The New and Living Way Church, Ikorodu.

Meeting:              Sunday Service

Date:                       31st October, 2021

Ministers:                Pastor Laide Olaniyan & Pastor Rose Olaniyan


Admonition (Pastor Rose Olaniyan)


I bring many sights, see oh see, the church will see, for indeed you are going to speak from an height, from that elevated platform, that elevated stature because the church needs to see, I’m set to make many see, many will see by reason of this elevation and stature and you are not ministering alone, for I’ve sent many help, many angels. They are here to help you, so rest on this provision of grace for I’ve sent many help, they are with you. I’m set to open many eyes to see today.

(Eph 6:10-18) Marriage is beyond rushing. Getting married is a faith walk. As we grow in life and get married, we fight demons and spirits. There are many things one would face in marriage. Sisters, wait for your own husband and brothers should not be quick to say a sister is your wife. Once you get married to a sister and something happens to her physically, can you wait? 

Brothers must be sincere with who God has placed you under, believe the word of God in your pastor. 

We don’t overcome principalities and powers by praying and speaking in tongues but by the simple things we do. Wives must follow their husbands, even if it’s not suitable or palatable, wives must find grace to follow and follow indeed. 

Women are wise from their home not when they get married. Don’t see it as a disadvantage when you stay with people and they ask you to do certain things, it is for your own good. You must fulfill all righteousness in your parents’ house. If your obedience is not complete in your parents’ house, it’s not advisable to move to a pastor or brethren’s house. You must stay in your parent’s house and complete all obedience, otherwise when you move to a brethren or pastor’s house, you might not be able to journey well and see them as wicked.

(1Cor 11:15) We make our physical hair grow but our hair in the spirit is our husband. The more we submit to our husband, the more our hair grows and that’s glory. Once a woman deviates from submission, the hair becomes short and begins to diminish. Once a woman’s hair is exposed to darkness, demons perch on it and eat it up. The essence of the glory is to cover us to the feet and not be found in the spirit. 

The husband must also be subject to Christ and since Christ is subject to God, the devil can’t come close to God. That’s how it’s supposed to be. Women must hide themselves under their husbands. Ladies must wait on God for their own husbands.

(Romans 8:35-39) 

Pastor Laide Olaniyan 

We need to stand in a place in the spirit. That you heard from God doesn’t mean the wind won’t be boisterous or turbulent. The reason you hear from God is to keep calm in the times of turbulence.

(Judges 20:18-28) That the lord sent you doesn’t mean you won’t face challenges. The word of the Lord is to keep your faith strong in the middle of the battles. If the Lord doesn’t send you, you will be consumed in the day of battle. The reason for the wait is to make sure you are safe. In the voyage that sails to eternal life, the vessel that you will board is important and the people that are on board are also important.

When the wind begins to blow, it sweeps off everything that is in its way. It pays to stay with the Lord. Young people can get it right, don’t be pressured. 

(2Cor 4:11) Before our mortal body gives way for a glorious body, there is an allocation of life that must be made manifest in the mortal body; the life of Jesus must be made manifest. If you end up in life, they must deliver you to death. Death is the pathway to life. If you will wear the life of Jesus, they must deliver you up against your will to death. But if you have not eaten Faith, when you get to the house of death, it swallows up. When you have learnt faith, heard God and do God, you get to the house of death and stand victorious. 

(2cor 4:16-18) Rejoice in contradictions, it is your lab; just keep obeying instructions. When the Lord begins to beat out the natural time off a man, we will see that contradictions are for a fleeting moment. When God wants to accelerate your path, He blesses you with contradictions; that is the shortcut of the spirit. If God wants to quickly save us, He increases contradictions but He trusts you to be decked with faith within so it doesn’t break you as He is waiting for you at the other side; He makes a way of escape.

What God is working inside of us, it’s just a little while. Don’t let Satan make you believe that your current state is who you are. God is just waiting for the right time to set you in your place.