The New and Living Way Church, Ikorodu.

Meeting: Sunday Service

Sunday School:       Overcoming The Spirit and Nature of Homosexuality

Message: Obtaining Mercy Unto Salvation 

Date: 1st August, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan & Bro Happy


1st Tongues & Interpretation

Michael bringing you to convention, aiding you this morning. 

He has even this local assembly at heart. 

We have come to prepare and hasten your heart on the blessing of convention. 

We have come to hasten your understanding, we have come to aid you as an assembly into this holy convocation. 

Even that which is lacking, we have come to aid your weaknesses and to bring you into convention. 

Angels to give you skill and understanding for convention, we have come to aid you, aid your feet, even arise for we have come to aid you. 

2nd Tongues & Interpretation


Host, host, even angel, host, even angel that is holding this feast is in your midst.

There is a lot of work to be done in your midst and heart this morning. 

I have heard the prayer of your pastor over you in this assembly. 

We are hosting you in our feast, to bring you into this great feast. 

Ooh you will possess your possessions. 

You will come into your allocation in this convocation as an assembly. 

You will enter, I say come, come, enter, enter, enter.

3rd Tongues & Interpretation

I bring you into height. 

I call you to come into height. 

My mercy is here, my mercy will shine upon you today and to prepare your heart.

Because I’m calling you into height.

I want to change and increase the pace of your pasture.

It is time for you to come into a higher pasture. 

We have come to aid you to come into heights. 

You will comprehend mystery, you will comprehend the mystery of the kingdom. 

We have come to bring you into height and to correct your heart.

I say believe so, don’t say this provision is not for you, it is for you.

I am guiding your step and I am bringing you into height. 

Begin to put yourself togather, put your family together for what the Lord wants to do.

 I will come to do it, it is not too high for you to comprehend.

You will come to this height. 

I want you to commit yourself, pray and guard your atmosphere. 

Pray you will come in, pray you will enter, for it is your allocation in the spirit.

Pray that you will enter. 

4th Tongues & Interpretation

Ire de, ire de, ire de. 

For the goodness and mercy of the Lord has visited you today. 

For they are spirits, even the spirits of just men made perfect. 

They have come to see the congregation that has received so much mercy from the Father. 

For they are many in their number. 

The spirit of just men made perfect. 

Even angels in their numbers, to see those that have obtained so much mercy from the Father. 

There is a great victory in the heavens and they have come to see those who have received so much favour from the Father. 

Ye you have received so much favour from the Father. 

It is so much, it is too much from the Father, that you have received from the Father. 

For their presence are with many many good things. 

For they don’t just come, they brought gifts for Him that received so much mercy and gifts from the Father. 

So they brought things for you are highly favoured before Them. 

For heavens are rejoicing over you, for you are highly favoured before the Father.

Pastor Laide

(Exodus 33:18-19) It is not of him that willeth and runneth but of the LORD that showeth mercy. Yes, we should desire these things but it is not according to our desire. There is a component that makes a person counted of the number, it is called mercy: goodness and mercy. This allocation of the grace of God is goodness and mercy. We cannot come into a sure place if the Lord has not shown us all of His goodness and mercy. 

Moses asked to see the glory of God but God said, “I will make my goodness pass before you”. (Psalms 23:6) “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the lord forever“. They will make us abiding. Goodness is the back part or the foundation of glory. You can’t come to see the glory of God except you are dead. (Psalms 27:13) It is in the land of the living that we see the goodness of God – in the everlasting life. The Land of the living is not earth. There is a land and city that is not physical. Only living men see the goodness of the Lord. 

Christ is the earth of the living land: the foundation and very soil of the living land. On Him, living things grow and thrive. They will sprout from Christ into everlasting things. Every living thing according to men’s observation, follows a cycle. In the land of the living, they have their own cycle. Their death is an exchange of life, movement of life to life, the process by which they transmit from life to life. They have laws that govern it.

(Psalms 27:13) We must believe to see the goodness of the LORD. (Jude 1:21) This mercy is for us to believe unto eternal life. Without the ministration of mercy, we will be hardened. Without that blessing of mercy, along the corridors of everlasting life, we will harden. The communication of things at that height can harden us. Satan fell of the grace and mercy of God; he did not receive that blessing.

If we are not granted the blessing of mercy to believe, we will shut down, the mind will become dull. There are many things that can dull the mind. To see spirit is mercy, one can look for God so much and not find Him.

God has helped us to escape some hardening. The church has defined mercy with vain mind. Mercy is the escort into eternal things. Without mercy, no soul can ever journey successfully in Life eternal. The day that mercy is removed, that soul will turn, that is why a soul must be meek. We must because He that brought us can also remove us. We must be meek, we are less than nothing but the grace of God that shone on us. Our hearts must not be lifted up at all. The way God resists the proud is by leaving them in their own wisdom. Salvation is to be helped out of ourselves because if man is left on his own, he will self-detonate and self-destruct.

(Romans 9:22) It is to vessels of mercy that He will make known the riches of His glory. The long suffering of God that brings people to repentance is the same that will fit the vessel of wrath for destruction. (2Peter 2:3) A person can learn and think religion is a way of men trying to control men. Anyone who thinks like this, his soul has been touched. The end of every heretic is to turn against GOD. The work of their judgement and damnation has been a continuous work for long. 

The Lord knows those that are truly His. For some, they are not looking for God but what He can do. A person that is looking for God and stumbles in the way is more upright than the one who does all righteousness and is not looking for God because his idol he’ll still serve. 

The blessing of God is to make us see His goodness: it is a work of mercy; a vessel of mercy. The riches of glory is not made known but to the vessels of mercy. Out of vessels of honour, they will remove vessels of mercy that will be shown riches of glory.

(Romans 9:25-28) Out of a people, God will bring forth His beloved. “The people” are children of the living God but that is not the end of the work but beloved is  ‘remnant’. There is a work that the LORD is doing and must be finished; it is salvation. The remnant are the ones who the Lord will finish that work in.

5th Tongues & Interpretation 

Man, oh man, for I have an agenda.

I have a purpose, an intention and that is why I keep looking down to the earth.

That is why my mind is so full of you, and that is why I keep visiting and coming. 

I have an agenda of salvation, I want to save you to the uttermost.

This is my agenda and purpose, that is why I keep looking at the earth. 

I want to raise many in this season, I want you to understand that I can do it. 

I expect men to be wise, I expect you to walk as one who is wise, redeem the time. 

I am ready to save some, save a remnant. 

So walk as you see the day approaching my focus attention and everything is upon you oh man. 

It is time to awake, oh man.

Message continues: The Lord is jealous over His work and it is because of us. There is a commitment of heaven, let us not despise it, not in our hearts. 

6th Tongues & Interpretation 

Keep eating, keep eating the meals, for it will keep you. 

Oh just keep eating for these meals are what will keep you. 

For I have sworn even by oath that you will be kept if you keep eating. 

Just keep eating, stay on doctrine, and I will order your steps and paths and even spirits will rest. 

For it is by the word that spirits will rest. 

For some of you have said in your hearts, will I be able to hold forth? Will I fall short of this? 

For I say unto you, keep eating, stay on doctrine, your keeping is by doctrine. 

For it is in eating that you will be kept. 

7th Tongues & Interpretation

Freedom, freedom. 

For even the activities of this angel are to bring healing upon your body. 

There is freedom upon the ailment of the body. 

I heal your body, you will receive strength, even the strength of an eagle.

I bring strength of an eagle, it is not just for doctrine alone but for healing. 

I give you a body that will hold everlasting things. 

I heal ailments, even ailments that you do not know but I have touched them. 

I have healed them, I bring upon you a new garment of strength to tarry in this season. 

A wearing of strength that can tarry in the place of doctrine. 

We bring doctrine, we bring healing, healing to endure doctrine. 

I am changing all of your garment to carry all in this season.