Date: 20th June, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan

Tongues and Interpretation

1st Tongues and Interpretation

I flood you with water, bringing down abundant rain of blessing. 

I will flood your lips with abundant blessing. 

There is a door for you as an assembly. 

It is a law of water to tend the garden of the Lord, even prosper, you will see even more than before. 

I bring water, even abundant door of rain over you as an assembly.

Message Begins

(Matthew 28:19-20) The core mandate of the gospel is teaching, not preaching or prophecy. Prophetic expressions will guide teaching. True prophetic expression is to find pasture, not to tell what is hidden in the natural. We have prophetic expressions, but the true prophetic expression is the pasture. The cross of the gospel is to teach so we must not be tired of teaching. 

(2 Corinthians 14:13) At a level, our communion is with the HolyGhost. At another level, our communion can be with the Son; Jesus Christ. At another level, we can come into the communion of the Father (1john 1:1-3). These three communions are different. 

Baptizing is a teaching: putting a name. We can believe in a name but don’t have that name. 

(Numbers 6:22-27) To receive the name of the LORD, they must have put His name upon them. The name of the LORD is contained in His face, countenance and blessings. The blessings of the LORD are also sayings. The blessings of the LORD are His words. What the LORD is giving to us is a blessing. and we must discern blessings, what truly preserves a people is the name. 

(John 17:1-14) “The Lord bless you and keep you…” To keep is to show His name, to be so merciful to ensure that you see the name. What God wants is for a people that will be kept forever. It is those who receive the name of the Father that are going to be “one as we are one” (John 17:11). They can’t become one with the name of the HolyGhost or the name of the Son. (John 17:6) The manifestation of His name was to give the word that was sent. Every name allocation comes with its own word so we can judge the kind of name that is being given by the word that is being spoken.

Pure Holy Ghost is also a keeper because it is a seal. Every name has its own seal. The name of the HolyGhost has its own seal; it’s own learning and teaching (Ephesians 1:13). Sealing comes when one believes. We are not sealed until we received the witness of the word of that name. The sealing is the crown of acceptance and agreement of the Word that has come to you. The HolyGhost is the first allocation. Anyone that goes as far as sinning against the HolyGhost did so by knowledge; it is to violate or damage that seal. 

(John 17-12-14) Christ is our victory over the world. It is what makes us hate the world and the world hateful towards us. Christ is not of this world and He will make us also not of this world; He will make the world hate us. That is a prequalification to be a friend of the Father. 

The world must hate you and you must also hate the world; not hate unbelievers but the system of this world with perfect hatred. This hatred must be born in our souls. The learning of Christ name will work this in us where we can see this world and disdain it in all its essence. If you love a soul who doesn’t love God or his judgements, you’re becoming worldly. Your love must be with judgement. Jesus loved the rich young ruler but knew what was in him; he loved his sincerity, not his ways.

The world prides cunning wisdom as being smart but there is a simplicity that is godly that God can easily work with. The name of Christ works this simplicity in the heart. 

(John 17:15) Only the name of the Father can keep us from ‘the evil’; not the name of Christ. ‘The evil’ is that which seeks to extinguish everlastingness totally from a soul. Seeing corruption is evil. For a soul to see corruption is evil and that evil is coming upon the whole world. 

(Revelation 3:8-9-12) The name of God is reward. “I will keep thee from the hour of temptation” Temptation is to abandon the name. Something is coming and we can’t run away from it, we can only run into something else; to learn and take heed (Proverbs 18:10).

(2 Peter 3:12-15) We ought to look for and hasten to hear some things. All the things written in the scripture is to look for these things. How we hear is how we run. The speed of our legs is in our hearing and doing.

(John 17:17-20) (Hebrews 2:9-14) Jesus Christ is the truth, but there is also a truth in the Father. God is true but there is truth in the Father. 

Sanctification is suffering: training unto perfection. Jesus went through sanctification not for Himself but so that we might go through it. Jesus prayed to the Father for us; He labored before the Father to secure our lot in everlasting things. 

(John 17:21-22) There is a reality of the fellowship with the Father that Jesus enjoys. There are things we must hold to be able to fellowship with the Father. Fellowship cannot begin until we have common knowledge. God is longing for fellowship, but we can’t fellowship with Him when we are not of age or at the same level. But He is waiting for us to grow up. 

The essence of the learning of the name is to induct us into a fellowship, but we must be learned in their things. There is a reality of the fellowship of the Father that is given to those who have handled the blessing of His name. 

God forbears with us. He starts with goodness but later on, He begins to show severity. The severity of God is good, if He doesn’t show us His severity, we won’t be straight. We shouldn’t be afraid of it; it is high love. He uses it to bring us closer.

There are manners we must learn; they will teach us manners along the course of spiritual things, this will give us everlasting sense. John wasn’t an ordinary man in the isle of Patmos, he was raised. We must learn judgment; feed on manna.

There is a oneness that is only obtained in the name of the Father; not just unity of faith but that they may be ‘one as we are one’ (John 17:22). There is a way the Son and the Father are one that He wants us to be one together with them. They want to bring us to a place where we can feast on the things they feast on. Suffering is our making. We must learn their law; the law of the Father. We must prepare our hearts.

In Israel, apart from priests, the only ones allowed to offer are the Fathers. It is Fatherly honor to offer. It is a Fatherly stature that has something to offer what God can receive. They must know the wisdom of offering. We must be dealt with to the point where we also become an offering. The fellowship of the Father is for dead men; we can’t come into such fellowship if we don’t know how to die.

2nd Tongues and Interpretation

Let this be the treasure of your heart, even to offer sacrifices.

To lay down your life at the altar of sacrifices. 

Let it be the treasure of your heart.

Let your heart love sacrifice so that you can grow by the knowledge of the Lord and partake of our fellowship.

We are coming to demand sacrifices. We are coming to ask you to lay down your life so you can grow in knowledge. 

Our fellowship is a fellowship of suffering. We have come to demand for your life so you can take another life.

We are coming to deny you of things that mean a lot to you. 

It is time to lay down and sacrifice your life so that you can enjoy our fellowship. We want to enjoy the fragrance of your soul even by dying to yourself. 

3rd Tongues and Interpretation

Give attention to suffering.

Pay attention to the pattern of life that we will lead you to live at this time.

Pay attention as it is to input Our name upon your soul and to make you let go of the many names you have put upon your souls by the knowledge and fashion of this world. 

Do not struggle with the Lord. 

You must be ready to let go and cooperate with the dealings of heaven. 

It is to bring you to fellowship. 

Enjoy the fellowship of the sufferings of the Spirit so that you can abound in life. 

Invest your life in suffering, invest your life treasure in suffering. 

There is nothing that is more precious to you than to lay down your life at the altar of sacrifice.