TEXT:  1Cor. 6:9-12, Gal 5:16-25 


In our last lesson, we learnt by the grace of God that, some men crept into the church and found their way into the seat of knowledge and perverted the truth, then sold lies to vulnerable believers. These men are Bible scholars who are very intelligent, vast in the letters of scriptures, but have not the Spirit. They perverted the scripture and bent it to answer to history, psychology, and modern sociology in trying to prove that LGBTQ+ ideology and practice are not abominations in the sight of God (and in the Church). We also learnt that the male and the female are estates God kept man to find expression. LGBTQ+ ideology is a sin against nature. It also a walk out of man’s given estate.  

Overcoming the Spirit and Nature of Homosexuality 

In today’s lesson we shall be looking at what to do to overcome the spirit and nature called homosexuality. 

  1. LGBTQ+ can be helped!!! (1Cor. 6:9-12, Romans 8:1-12, Colossians 3:1-6): 

Homosexuality is not a modern-day sexual pervasion. There were homosexuals who got converted in the early church. They did believe and submitted to the word and were washed off this filth. The same Jesus who washed men off this sin is still in charge of washing away all filth today. The Lord can help a man dealing with LGBTQ+ nature, through His words and by the operations of the Holy spirit. Believe that LGBTQ+ infirmity can be cured by Jesus. There is power in the gospel to convert men to do the will of God. Believe! 

  1. Repent and be converted (2Cor 7:8-11, Act 3:19) 

Repentance and conversion not celibacy. We are not encouraging abstinence or homosexual celibacy, no! All what we are saying is repent and let God destroy the root of this infirmity so that you can think, feel and behave in a manner expected of your birth gender. 

Some people have concluded that homosexuality tendencies cannot be healed. That is because they carnally approached it through psychological counselling. They are ignorant that these tendencies were weaved by evil spirits that cannot be touch by carnal knowledge. So, they concluded that they were born so. The good news here is that all forms of LGBTQ+ nature and tendencies can be healed. 

  1. Mortifying the deed of the Flesh through the Spirit (Romans 8:13, Col. 3:5, Gal 5:16-18): 

Homosexuality was formed as nature in men through the course of this world (doctrine of devils and seducing spirits) and then men were led by the prince of the power of the air. Also, this nature can only be broken when a willing soul submit under the word and willingly yield to the leading of the Spirit. 

  1. Exercising your authority as a believer (Phil 2:3-5, James 4:7, Mark 11:23) 

In our previous lessons, it was stated that LGBTQ+ is an ideology of evils spirits. They constantly bombard the mind with thoughts and feeling to perpetuate their evil enterprise among men. Regardless of how strong an evil spirit is, they bow when faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is exercised. Your spiritual atmosphere; what you think or do is your sole responsibility and you have to fight the good fight and take over your atmosphere. 

  1. Detect the causative factors (1Thess. 5: 22-23, 1Cor 5:9-11, Prov. 13:20):  

Wrong relationships and exposure to materials (books, movies, social medias etc.) are major means through which we ignorantly open doors for evil spirits to invade our thought realm. They are materials of offense (Matt 5:30). Our spirit, soul and body will be exposed to harm if we do not flee appearance of evil (1Thess.5:22-23). 

The Apostle often warns the brethren not to company with fornicators and flee all appearances of evil because of wrong influence such company can bring upon the entire being. Don’t company with a homosexual and don’t make their supporters your friend. 1Cor 15:33. All these play a major role in the atmosphere around us. 

  1. Submit to divine ordinances (Gen 1:27-28, 2:23-24, Matthew 19:4-6, Eph. 5:31):  

There are ordinances that are as sure as the ordinance of the sun and the moon. Such ordinance includes; man and woman in marriage and this cannot be changed even in the face of modern ideology. LGBTQ+ is a Satanic ideology against God’s ordinance.  

  1. Do not love what God hate (Lev.18:22-25, Lev 20:13, Heb 1:9): 

God hate LGBTQ+ nature; He hates their ideology because it is a blasphemy against His name. God, throughout the whole scripture, showed His unambiguous hatred towards LGBTQ+ nature and ideology. God hates it, creation hates it, nature hates it. We demonstrate our love to God by hating what He hates and loving what He loves. GOD LOVES THE WORLD BUT HATES LGBTQ+ NATURE AND IDEOLOGIES because it is not from Him. 

  1. Be thankful (Romans 1:21, 2Timothy 3:1-5): 

The LGBTQ+ spirit is a perilous spirit and one of its operations is that men will be unthankful, without natural affection. Unthankfulness and lack of reverence are major root cause of LGBTQ+. This nature is highly blasphemous and makes men godless. We need to particularly be thankful for our gender that work in synergy with our God given organs and anatomy.  It is covetousness which is idolatry to be dissatisfied with our God-given gender. 

  1. Seek spiritual help and belong to a spiritual family (healthy local assembly) (Act 4:23,1Peter 5:5): 

Those who are battling with homosexual tendencies often keep this to themselves because of fear of being exposed and segregated. Jesus loves all sinners, but He hates sins and the sinful nature. We also love LGBTQ+ practitioners who are willing to embrace the truth of God. Jesus loves you and He is able to save from all infirmities! 

One thing the LGBTQ+ does not like is submission to a higher authority who can confront it. You need to join a local assembly and submit to a Pastor for help. It is advisable you speak with a trusted Pastor for spiritual help. Jesus will not cast you out if you come unto Him and we will not! JESUS LOVES YOU AND WE LOVE YOU TOO.