TEXT:  GENESIS 1: 26-27, GENESIS 5:1-2 


By the Grace of God, the Lord Jesus is leading us, through his Servant, Our Daddy and Pastor, Pastor Emeka Egwuchukwu to explore and better understand God’s purpose and intent for marriage. This burden of the Lord in the heart of Our Pastor, is also intended to help us understand God’s EVERLASTING ORDINANCE about marriage. This ordinance cannot change even in the face of civilization (Mathew 24:35). 

“WHAT IS MAN!” Hebrews 2:6, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, Genesis 5:1-2 

“Man is a spirit; he has a soul and lives in a body”. Man is not a body! Man is not a soul!  Man is a spirit! On that foundation, every other thing that pertains to man would be properly understood. 


Man’s spirit was created in God’s image and likeness in Genesis 1. Then his soul was also created alongside it. Man’s spirit and soul were created in Genesis 1.  Then in verse 28 of Genesis 1, God began defining and putting mandate on man, even from his spirit; 

  1. Be Fruitful – Deuteronomy 7:13, Psalm 127:3: To be fruitful here, means to bear “Physical Children” Though it was man’s spirit that God blessed. Yet He said to him “be fruitful”. Why? Because, the spirit truly is the man. The body that carries his seed is his house. Our physical body is a product of man’s seed (sperm), and the woman’s seed (egg) But when God was going to put the blessing of fruitfulness, He put it in our spirit for our body.  

What this shows is that the first and earliest blessings from God to man (the MALE and the FEMALE) was to bring forth children. It should be emphasized that this can only happen between A MAN AND A WOMAN; not between A MAN AND A MAN, NOR A WOMAN AND A WOMAN.

Marital unions between man and man and/or woman or woman is an aberration and violation of God’s Everlasting Ordinance in marriage. And this is clearly seen, in that the man and man and/or woman or woman arrangements cannot “BE FRUITFUL” and bring forth God’s mandate on earth. 

  1. Multiply: Adam and His wife were not only meant to be fruitful, but they were also meant to multiply; meaning to populate the earth. This again, is a Core Mandate of Man from God. Man, and man cannot multiply; Woman and woman also cannot multiply, because they are not God’s ORDINANCE, they are Satan’s order!  

MALE AND FEMALE: GOD’S IMAGE AND LIKENESS – Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 5:1-2 

The issue of image and likeness as seen in the man and the woman goes beyond “The man” and “The woman” The issue of the MALE AND the FEMALE (IMAGE AND LIKENESS) speaks of “GOD’S EVERLASTING IDENTITY” that He chose to share with and in man. To question, pervert, upturn or violate “The MALE AND the FEMALE (Image and Likeness)” Ordinance of God, is to: 

  1. Question God’s “God-hood” and His authority in creation, in creating the man and the woman (Genesis 1:26-27). 
  2. Tamper with the Everlasting Ordinance within man’s members (Soul and Body) (Romans 1:25-27). 
  3. Attempt breaking away from God’s sovereign authority over man (Romans 1:25-27).