Date: 21st March, 2021

Ministers: Rev. Kayode Oyegoke

Reverend Kayode Oyegoke (Message)

1st Tongues & Interpretation

LIGHT! LIGHT!! LIGHT!!! For I have been sent even for this purpose, even to bring forth light, I’ve been sent even to assist in bringing forth light, clarity, many many many lights concerning things that pertain to me.

(Romans 8:1-6, Romans 1:16-17) What will make man free is the Law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus. A lot of churches have not handled this law, dealing with the law of sin and death. Sin and death is not an ordinary law. It is the law that precedes the law of hell and death. There are two types of laws in the covenant of satan: 1. Sin and death 2. Hell and death.

(Revelation 1:17-18) Hell and death is the higher satanic law. Anyone that allows this law to fully find effect in him, such person has expired and can’t come back to God. You can’t deliver such anymore. What this law does is to completely turn a man to a point that the person departs completely from God and never to return.

There are things on earth that can make one exposed to this law. Children of God who are still babies are not easily exposed to this law. The earth is being taken over by a higher law called sin and death. Sin and death have cultured the universe for a long time. Now we’re finding that a greater law ( hell and death) is operating on man. 

Sin and death in terms of law, man had used sin and death very well. And men are being arrested into hell and death. But God can still call persons back who are in hell and death because Jesus can still use the keys of hell and death. He’s got the keys of sin and death; and hell and death. The keys of hell doesn’t mean Jesus will bring hell to you but feather that he has solutions to hell and death. He has things to prevent hell from overcoming you. So, you can overcome hell and death as you overcame sin and death. Overcoming sin and death is to overcome the world. What overcomes the world is the law of Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. To set me free, the freedom is being set free from the world.

(Romans 8.1-2) Making men free is to make men free from the world. It’s the law of the world we were told not to love. An overcomer of the world is the one who has broken free from the law of sin and death. What makes up the law of sin and death? Many unbelievers don’t know hell and death. There are indices and signs to know hell is already at work in people.

What we can certainly say is that to a degree, young men are beginning to taste another food of darkness on the earth. The first deliverance is to be set free – to take a position or posture of freedom. 

(Romans 8:2) There’s only one thing that can deliver us from sin and death. It’s the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. This law will set us free. To be free from a demonic attack or demonic possession, we need a lower power. If someone has an evil spirit, the freedom of such a person doesn’t need a law, the person can be free by a lower power. 

You need a law that is invisible to do the Invisible. What sin and death does can’t be seen except with understanding. That is when we begin to see bondage defined in another format. So, we need the help of the law God has instituted into His Son. We don’t need to engage the law of the spirit of life to drive evil spirits out. 

(Romans 8.2) The Lord Jesus wasn’t using the law to cast out demons. He used words to send them out. Because of the operational manual of how these laws are being engaged, the Lord followed the same pattern of physical deliverance. The law can make us men who cannot be possessed: the spirit that possesses people and speak through them. It takes time for possession to take place. There are all manners of possession, some are not injurious, some people can have evil spirits and the spirit would use them for many things until they get tired. Spirits can use people and people can use spirits. In the case of that woman with the spirit of possession, she was using the spirit to make money. Some girls have evil spirit. They are possessed, and the spirit can make them do stuff, bring men bound – they can lure men to get things from men. Then such a man would carry those influences home. The woman having the spirit of divinity had a spirit of possession, not oppression (Acts 16:16).

We can cast out evil spirits. There are spirits that possess people that can lead to sickness in their body. A spirit can inflict the body. The oppression is not an external weight, it’s from within, so the man has to be broken from such possession. When we’re dealing with healings at times, spirits are involved, someone can carry evil spirits in the body. A spirit can sit on someone’s head and cause headaches without cure. Sometimes, God needs to give you discernment, visions, open and spiritual visions to see these spirits. 

When vision is in operation in case of diseases, the spirit will know, and that discernment is a measure of deliverance to that disease. When we see people who are witches, it means a spirit is given to make them leave their bodies, that’s a kind of possession. When someone takes a journey into the unseen to attack people, it’s a craft; a spirit craft to engage in such acts. There is a demonic power which aids them. 

Evil spirits brought the culture of spirits to different nations and taught them how to benefit from spirits. They’re called the doctrine of demons. People can learn demons, and demons will teach them many things. There are demons who speak in tongues. Some people speak through many mediums when speaking in tongues. It is not God’s tongue. It is an evil spirit tongue.

Jesus casted out 7 demons from Mary Magdalene, she wasn’t mad. What is it about her, and how did Jesus discern them? Apart from her natural character, she had some impartation by the empowerment of demons. She carried the spirit of lust, apart from the normal attraction of a lady. You cannot look at her and be okay (Mark 16:9). If Mary was in a church today, many pastors would have committed fornication. A Christian can have a spirit of lust. Beauty does not necessarily suggest seduction, but when a man has the spirit of lust, you would have committed fornication with her.

Anybody can have the gift of word of knowledge. Even thieves have word of knowledge. An unbeliever can have word of knowledge. Who gave him the info? A spirit, which has been culturing him since childhood. The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus can deliver someone from the hands of demons, negative characters etc… Even in our EGFM meetings, it’s not everyone shouting that is prophesying, evil spirits are leaving some of them.

When you’re changing nature, you’re changing the house, you’re re-designing the house and therefore spirits occupying the house have to leave. Anytime you’re engaging the word of righteousness, spirits flee. Anytime we engage these laws, we position ourselves as being formidable against the forces of sin and death.

We can see in scripture the operations of the kingdom of the adversary, demons are the ones with the lower operations.

When they bring the installation, and bring the word of righteousness, you’re establishing authority. You’re changing landscape, you’re redesigning order and reinstalling orders. (Romans 8.2) I can cast out demons and I may not have engaged the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus. To enter into the kingdom, you need to engage this law. You can’t force your way into the kingdom, you have to operate this law for dominion.

Someone who is casting out demons and doing mighty works may not enter into the kingdom. Entering into the kingdom, we need to engage this law.  What are we being set free from? We’re being set free from a dominion (Colossians 1:13).

(Ephesians 5:5) Someone can speak in deep tongues and cast out demons but not have inheritance. Someone can prophesy and not have inheritance. The means by which one has inheritance is by using the law of the kingdom. 

(Romans 1:16, Romans 8:2) The law of sin and death. You may not be an idolatrous person, a whoremonger etc, this does not mean you have an inheritance. It takes more than that. What you are supposed to do, is being free from the laws of sin and death.

Spirit of life is designed for sin and death. Law of the spirit of life in Christ…there is a kingdom in Christ, that is a kingdom that is for Christ. (Ephesians 5:5) The dominion that is of Christ, or Christ kind of dominion hinges on one law, that is the law of spirit of life in Christ Jesus.

(1 Corinthians 1:18-19, 24) Christ: the power of God. Anything that Christ signifies is power. Power, not as in power to cast demons. Power, not as in exercising authority to heal the sick and cast out demons. The definition of power here is access, aid, enablement. If someone wants to get to God, he needs power to do it. That’s why Christ is the power of God unto salvation. That’s why we can call it enablement, access to God. 

There’s a power designed to get to God. So, Christ is the power of God. (Romans 8:2) Deliverance from the power of darkness can only occur when we engage the power that God has provided to cause us to be free from the power of darkness. (Acts 26:18) So, there are two powers. We can’t leave the power of Satan and get to God. We need to turn from the power of Satan unto the power of God. I need power to be able to receive forgiveness of sins. We can’t just receive this forgiveness of sin without receiving power. All is in the power of God. When we receive the power of God, there are things we can now get. Part of the package of power is to be powerful to receive forgiveness of sin, and while receiving this, you receive power. While you are receiving the forgiveness of sins, you are also receiving power. 

To have inheritance in the kingdom of Christ, we need to have the power. There are two major things we receive in the kingdom of Christ: forgiveness of sin and inheritance among them that are sanctified. 

You can have the power of God and not have it in full. (Acts 26:18) To have the power of God is to have forgiveness and inheritance among them that are sanctified. It means the power also adds inheritance among them that are sanctified. (Ephesians 5:5) We can’t receive forgiveness of sin except we’re empowered. The power of God will cause us to receive forgiveness of sin and also inheritance. This means the place I turn is not the place where I receive forgiveness, the place where I receive forgiveness is not the same as the place I receive inheritance. There are places! 

(2Corinthians 2:14) Our triumph in Christ is in every place, this also means there are places in Christ. The day you turn to God, it takes power. To turn to God, we have to journey to a place where sins are forgiven. Jesus gave Paul the power to turn people and then cause them to receive forgiveness. Turning people caused them to receive forgiveness. Anyone who is now turned is he who has turned from using the law of sin and death. We have been delivered from the law of sin and death. There are things we have by the power of Satan. It’s clear the power to God and satan are opposing each other. The power of satan does not want the power of God to be preached. Because preaching the power of God is preaching Christ, and preaching him to the end is preaching him to inheritance among those that are sanctified.

The power of satan is what is called the power of darkness. This is the dark power, dark dimension, it is darkness operating, it is darkness prone, it darkens, it works darkness. (Ephesians 4:17) Other gentiles are walking under the law of sin and death. Vain mind resolves through a walk. Vain mind is a resolute mindset. The mind of a gentile is vain. If we marry a gentile with this type of mind, we’re marrying a vain mind. All the gentiles live for is vanity. The gentiles’ hope does not transcend here. Churches don’t tackle this vain hope, but rather they fan it. The hope is not defeated until the power of God arises. The power of God opens your understanding to see life more than how gentiles see it. The power of God will tell you, “this is not the hope”. Many so-called faith preachers don’t see the hope of His calling. Many believe the hope is centered around ministry, good life on earth etc. If somebody’s hope has changed, you will have regard for stature, for spiritual development. Stature is actually the hope, growing up spiritually.

Does Christ really matter?

Without having Christ, you have nothing. No matter the result of your ministry, if you’re unable to have Christ built in you, you are nothing.

(Ephesians 1:18) Darkness is exchanged for light. When darkness is no longer in the understanding, vanity is defeated. We can see that eyes and hope are attached. Hope is what you envision as life. What you see as life is hope. This is where you can identify a strong believer. This is how you know a strong man. Somebody who is able to put things together and sum everything about himself and invest it rightly. True investment of oneself should be into what is real.

There is a great deception…no wonder God called Satan a prince. He designed a lifestyle for all men, and the whole world put their entire life on nothingness. Bible did not make mistake calling it power. And he did it through and how things are being seen. He knows what you see will affect your decision, so he wrote a different life code and gave it to man.

The Lord decided to come through foolishness to make His power known. To bring down the pride of this world, to tear it down. Some preachers will not even go to school and He will use them to tear down the pride satan has raised through men. Sicknesses didn’t just come. Satan took time to weaken the fabric of man through disobedience. Prior to then, it was not possible for demons to reach man.

These diseases came from our demonical worships, obatala etc. Demons reward with sickness. Remember the story of the prodigal son? He ate swine food, then one day he came to himself and began to journey/walked back from all those realms to his Father. He didn’t meet the Father in the house, but outside. House is eternity, outside is EVERLASTING LIFE. He met him between CHRIST AND ETERNAL LIFE.


(Luke 15:16 – 25, 32) When you teach in the right direction, anointing increases. There is something about the human mind. Your mind must be protected. 

Prophecy by Reverend Kayode Oyegoke

Mind my things, use your understanding to mind my things. Use your understanding to mind my things. Invest your mind in minding mine things. We are bringing our conversation upon your mind, we want to change your judgement. The perspective from which you judge. We are breaking down the wall of partition separating between you and the wall of righteousness. You will walk this life. You will live this life. You will fellowship with the reality of this life.

Message Continues…

We have known hope in our different perspectives, and not after God. (Ephesians 1:18) What is hope? Hope is something you make a high resolve to attain. The essence of existence of life. If you take away hope, you’ve taken away life. There’s a life behind the coming of God. When the eyes of your understanding are enlightened you will see this life. Being in governance or at the helm of affairs is not life, it’s emptiness, VANITY! There’s a privilege coming to you to express how Christ lived. Life is having energy on the inside. Life is being free. Satan gave hope to men for them to be trapped, the greatest weapon of satan is life. Hope is life. Hope is the seduction. Women, money is not it, it is hope. Because of hope, men became weakened to the things of the flesh. Those who embarked on a journey to hold the vain hope, if they were shown fornication, adultery, they won’t give way, but what satan showed/offered is dominion. Satan showed dominion to beat man down. We will be free from spirits if we change HOPE! Spirits that control men, control via hope. If you refuse what they are offering, you break free. Every church should labor to break people free from this hope. No pastor should be ashamed, because that is what satan wants – for you to be ashamed of the gospel.

(Romans 1:16) It’s a blackmail. Some of these spirits cast some shame around you for people not to associate with you. Over time, somebody who is never discouraged at the assault, is who has made up his mind that no matter what, he will stay through. 

(Ephesians 6:10-12) Four levels of evil spirit domination; and all these levels are being guided/operational through two laws. The law of sin and death, and the law of hell and death. Rulers of the darkness of this world are in charge of sin and death. Principalities, rulers of darkness are the enforcers of the power of satan. They are spirits that are in charge of blindness; they’re law enforcing agents of the first hope of satan. Sin and death doesn’t look like sin and death to someone who is hopeful in the world, it is seen as life. It’s a life force that fuels these three spirits: principalities and powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

When you’re breaking free, you’re engaging the laws of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, then you are going against those spirits. These spirits of devils. These spirits know the laws of sin and death and compel people to obey it. They have it, they teach it, they give it and they compel people to have it. To walk after the flesh is to walk after the law of sin and death. Sin and death is operational through a code called FLESH. When you’re spiritual, you’re free. The day you are free, the spiritual rulers of the darkness of this world will now hand you over to spiritual wickedness in high places. But there is a provision for them, which is the power of an endless life or the power of eternal life. Jesus is raising an army that will handle them; men that will be free from them. 

To win a spirit, win the life that is in him. To conquer a spirit, conquer him and what he can do. To be a spirit, deal with it, that is, conquer him. All that a spirit wants to do is to teach you how to live. By their life, they hold captive, they imprison.

Bondage is a lifestyle. Bondage can be living on earth, riding cars, living in Banana Island. To be delivered from bondage is to be delivered from an empty hope. To be delivered from bondage is to be delivered from a NOTHING hope. These spirits made nothingness real and appealing. Imagine a Christian calling nothingness ( car, house etc) GLORY. That’s not Glory! Preachers need to have confidence to tell people what they are holding is NOTHINGNESS. 

If you can’t think outside this frame of life, you’re in captivity, BONDAGE. There’s no life outside anywhere. CHRIST IS LIFE!! Principalities, powers and rulers of darkness are angels of sin and death.

2nd Tongues and Interpretation

We are bringing our conversation upon your mind, we want to change your judgment, we want to change your reasoning, we want to change the faculty from which you reason. We want to change your conversation – even the conversation of your mind. The conversation that will renew your mind, even the conversation of the Godhead. It’s a time that your conversation will change, it’s a mind thing. Renew your mind by this word. As this word is coming, it’s for a renewal of your mind. It will deliver you from the attack your mind has gotten in the time past. 

Some of you have fellowshipped with spirits, even wrong spirits, for the word will deliver your mind. There are so many oppression, even oppression of the mind, attack of the mind, for they will be loose. I will set them loose. The real battle is in your mind, there are so many things that you’re going through in your mind. But the word of the Lord will set them loose and deliver you. The captivity that has waged war with your mind…the word of the Lord will set your mind loose from it. You are going through a lot in your mind. But deliverance is coming, for we’re bringing our conversation to deliver you from the captivities of the mind.

We’re coming with a greater light at this time, even a greater authority to hijack your mind and the process of your thoughts and understanding. We’re coming with a greater authority. The words I speak to you are life for to transform you, to transform your gene and to transform your mind. The dews of heaven are coming, even the grace of heaven are coming upon your mind. You will begin to have the thought of heaven. They are the deliverance from the current thoughts you’re having. The wrong conversation of your thoughts will be delivered – even by the conversation of the Godhead. Do not say it is not for you. The conversation of the Godhead are your meat. They are things that you’re supposed to be fellowshipping with. 

We’re bringing deliverance upon your mind. Deliverance upon your thinking. Wrong thinking will be corrected. Even possessed devilish thinking will be corrected. We’re bringing redemption, even the redemptive work of Christ upon your mind. You shall be delivered, because deliverance is in the house. You will be delivered.

3rd Tongues and Interpretation

We are breaking the middle wall of partition between you and the fellowship of the word of righteousness. We’re breaking that barrier. You can fellowship with the light, they are food and drink, they are your food, they are your feeding. It is time to fellowship with this path of eternal life. It is time for the word of righteousnesses to become your conversation, your reality, thinking and fellowship. 

Deliverance is yours, to break that middle wall of partition. Partition that has separated you from the thought of this light. You will walk this life, you will mind this life, you will think this life, you will fellowship with this life – it will be the basis of your thinking, fellowship, conversation and living. You will live by the conversation of the word of righteousness. 

4th Tongues and Interpretation

Host! Host!! Host!!! We are coming in our multitudes, we are coming in numbers, we are coming for the airspace has been opened. We are coming in our numbers, we are coming, we are coming. We! We!! We!!! We are here to do a work. We are here to prosper this work, for we’ve been sent to this vicinity, we’ve been sent in numbers. There will be a propagation of the word, for the gospel of Christ will be heard, the gospel of Christ will be preached. For we’ve been sent even to help. We are host sent from God.

5th Tongues and Interpretation

Mo ma mu ogo wa, ma gbe ogo, ma de mu ogo wa.

For indeed, I am going to begin to deal with root causes, I am going down.

I’m going to the depth to repair and purge wrong foundation. I’m going to purge, I will purge, I will bring them down, even wrong working, even operations and administrations that have held many minds down, I will bring them down and I will re-exalt my throne. I will exalt my kingdom. For my kingdom is even the kingdom of Christ and God. Even my kingdom will turn and men will begin to find ways to enter into this kingdom. Oh, I’m in for work, I am ready for work, for it is a time of entrance, it’s a time for great entrance. Many will see kingdom and begin to enter kingdom. Many kingdoms will also fall, many kingdoms are coming down, and I will exalt my kingdom.  For sight will be restored, and many will enter even into the kingdom of Christ and God.