The New and Living Way Church, Ikorodu.

Meeting:              Sunday Service

Date:                       10th October, 2021

Ministers:                Rev. Kayode Oyegoke

Message Begins

Rev. Kayode Oyegoke

1st Tongues & Interpretation

I’ve been sent to bring you up to me

He sent me here

Jesus sent me to bring you up to here

Jesus sent me Himself to come here to bring you up to Him

So I’m bringing you up

Jesus sent me

(Romans 6: 1-7) He that is dead is free from sin – this is weightier than what we thought.  It’s good to master the teaching of the spirit man when you become born again. It’s good to understand the rudiment of your faith for the inner man to benefit from the power of the inner man. When souls aren’t yet trained by God to take the posture of the inner man in its completeness, there’s a measure of faith that the soul can understand. So it’s clear that faith varies according to the level of understanding. Faith is operational according to the level of understanding. Faith is proportional to understanding. 

When you’re born again, your eyes of understanding are not yet enlightened but that doesn’t mean you’re not with understanding. You’re unlearned in Christ. It’s a lot to say you’re born again and say there’s a dimension of understanding that your soul can agree to because of its understanding. It’s a lack of access to the faith path. Of all faith, Christ faith is the highest. 

You can’t compare the faith of Enoch to the faith of the Centurion. God may drop a seed in the centurion, and that seed may grow to deliver the servant but it may not be the life of Enoch. That long suffering path taught by God may not be in the life of the Centurion. The faith of the Centurion is not enough to drive faith energy. It will take mercy to make souls access the tutelage of God. Allowing the discipline of some faith to find expressions in our life will take an upgrading of the mind. If the mind can accept it and believe it, that faith will find a place for its activities.

(Ephesians 1:18-19) For the eyes of your understanding to be enlightened is so that a life can thrive. You see that power is nothing but a lifestyle. When you read scriptures, you don’t quickly see power as life. When you see a flow of life, it has power. That power of resurrection is a generator of lifestyle. 

(Ephesians 3:7) This power is Christ. It is the power of life, it is the formation of a Person. It is a ministry. This is life. You may not be able to allow their power. This power may not be at work in a person’s soul but latent in the spirit. To open it up to the person’s soul you need to make way – upgrade the soul, release the soul in another thinking that will allow the power. Power makes thoughts available. The life in the spirit is suggesting to the soul. Your soul has been reframed to agree with such thoughts. Thoughts are life. When thoughts are born, ways are invented. When thoughts are fired to your spirit and your soul accommodates them, it is because it is enlightened.

(Ephesians 1:18) This is not your spirit but your soul. In other words, this can be put like this: I want you to receive the knowledge of the glory of what you’re supposed to come into. Inheritance is a person called Christ. When the power of His inheritance is generating, you’ll not be unaware of the power move, because power can be operating but you’re not connecting. Before, we were connected to the wrong power ie power of Satan. Nothing else can stop the power of Satan but the power of God which is the power that raised Jesus from the dead. But the power of His resurrection is different from this – according to Philippians. 

Chapter 6 of Ephesians is the power of the dead. The person they raised from the dead is Christ. But the power of His resurrection is the power of the Son of God – which Paul said that he may know in Philippians. These words are different. They are intentional by God and the skills are with the apostles. The weaving of words is learnt from the Lord Jesus. It’s the same way the Lord will talk to Hagin and he will receive wisdom. Wisdom will make you know how the bible arranged words. At times it takes the prophetic ministry to see the alignment of words in scriptures. 

(Philippians 3:10) This Paul that wrote this was a master of Ephesians 1. The power of His resurrection here is not the power that will raise Jesus from the dead. (Philippians 3:12) It’s the attainment of the resurrection of the dead, not from the dead.

(Romans 6: 1-4) There was a resurrection from the dead – Christ, but God did more than that. (Hebrews 13:20) “Again” here means that something has happened before. When Jesus was born, he never died but there was no raising from the dead except for the one that happened after day 3. So ‘again’ means that there are two dimensions to resurrection status. 

(Revelation 11:18) There are small saints and great saints. (Revelation 20:12) If we have small death, great death and we have small saints and great saints, we also have those with small resurrection and great resurrection. (Rev. 11:18) There are three categories here under small and great. Those who have small life and great life, small death and great death, small resurrection and great resurrection. Those with fear in him are not among the small, because their soul hadn’t picked up learning at all. 

The saints are categorized under people who have attained the small resurrection. Small resurrection is the resurrection from the dead which is the raising of Christ. Anything that is categorized in Christ is stored as doctrinal power. That doctrine has been formatted into a word. And everything needed to make Jesus has been formatted into the Word. If we preach the Word, it is us making use of the resurrection power. There are two levels of power: resurrection of and from the dead. The saints are those who have learned Christ, they have attained small resurrection. The prophets are those who are undergoing great resurrection.

(Revelation 11:16) This great power is the resurrection of the dead. This is the measure of great power. The power of God is actually raising the dead. God doesn’t want to be known as God of miracles, that is belittling Him. He raises the dead: both great and small. We identify Him as God who quickeneth the dead (Romans 4:17). God quickeneth our spirit in a small dimension. The small resurrection power is Christ. Prophets are servants. Rev. 1 was written to servants – Rev. 1:1

(Rev. 19:10) “Worship God” is for those who serve. The colon is a response to the first statement the angel made before “worship God” – it shows that the people he asked to worship God have the capacity to worship God. Those who will worship in spirit and in truth – they call them worshippers. Anything that is truth is high voltage. They do not only worship in truth, they’re true. It will take prophetic wisdom to understand how to worship God. They don’t just prophesy, they have skills to detect live codes. Worshiping God takes some training. A spiritual dullard can’t worship God. Who can worship God? Prophets because they are enlightened. God raised them by light. They are elites of God who respond to the demand of service that the Father wants. They must do it well. 

The will of service to God may be left undone for generations until some people will hold the manuscript of that actual service and do it well. Satan understands these things because he’s got a copy. He knows that it can only be done in a better substance. The quality of response to the service of God is higher. 

The angels saying they are like us are saying that they follow the same order, but we’re carrying something better because Jesus was given something so much better than the angels by inheritance. But Jesus worshiping has attained much stature. Worship is a stature. (Hebrews 1:6) Materials that they value in the realm of the spirit is change. If angels can change, we can change.  Everytime, don’t remain in the same place, change. (2 Corinthians 3:18) Change is tantamount to our response of worship. The spirit of the Lord is the set standard for changing, the spirit will morph into changes and would expect us to follow. 

The Holy Spirit changes and expects us to follow suit. Change is a garment. We’re not meant to remain from what we were from yesterday. When we got born again, we received the ability to change to be better. Jesus was so raised and He changed and angels watched him change. Jesus changed to the extent that angels couldn’t get to. May God give us wisdom to examine our state. May God make us see and grasp that thing about change. 

We can’t change without mercy. We have to obtain mercy to change from Christ to the Son of God, from carnal man to Christ. 

The ministry is resurrections. Inside that standing spirit called the glory of the Father that raised Christ from the dead, Christ is the personality that is on it. And the Holy Ghost was sent by the Father to change Him. When the Holy Ghost sees us, He knows what to change in us due to our materiality. The Holy Ghost will drive us into an oath of change.  Sometimes, He will never tell you how He wants to change you. Sometimes, the Holy Ghost will tell you to seek and pray for change. He holds the power to change.

Your change is your honour in the spirit.  You’re being glorified.

Romans 6 starts with the small resurrection – which is the giving of Christ. When God is doing a raising work in a man, there is a first measure in it called Christ. It’s not easy to attain this. Christ’s feet are the one on the ground. Christ’s feet are layers of stone. There is a Christ very close to sand. It’s a formation of rock progressions to the height of the rock. That Christ which is the charity man, (perfect Christ is a powerful rock). He’s not the one at the feet. 

The stone that came from heaven is a living stone. It didn’t hit the beast in the head. The image of the beast is a systematic formation of angels. Angels designed it to operate here. (Daniel 2:32-34) It’s not God’s metal but Satan’s metal. But the Christ of God came and destroyed it. 

(Romans 5:12) When death is present, it won’t make us appreciate people being raised – this is when we appreciate the external works of God more than what He is doing inside. Christianity is receiving life and carrying your death to be raised. Everybody carried death. Jesus helped them to raise the dead. This is symbolic in the realm of the spirit. Your spirit being raised connote that an aspect is working but a part of you is still dead.

The woman whom Jesus raised her child, she also had a death in her. Until people see physical proof, they won’t appreciate what God is doing inside. The day we submit our death to God for him to raise it, we have some life. Our spirit was raised so that it can give up its dead to God. Our soul and body are what our spirit must give up. Every true Christ will commit his dead to be raised. 

Sin entered into the world by one man, death by sin. This sin is not an ordinary thing. This sin was iniquity. This sin is a ministry, a ministration of sin/death…death by sin. This death is great death – And so death passed upon men, for that all have sinned. If checked, not all have sinned greatly. But all have death. Hence, some have small and great death – Rev. 20:12.

(Romans 5:12) ‘Death passed upon all men’…like the grace of God that bringeth salvation is upon all men’, death is upon all men: To bring emptiness in all means whether small or great. Our Lord Jesus has given us opportunity to quicken our spirit without doing anything. There’s no way your soul will be quickened without doing anything. Deeds can kill our spirit. 

Adam brought something into the world that all men could not handle. Sin killed men with strategy. Sin is eager, anxious and ruthless. Sin behaves swiftly and cunning. It did all it could do to pass death upon all men. Death didn’t just only spread but grew. High death is a tree. What Adam peeked was a tree. He didn’t receive eternal death but died an everlasting death. He brought in an everlasting death but his spirit died. His spirit died in such a way and manner that it didn’t affect the soul. How? It’s because of how he ate the fruit. 

Adam measured the death in Eden in himself. But because of his stature, he plucked from a high death portion. But he wasn’t willing to die. He bought a compromise of disobedience. He disobeyed but didn’t rebel. Satan rebelled and died completely. Adam disobeyed and brought a small portion of death. People multiplied the death in their hearts – they rebelled. To rebel is to turn from something and kick against it. 

Adam just wanted to taste a thing. But he procured death. However, his will wasn’t separated from God. He began to follow God later. Assuming he and Eve rebelled, they would have been devils. He and his wife still loved God even after obedience. (Reverend feels that Adam wanted to taste the two fruits, the bad first, then good. This is why God drove them away after they tasted the bad one.) There’s some form of ignorance here. We can be high and ignorant. Satan planted the tree and still came to talk to Eve. We need the ability to reject him.  

The shrouds of the field are small death. Men are grasses. But trees are high. Trees can cast shades. (Romans 5:13-14) Death reigned means that it didn’t only reign that day when Adam died.

(Romans 5:15) (Reverend perceives that what he’s saying here is that a lot of people have been quickened by Christ.) Sin spread killing men. When you see someone who has small death, he has potential for great death. We all have potential for great death even though we’re cut out through Christ. In fact, when we have great resurrection, we stand the chance of doing it easily. But Jesus will keep us when we’re tempted. If we have Christ and we have small resurrection according to Christ’s measure, we’re a Christ in our soul. If we move higher into great resurrection and we’re able to do it, there’s a great reward for it. 

Some of us haven’t even done small resurrection well. Well doing is an account for pleasing God. Like Christ pleased God and it wasn’t obvious to humanity. We can see this from the fact that the books of his miracles are more than the books of his life. 

(Reverend does not hate miracles. He’s clarifying this because he has seen critics talk about miracles.) Critics can be evil, but we can use good evil for good. However, miracles are not to be replayed with the gospel. The healing in our hands is more profitable to our brethren than to God. Satan uses miracles to distract us from the real work of the gospel. He does everything to cut us off from the work of the gospel. 

(Romans 5:16) Condemnation here is carrying sin to a place where man is condemned. We can be under condemnation and not be condemned. Condemnation means placing a final verdict that something is not useful. A time will come where death will make man useless, and it will get to a place where God cannot use the man but will put him aside instead. “Cast away from His presence” means the man’s agenda for usage has been closed, and he’s not useful anymore. 

(Romans 5:16) This means God has done so much for us as against the leveled offences. Jesus paid much more. Many offences by one man’s ability to bring justification. One man paid so much to get this done. Jesus bought so many into the abundance of regning. 

(Romans 5:17) Death couldn’t have reigned without a death footstool. What is the footstool of death? Immediately we hear death, it has two degrees: small and great. Small death is sin and death, great death is hell and death. It wasn’t by one man’s offence that death started reigning. And it’s not about people dying physically. Physical death is a veil. The real death is one that outward death lies on. 

There are spiritual deaths in the spirit. Not all unbelievers have the same death. Small death is the opposite of Christ in a man. The new man is small resurrection. Resurrection is a person. If Jesus says he’s the resurrection and life, he’s both small and great. There are people that have not died so greatly. 

Even in our Christian homes, our children learn death faster than life because of our conversations. They learn death everywhere. And this death is backed by evil spirits and not man. 

(Reverend is trusting that after this time, we’ll cross into immunity.) We’ll have immune bodies. The Lord needs to show these hidden things to us.  What is inside our body is not just sin but also death. We have the body of sin and death and spirit of sin.

Mothers can’t transfer spiritual sin into the spirit of a baby. The fetus is too tiny for the spirit to live there. From the first trimester the body is developed for spirit to live in the body. 

Prayer is not the key to getting a child. But we can get a child by prayer. Sexual intercourse is the doorway of getting a child into this world, not even marriage. Immediately sexual intercourse happens, we begin to activate a law in the spirit. And the realm of babies in the spirit is shaked. For the people looking for the fruit of the womb, it happens not by strong prayers, but by clicks that happen effortlessly and God knows about all the clicks. 

We carry genes of generations in our body. The sperm of a man carries genes. To prove this, God killed someone in the Old Testament because he wanted to raise a seed with his dead brother’s wife – the son of Judah (Gen 38:9-10). This shows that God knows our genes and the generations we’re carrying in us (Hebrews 7:5).

When Abraham met Melchizedek, everything about Abraham was being blessed. It’s the same way we have a high priest in heaven who is seeing us and knows us. He knows generations in us. 

Sex being the doorway to bringing a child to the world is strong and should be handled well. Sex can create responsibility, it is not just for pleasure but for procreation. If a sister is enticing a man, there is responsibility. This is why the best time to think of sex is in marriage because it’s done with peace of mind knowing that we can handle the responsibility that comes with it. But some Christians and unbelievers have lived against this. They seem to believe that sex outside marriage is not a sin in this age.

Sexual intercourse is a prayer, because prayer is intercourse. This means that bodies are talking, telling God that the bodies are being prepared for babies. It means our bodies have powers to bring forth babies. Can we see that our bodies are priestly entities, that’s why Satan wants to take them? This is why men shouldn’t touch any woman unless they’re married to the woman. Why? Immediately sex is happening, we’re talking to God and babies are there. Some babies fall into wrong timing because of our fornication. 

We inherited our bodies from men who disobeyed. The present state of the human body doesn’t belong to Adam but Cain. Sin against the body started from Cain. The bodies of sin are not ordinary bodies, but flesh. When men became flesh, another law hijacked the body. Our physical body is a body of hell and death, that is why Christ alone is not enough to free this body. We need messages of hell and death and great resurrection to bring this body back. Spirit, soul can have some sanctity, but body is not saved. If the bodies of babies are saved, they won’t die in the wombs of their mothers. Generational diseases came through bodies. We need quickening purifications. 

(Romans 5:17) Death shouldn’t have reigned. The reign of death came as a result of understanding of sin. It means sin learnt manipulation of man. Man learnt how to manipulate and gained a lot of intelligence from sin. Let’s see beyond fornication when we hear of the reign of death and sin.

The word death is slightly different from sin. But they are together. Sin is the work done to gain death, so it means sin is the obedience that brings death. When Satan is showing sin and death, he shows death first of all, and it isn’t painted as death but reward. Satan showed Cain death and showed him the way to it. The way to death is sin. Let’s see sin as a kind of profitable venture to understand this context. 

Death is a type of reign. Achievement can also be presented as death. It’s not because of fornication Cain left the presence of God but for ambition. Most of our churches condemn fornication and praise ambition. Sin gave this format so it doesn’t get discovered. Death is the reward. It is what pulls people. Death is the vision, sin is the path. 

Satan can hide behind anything that looks glorious to kill. Even when we love God, there is a way we should be positioned without these things being our house. Our house in the spirit is what we present, what our souls delight in showing.  We have invisible clothes that make us proud because of our ambitions, and these clothes show on our bodies. We have garments also in Christ and God that we wear. What we call CVs that make the soul pomp are garments. 

(Phillipians 3:2) Dogs are preachers who preach these works. Evil workers are doers of evils. Verse 3 – there are teachings of the confidence in the flesh, a dog will push it, an evil worker will teach you how to do it. Concision is raising a past standard that God has cast away, raising it as gain. 

(Philippians 3:4-5) The Hebrew is the father of the Chaldeans, he gave birth to many children. The real Hebrews are the 12 tribes – the Hebrew of the Hebrews. There are many Hebrews but one was chosen – Jacob. Esau was an Hebrew. (Verse 6-8) To win Christ in verse 8 is to be qualified for the excellent status. It is to finish the course. But to do this, those things have to be dung not only lose. Lose means you can go back to them, but dung means you don’t count them profitable again. This should be our CV. We have to go through loss to gain the righteousness of faith to win Christ that we may know him, the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suffering, being made conformable unto his death.

And if by any means we might attain the resurrection. If we regard iniquity in our heart, the Lord won’t hear us. Depending on how we put it, iniquity is death and sin. It can be a way or reward. Iniquity is still the same sin sown as a sin growing. But death is the end of sin, when sin is finally expressing itself. It is difficult to cut it from its enjoyment, that’s why it’s called death. You can entreat someone who is on the way to death more than someone who is already seated on the throne of death. Death is the throne of sin. 

Death has its ill importance. It is high vanity because it has high deception. Its captivity is strong. It’s a false refuge that man should not fall into. Where they plucked our soul from is death. 

(Romans 5:17) You cannot reign except through greatness. You need great life to reign in righteousness. You need greatness to reign. You need great life to conquer great death. When God is teaching you greatness, what is He teaching you? (Gen 12:1) what does it mean to make our name great: it is to exalt us above the reign of death and not the natural greatness of earth. God gave Abraham a greatness beyond what men can attain. 

(Gen 24:35) This was not what made Abraham great in the sight of God, Abraham was great outside these things. God blessed him with greatness. When God meets us, He wants to make us great with great life. Without great life, we can’t reign. God knows how to make our name great. 

If seen greatness is greatness, Abimelech, Pharaoh should be greater than Abraham. Abimelech had armies but not Abraham. Why did Abimelech fear Abraham even though he had chiefs, armies etc? Abraham gave birth at the age of 100years old, and it was with his wife at the age of 90 – this would have scared anybody. And Abimelech must have heard his story that 300 men defeated 5 nations, so he swore an oath with Abraham (Gen 21:20-23). The philistines are still surviving by that oath till now. 

(Romans 5:17) The gift of righteousness marked here is life. Our spirit is life because of righteousness. There are two righteousness: small and great. We can’t reign with small but great righteousness. If small righteousness is life, then great righteousness is great life or everlasting life. Another word for great life is great resurrection or you’ve been raised to be great. Is it possible to receive and become this?

For example, who knew Abraham when he started? But he’s a great man now. He started how we started, with nothing around to believe in, but he started anyway. It’s the same way you’ll start now and be great later. 

(Malachi 3:16) Book of remembrance. This is different from the book of life, it’s not everyone’s name that is there. It will make us not to be forgotten. It will make us remain so that our name will not go. For us to be remembered, we have to think upon the name of the Lord. And it is by teaching the law of the Lord often. When we don’t teach the law of the Lord unto one another, He will not hear us. But when we speak the law of the Lord unto one another, the Lord will harken and hear us. This is why we’re speaking one unto another: teaching and preaching. 

Anyone who fears the Lord will not stop fearing, and when we don’t stop fearing the Lord, our thought process will continue till we get it done. The name of the Lord is the life of the Lord. When we think upon it, and teach it, we will be remembered. Things will be done to us for us to be remembered.

A great man is a man with a great life. He is a man who is highly raised because he has great life. You become a great man with a great mind. How you think is in terms of greatness. You cannot reign in life without great life. Righteousness is great. They’ll give you abundance of grace so you can reign in life. \

When grace has come in abundance, it gives open doors to secrets: revelations, preachings, truths in righteousness that are everlasting. This righteousness is the gift of God. This gift of God is what will make you reign in life. Anybody learning the righteousness of God through an everlasting pattern is a great man. Very soon, you will turn and your environment will change. But you will not change outside without appropriating life on the inside. You will change with the validity of life on the inside. You will change with wisdom. You will change so as to live a great life. Life within you will be substance and those things won’t swallow your thoughts. When things are passing away, you won’t go away. Your thoughts will be more than vain things. You will be remembered because we are in the times of the book of remembrance.