Prayer Meeting (26/05/2021)

Bro Happy Oseni

We must make sure that our mind is on prayer at all times. The Lord must help us break allegiance with Satan, and if we don’t fear, we won’t come into what God wants us to come into. There are so many instructions and commandments around us and we can’t memorize them. We must trust that the Lord will break this allegiance and grant us so much deliverance. We must pray against idols that will weigh us down. The arm of flesh will fail us at this time; we must yield to the Spirit.

There is a culture and way of life that man has learnt. But faith and charity have to work together. Sometimes, we fail in charity because of lack of trust in the Lord. 

Not living by bread alone means: man does not live by what he is seeing alone! This is a time that the Lord is telling us not to live by man’s economy, but by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of God. We can’t practice charity if we lack faith. There is a manner of life the Lord must teach us; it is the manner of trust in the Lord. 

We must be sincere in our charity walk, because, this is a season that the Lord must break our allegiance with evil whispering. There are spots in our walk of charity and we can’t prosper that way. The Lord must break our allegiance with selfishness. We can’t see light if we keep keeping to ourselves. We must be open-minded. We cannot hold on to ourselves and say we want to hold on to God. Holding on to God is selfless love. One’s life does not contain the abundance of the things that one possesses. 

The natural does not define any man except what the Lord is saying. We should pray that the Lord will bring a culture of not living for ourselves; of total surrender to God. We have not given our lives totally to Christ as our soul is still intact. This is not the time to hide from God. We need help to surrender all to the Lord. The Lord must touch anywhere He wants to touch in our soul and not be hindered. We need the grace to surrender all.

Pastor Laide Olaniyan

If we must survive the Christian life, we must be praying. We cannot prosper beyond our prayer. Jesus is interceding for us but He is not interceding to make us prayerless. Hearts are not able to participate and journey as they should and communication is also not effective because of failure of understanding. Any understanding that takes you away from prayer is not of the Lord. The more we know, the more we should trust in the power and efficacy of calling upon the name of the Lord. 

When the Lord begins to purify our hearts, and the things we engage the name of Jesus for is a change of nature, then judgement is coming upon the face of the earth. We must not fail nor belittle the power of prayer, not at any time. Our soul must love prayer. Just as much as we love the word and the opening of the word, our souls much more must love the place of communion: the place of intimacy. 

If our soul is not excited at the call for prayer, then it is a gross infirmity, a cancer, a signal that death is encroaching. When Satan wants to kill, the first thing is to make one prayerless. We cannot survive beyond our prayer. We must pray in the morning, noon and when we come together, we just come praying. 

We must come praying so that large corporate entrance will be ministered unto us. Many times, we don’t touch the intent of the spirit corporately. We must stay prayed up. If we practice being ever filled with the Holy Ghost as Hagin taught us, we will realize that we will stay in the praying atmosphere. He taught us that the first principle of staying filled is praying in the Holy Ghost.

We must stay ghosted by speaking in the Holy Ghost every spare time;  just stay engaged in the Holy Ghost. It is not empty as long as we are doing it in obedience to the scriptures. As we do it, God is able to navigate our thoughts. We must stay ever-filled; speaking in the HolyGhost, if not, we will not come into the realm of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (1 Corinthians 14).

Weariness settles in when we don’t learn to stay in the spirit. When we stay filled in the HolyGhost, even when weariness sets in, we will have enough strength to carry on and tarry in the place of prayer.

Joy will encompass you round about; an unexplainable joy. When we come into an atmosphere of prayer, it makes our communication effectual in the spirit. Submission will not be difficult; when a soul can’t submit to his brethren, then he is not ghosted.

(Romans 8:28) All things work together for our good. It is not all realms that all things work together, but in a realm where you have arranged all things well in the spirit. If we don’t pray, nothing will work together for our good.

There are scriptures we won’t be able to fulfil if we don’t pray. Unless we stay praying, we won’t come to the threshold in the spirit where we can always give thanks. Thanksgiving is not far from your lips because you stay ever praying.

If God has not broken you in the place of prayer, He cannot break you through your brethren. If brethren try to touch the grounds that God has not touched, you will fight but when you have prayed, the strength and the will to submit will rest.

Succeed inside and you will just find out that you would have learnt how to bridle your tongue. There is a whole lot hanging over us this season, but we must pray and these foundations are necessary if we must excel. We must continue to “eat Ghost” until something eternal bursts inside of us. 

We must remain ghosted so that God can find plain expression within us.

We must practice staying in the spirit and praying in the Holy Ghost. Sometimes, it looks burdensome, but we must practice because it will wear us true and true. Prayer will be second nature;  being 100 per cent yielded in the spirit without our knowledge or perception will become natural to us. God wants us to stay strategically to wear us. Even when we don’t feel like, we can start in the flesh and the Holy Spirit will take over.

Satan will not cheat us any longer. The Lord will heal us of dullness, we will be so open in the spirit, we will be beautiful in the Spirit.

We can be so tuned up that there is no dissonance with heaven. May the Lord quicken us and may our response will be apt this season.

1st Tongues & Interpretation

Pray! Pray!! Pray and see to the prosperity of my work in your midst, without prayer my work cannot prosper in your midst. 

Let every man see to prayer. Pray, pray, pray everywhere you are. Pray to the Lord, offer incense to the Lord. Let your altar burn of prayer. 

There is something prayer has to do in the prosperity of the Word. Prayer will make it more prosperous. There is much that is required even by the virtue of your prayer, much is hanging on your prayer. I bring a wearing of prayer, even the wearing of prayer upon everyone. 

I am going to raise intercessors in your midst, those that will stay in the gap. Stay prayerful, for there is a wearing of prayer this time, yield yourself to this wearing, the Lord is wearing you. Pray! We are bringing our wearing upon the house even at this time for to pray.

2nd Tongues & Interpretation

Many intercessors, I bring many intercessors in your midst at this time. 

The spirit is always willing, do not yield to the flesh. Start in the flesh and your spirit will take over. Allow the spirit so you will not be taken over by the storm that is raging.

Do not stay in your ignorance, there is a desire, a strong desire upon every soul to pray. Have a prayer devotion, a prayer culture.

Pray, for there is an intercession needed at this time so that the prayer unction upon the church will flow down. I want men to stand with me, start in the flesh and the Spirit will take you over. I wear you with a garment of prayer.