Prayer Meeting (02/06/2021)

Pastor Laide Olaniyan

(Ephesians 5:14-20) Christ is resurrection from the dead as Reverend Kayode has taught us over and over again: This is talking to believers. We must understand the essence and purpose of resurrection from the dead and what the intention and will of the Lord are. It is also necessary that we keep ourselves being filled.

Before we can sing to ourselves in psalms and hymns, we must have chanted in the spirit. We are able to give thanks always for all things when we have aligned things in the spirit, in the will of the Lord. (Ephesians 5:21) One place submission is heightened even much more than Christ is in the fear of God. The fear of God is higher than the curriculum of fear demanded in Christ. The fear of God is a chapter in the everlasting. 

Many people believe they are submitted to Christ but do not want to be submitted one to another. For a season, they can go far in Christ, doing fine in the faith, just believing they are hearing the instruction from the Holy Ghost directly over their lives. In fact, many of us at some stage, experienced this where the things concerning our lives weren’t submitted, we felt we heard God and we obeyed it and prospered in a sense. Many of the church bodies are still that way. We often say that the Holy Ghost leads us primarily, but there’s a flip side to it – we can believe that and disregard any other leading. 

We hear people say we shouldn’t ever trust what anybody ever tells us, that we’re to believe only what God says to us. But, the truth is, we hear much more than words, we hear hearts, we hear spirits and in weighing it in the spirit, we can see it is not balanced. And this has elevated many people such that they don’t believe in authority or in their shepherds.

They believe God speaks to them directly, and whatever God wants to tell them must be said directly to them. The reason for this is by the measure of light a man has, and also, Satan has tried to twist and wrest this issue of submission to wreak his own havoc. But that doesn’t mean God will cease to use it to work His own glory because even in the eternal estate, Christ will still submit all things to God, so that God will be all in all (1 Corinthians 15:28). Christ submitting Himself under God doesn’t mean that He will not shine or that we will now learn God outside of Him, because, by reason of what He has done and the curriculum He fulfilled, He has gotten an eternal estate.

(Philippians 2:5-11) Submission is the order of the GodHead. Because He submitted to God, God gave him a name above every other name and giving Him that name was God’s way of submitting to Christ. There is a culture in the GodHead that predates creation that is submitted one to another and anybody that will come into this place must be raised thus. That independent spirit is not of faith and one cannot go beyond some ranks in light with it.

Ephesians 5:22-23 looks like a tall order to wives but, it’s because the church has yet to understand how to be subject to Christ. The church in general has not learnt how. If the church comes to the fullness of the headship of Christ, wives will find grace to align. It is only the church that Christ heads that He can save. Christ is not the head of all the church(es), but only the head of the church(es) that remain in alignment under Him, because it is possible to be disconnected from the head. What Satan is teaching the church is to be disconnected from the head, and this is what is causing the fallout in marriages. We also see disconnection of wives from their own husbands, because they are not seeing how the church is supposed to be subject to Christ.

(John 15:5; Romans 11:13-25) The vine is like an inverted head. The vine and the branches turned upside down is like the head and arms. The root is the head, the branches are arms and legs. (Romans 11:13-18) We are not to boast against the branches (i.e other parts of the body) because we do not bear the branches, the root does. We must understand both the goodness and the severity of God so that we can stand in fear (Romans 11:22-25)

A people can, by boasting against the other branch, be cut off from the root. Our position is one of grace so we must fear. It is the root that bears us, so everything we are flows from the root. Every single thing we are is informed by Christ’s life. The church must understand that this is the secret of living. (Ephesians 5:22-23) The church must allow for the expression of Christ-life in all things: there is no aspect of the life of a believer that Christ shouldn’t govern. (Ephesians 5:23) Refusal of Christ’s life to govern us is severance from the Head, and severance from the Head means that He cannot save you. The church must know that all our choices should be Christ informed, directed and propelled. Why? We are nothing without the learning of Christ. Every expression of our life must be Christ governed. We obey the law of Christ in all things. Christ must be all in all.

The wife can now understand how that she is also standing by grace in the man’s life. God gave her to him by grace, she was grafted in. This is not exalting the man as in the male but this is exalting Christ. Nothing earned in the natural should stop the woman from knowing that she is nothing and that it is the root (Christ the husband and the head) that is bearing her. God needs to give us an everlasting sense so we can stand in the corridor where we are. We must know that God can take us out. We are not unique or special; that is a sense that the world sells to women.

We are not beating down our women (we honour and treasure them) but there are bits of sense that scripture must put into us to survive this terrain. We must know that if we don’t do our work well, God can replace us. 

We saw a man that didn’t do his work well – Nabal the husband of Abigail (1 Samuel 25:19-26). He spoke against God, and Abigail was able to prevent David from avenging by his hands the error of Nabal. When Nabal heard of what Abigail did, he fell down and died and God gave Abigail over to David, a worthy man. Abigail had been bearing with his folly for long. Nabal was not a saviour. Instead of saving his body and household, he was bringing wrath upon his household.

Wives are to submit in all things to the husband because of seeing the way the church is subject to Christ. We all must come under the fullness of the authority of the Lordship of the Lord Jesus, and we don’t really come here until we have come into the everlasting terrain – that fullness where the full weight of that Lordship is tested end to end. 

For the wife, God gives a vessel (a man) and asks that she submit as though it were the Lord. Husbands too must be and represent the Lord in all things. Husbands must have the Lord’s judgement in all things.

It is not a sweet thing to receive submission as a husband. It is actually death because the man must give account. Even in corporate leadership, uneasy wears the crown because everyone waits for your decision, and whatever decision the person makes – that’s where the whole organization goes. But for the husband, a soul (the woman) is submitted to his Lordship, the man should fear much more because every judgement that misrepresents the Lord is on his neck.

In submitting to pastors, wise pastors run away from it because they will give account. The lordship position over a soul is not a position to rush into. Jesus thought it not robbery to be equal with God and quickly stepped down (Phillipians 2:6-7). But some of us want to hastily rush into shepherdic positions. It is a fearful position.

That position called husband is a fearful position and a man must not let society push him into it unless he’s ready to be accountable to a soul.

Being a husband is beyond moral responsibility, or being able to manage money and finances, or being nice and getting work done – that is beautiful, but can you pastor a soul unto life? Can you go all the length to ensure the salvation of another? It is not an easy position. Every husband will give account because they are the head and saviour of the body. It is much more than I like her; this is why a man must not carry a woman much more than his grace, he might die saving her or lose his own stability.

Men are saviours and must start learning to be one. Men don’t save by lording. Christ saves the church not by commandments but by loving her to the giving of His life. Learning these things is much more than for marriage. The Lord will raise men that can husband a wife.

We cannot really succeed in the program of love if we have not fulfilled the program of submission. We cannot love the way Christ loves if we have not obeyed the law of submission. Christ laid down His life for us. (Romans 5:5-8) Christ dying for the ungodly would not have been possible if He had not yet submitted Himself to God. Before He gave His life, He had been submitting (Phillipians 2:5-8). This empowered Him for the show of love towards us. Christ had the power to take back His life but He had learnt submission such that He learnt to obey the culture of submission. 

Husbands will not be able to save their body if they have not learnt submission. Christ has shown us the pattern, and a church is arising that will show forth a pattern of submission to Christ, that pattern of how submitted wives should be. The true wife will arise, the stature of a wife will arise in the spirit – it’s called the bridal company that will fulfil that perfection of a wife (that is, the church of the Lamb that is perfectly aligned under the authority of Christ), they follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth in all things. Can we be that church that is subject to our Lord in all things? That is the church that will be saved by the Lord of the body. He will receive salvation from His God.

This submission thing is not a small matter. The Lord will crumble all lies of Satan, all the raisings of fear (insecurities, hidden shame e.t.c) inside us that are opposed to the raisings of God. Perfect love will cast it out (1 John 4:18). Our homes will become the living entities that God wants them to become. Both males and females are brides of Christ and we will come under Him in all things.

Tongues & Interpretation

For they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. And they loved not their life unto the death.

For my submission is your death, my submission is how much you can lay down your life. It is how much you can go in the place of my death. My submission is you dying. As you die to self you are submitting to my will.

You can’t overcome the dragon except by submission. Have I not said in my word that you should submit to me and then you will be able to resist the evil one, to resist the devil.

It is by submission to heaven that you will do away with so many darknesses over your life. There is nothing under the heavens that cannot be submitted, whenever there is a fear of submission even over your soul, Satan likes to stay there. Satan likes to stay there and say so many things upon your life that if you speak this out they will see how much of a sinner you have been. It is a lie from the evil one. Have I not said in my word that he that covereth his sin will not prosper. The place of opening up your sin is in the place of submission.

Your prosperity lies in this place of exposing things of your heart. Stop concealing things to yourself, when you expose them, light has come.

Do not stay independently alone, submit to your brother, submit to your sister. Stay under covering. Stay under covering. Stop independent life, depend on your brother, depend on your sister, depend on authority. It is a season whereby we need to depend on one another for survival. It is when you submit that your will is being let go of.

It is when you open your mouth and declare that which is going on within that help will come. I want you to stretch forth your hand. If you don’t bring out your hand, help will not come. When you were younger you went whithersoever you wanted, now you need to stretch forth your hand. It is a season where you cannot go whithersoever you want to go. Stay under the directive of submission by stretching forth your hand for help.

The solution to overcome the dragon is by submitting one to another. Do not cover your sin because you will not prosper. There is nothing under the sun that I have not given grace to authority to deal with. You are safe under the hands of shepherds because they are under me.