Prayer Meeting (18/08/2021)

Pastor Laide

There is an ownership of the sayings of the Lord that drives you not to be silent. A publisher is not just one who adventures to make rhetorics of what the Lord has said, he is one, who by virtue of ownership and grace, has been raised to dispense that which the Lord is saying. 

(Isaiah 52:7) To publish is not just to advertise, it comes with a strength of conviction; with a strength of turning, of revelation and of unveiling the eyes. It is not about hearing “you must be saved” but to make salvation known. When God sends His word, it is a great company that seeks for it to be unveiled. There is a least and great in the kingdom, so also there are companies that are less and there are companies that are great. Not in numbers, (though they can be great in number), but it is great in the strength of what is being unveiled, in the level of unsheathing the veils of darkness.

Publishing is much more than just saying. It comes first with the strength of the Spirit to unsheath. If all we do is just say, we can’t publish in the spirit. When we publish something in the physical, we make it tangible. How we publish in the spirit is not just by declaring. There is a strength to make known what the Lord is saying. Good things will lace the path. 

It is not all feet that are this beautiful. Beautiful feet are feet that can bring good tidings on the mountain. There are feet that are designed to walk in high places. (Habakkuk 3:19) Not every feet construct can walk in high places. Beautiful feet are known by two things primarily: how it has been constructed to walk and what it bears. These determine the strength of what the feet publishes. Remember how the feet of the priests who bore the Ark; immediately they stepped into Jordan, Jordan parted (Joshua 3:15-17). 

(Revelation 1:12-15) When our Daddy Rev. Kayode is describing the frame of the soul by the walk of the soul teaching from Revelation, he describes the white garments of the saints, the ephod, and the girdle. The girdle is depending on the category and class of angels. But it is not only what they wear, it is also by the structure of who they are – this tells what they bear otherwise, they won’t mention his hair, eyes and voice. All these things are weaved into their making. They are all components of the glory of these beings as Daddy has taught (1 Corinthians 15:41). That is, feet are as fine brass is not just to describe how this angel looks, it is an expression of a life, of a code of life that is intricate in him, that is embodied as a messenger of Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:15). That is how beautiful the feet of this angel is. There is a way your feet will be structured if you are going to be a bearer of glory.

When our soul journeys, it is not the clothing that changes, the very composition of it changes. If you see what you look like in the spirit, you will marvel. Somewhere our vesture is changing as we are progressing. It has yet to be delivered to us but somewhere what we are accumulating in the spirit is changing. Not just your outward garment but bodily garment. 

(2 Corinthian 5:1) This house in heaven doesn’t mean we’ll be naked in heaven, we’ll still be clothed with white but even our house will be changed by our walk. We will be clothed upon our cloth. A soul will become more beautiful. May God help us to see beauty in the spirit. Bible speaks of a beauty that is of great price in the spirit, that is, in the sight of God (1 Peter 3:3-4)

There is a way meekness changes our nature and it is also an ornament – this is adornment. Adornment is to attach something that is not part of our body to enhance the beauty of our body. If you have the opportunity to wear precious pearls and do makeup, use it but know that it is perishing. It doesn’t increase our worth. Use it, as long as in your heart it doesn’t add to you.

There is an adorning and beautifying in the spirit and it is not by corruptible things but by incorruptible things. (Psalm 45:6-17; Psalm 144:12) Every beauty in the spirit is a stone, either a precious stone or precious metal. It must have been made precious for it to be declared beautiful. Even the garment of the priest is not only for glory but also for beauty. The beauty there is preciousness, meaning it has been made pure, separated. Anything that is common is not precious. For it to be made precious, it must be scarce. The Lord separates it far from that which is common by dealings. For the soul also that God is beautifying, there is dealing for sanctification. When they say it’s not common, it is not that it is not common amongst the company of the brethren but it is not common in the world. The preciousness is in the severity of the dealing and the quality of things shown to it. They deal with us by the word they show to us and then the word deals with us. 

(Isaiah 40:6-11) In verse 9, tidings have come but these feet have not yet climbed the high mountain. These feet need to journey to the heights of the mountain. This Jerusalem is symbolic of the bringer of good tidings of good things, that publisheth salvation. He will not just get to the high mountain but will lift up his voice with strength. In Isaiah 40:9 it says, “Behold your God…” but in Isaiah 52:7 it says “Thy God is Reigning…”. The herald to the cities of Judah is “look to your God” but in Zion, it is “your God is reigning in the midst of you.” In chapter 40 of Isaiah, these feet are not beautiful yet because they have not gotten to the heights of the mountain. Two things made the feet beautiful – the word that came to it and the journey. The word initiated the journey.

There is water for feet, there is fire for feet and there are sandals for feet. Many people think strangely that they have come to the place where their feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. It is not all Christians that their feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. It is not because you preach the gospel, it is a sandal work that they have to prepare for you by the gospel of peace. (Ephesians 6:14-15) You must have been cleansed with water before they wear you the shoe. (John 13:5-10) Jesus when He was going to wash the feet of the disciples, that cleansing was so they will have a part in Him. Once you are washed in the feet, you are clean. Cleansing with water is symbolic of a union with Him. This ‘clean’ here is not beautiful. It is the first work to have a part in Him. To have a part is not to have inheritance yet, it is to have a lot, to gain entrance into Him. This ‘clean’ every whit is the preliminary sanctification that births a soul into Christ. However, these clean feet cannot enter into Zion, let alone climb the mountains of Zion. When Jesus was being baptized by John, He did not just have clean feet, He had already sandals and that is why John could witness that even the sole latchet of His sandals “I am not worthy to unbuckle” (John 1:27). He was not just speaking figuratively, the gospel of peace has worked something on His feet, else He would not have been able to handle everlasting gospel. The gospel of peace had worked something around His feet. It has woven a sandal for His feet.

Let me ask a question – the children of God in the wilderness, their cloth and sandal did not shrink and how did they get sandals for the children they were giving birth to since their numbers were increasing? Is it that they packed extra from Egypt? No, because scripture says their shoes were growing with them (Deuteronomy 9:4; Deuteronomy 29:5; Nehemiah 9:21) – meaning the word that was coming to them was also working a sandal for the children that were being born.

There is a work the gospel of peace does that will make you not offended. (Psalm 91:11-12) Because of this gospel, you will not dash your feet against a stone. What makes us confidently walk upon stones is because we have shoes. The angelic ministry around this work is that they will bring words that will work around your feet such that, even when you step on stones, you will walk as though you are on plain ground. Those feet are not yet perfect but they will work something around them. If the gospel of peace will shod the feet, what will the gospel of salvation do to the feet? The feet in Isaiah 52:7 has been worked on by both the gospel of peace and the gospel of salvation. The gospel of peace is to prepare the feet like hinds for to climb because there’s no mountain that is not rocky. The gospel of peace is preached in Zion (but on the ground). But the work that takes the feet up is the gospel of salvation. The work of the gospel of salvation is to polish the feet and make them beautiful.

Zion is not the peak of it as our Daddy Rev. Kayode has shown us. There is the peak of Zion and then there is the peak of olives. The destination is not Zion but there is that which must be spoken to you in Zion and in the heights of Zion. At the top of Zion, they will sing another song to you for to ascend olives. Zion is the boundary of the holy place entering into the most holy place. This feet must get there.

Tongues and Interpretation 1

There is a walking that they want to work for bearers of the Ark

For those that will bear the Ark even as the cherubims of glory bear the Ark

They have to work in you and on you for to bring the weight of glory

For to bear the weight that is coming, even the weight called God

If you have not been worked within and without, you will not be able to bear the weight that the cherubims bear, even the weight of glory called God

So we are bringing a word to show our work, even for those that have been ordained from eternity to bear a part of this work

Yes, a part of this work called God

Even the living Ark

Even the living Ark

For the Ark is a four-footed beast that bears the glory, even the glory of the highest

So we are bringing a work, a word, a work, a word that will make everyone

Every people that have a lot in this business says the Lord.



Messengers of the Ark

Tongues and Interpretation 2

O feet, I am crafting your feet to bear the weight of the season

To bear the weight of that which is upon you at this time

I am crafting your feet

What we are doing is to hasten your feet even to bear the weight of the Ark

To walk in the path that you have not walked before

To tread upon the path that you have not walked before because there are so many weights even upon you as an assembly

We are shodding your feet for to walk

Hitherto where you have crawled before, it is time to walk

It is time to walk even by the shod of the spirit

This is not a walk of your foot but a work of mercy, a work of mercy for you to come up hither, for you to climb up hither

We are beautifying your feet to walk in this terrain, to come into the allocation of this terrain

We are beautifying your feet so that you can bear the weight of the Ark

You are the people of the Ark, the Ark is for you and so we are putting all our mercy together so that you can bear the responsibility of the Ark

You will enjoy so much mercy in this season to bear the Ark of the LORD

Angels coming, ministering spirits are coming

So much investment of the spirit for you to bear responsibility 

For you to handle the responsibility of the ark

To bear the weight of the Spirit, to ascend even into the Ark

We shod your feet

We shod your feet

We shod your feet to come up to the mountain, to get thee high into the mountain and to walk into the Ark

To bear the responsibility of the Ark, it is the work of our mercy

Pure mercy for ascension

Pure mercy and it is to purify your feet

O pure walk by our mercy for you to come to the Ark

Message Continues…

There is a work that they are working. There is a reason they work brass. Brass is not bronze, it is not the strongest of metals, but it is less corrosive than most metals, resistant even in saltwater. The very strength of this metal is its resistance to corruption. That work, they will take it to its highest work by the gospel of salvation. The feet of that Angel was like the feet of fine brass that burns in fire.

What we are saying today is that this gospel that the Lord is bringing to us will make a beauty out of you and it is because of the things that are coming. This gospel will have her perfect work in us. Amen.

How does God give beauty for ashes, oil of joy for mourning and garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness? He gives it by declarations, He preached to them (Isaiah 61:1-3). Beauty is given by declarations.