Even great might of the Spirit

Wherever you are, we are with you

Even the spirit of the Lord is in your midst with great strength

4th Tongues & Interpretation

Oath angel!

Angel oath!

We want to teach you how to respond to us

Even our conversation we want to teach you

We are ready to teach you

We are ready to bring you closer

We want to bring you closer

Closer so you can bring our will to the table

So you can know how to midwife our will to the earth and how to bring down our will to earth

We want to use you as a vessel to bring our will to earth

Vessels to cooperate and bring our will to earth

We want to use you as a vessel that can stay and watch our will, to bring our will fully to the table without aborting, without bridging the process.

We need you and that is why we are raising you and bringing our strength in this season so our will can land well upon the face of the earth.

We need people to monitor our will and see that there is a breakthrough upon the face of the earth.

We are bringing many ministering spirits for you to watch together with.

They are inactive if you don’t watch with them.

We are bringing capacity, even the instrumentality of judgement upon your soul for to know how to midwife our things.

For to know how to bring our things down to table.

We bring strength to watch and to see our will here on earth as we see it in heaven.

We want a ladder that can bring our will down.

Our angels are in multitude and they are in your houses, and we are bringing strength for you to watch together with them and see that our will fully land on table.

That flesh does not hijack our will but see to the end that the will of the Lord prevails upon the face of the earth.

O we have prevailed and we have a breakthrough into your soul.

O we have a breakthrough and put our strength into your soul.

O now you can house us and now you can watch with us.

We have prevailed.

The son has prevailed tonight.

O prevailed even over your inadequacies tonight.