The New and Living Way Church, Ikorodu.

Meeting: Sunday Service

Sunday School:       The Root Cause of Homosexuality (2)

Message: Living Godly in this Present Life 

Date: 18th July, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan & Bro Niyi


1st Tongues & Interpretation

I open, I open the season, I open the season of fountain.

Fountain springing forth even into everlasting life

I open it unto you as a church

It’s a time for you to partake of this word

Of the speakings of everlasting life

For it will begin to spring

I open up this season for it is time for you to partake of this word

2nd Tongues & interpretation

I come to open up this path

I come to open up the pathways

For there are yet many many things you’re meant to see

There are yet many many things that you need to run into

For even as you see, you’ll begin to take steps to run

Your eyes will begin to see things and your legs will begin to take steps

Hasten into the season of God

I’ve come to open many eyes so that you can see the pathway

And begin to take steps

Short Exhortation on Reading the Word of God

(1 Timothy 1:13) Paul told Timothy that “till I come, give attention to reading”. Reading here is not secular, but reading of the scriptures and doctrine. Giving attendance is reading it everyday as attendance connotes a daily register. Another way to look at it is to attend to a business. For the first few years of growth, don’t read the Bible revelation-wise, foundation is needed first. Read systematically and orderly. If you don’t read it like this, you won’t grow. If you grow at all, it will be skewed. 

If you read systematically, it won’t appear yet. Those who “read by the spirit” may seem to have revelations quickly, but it won’t be balanced. Reading systematically builds a discipline of the Word. However, being spirit led is not indiscipline. The essence of the Spirit is to break the human boundaries that cannot capacitate God. 

The essence of writing is for someone else to come and fellowship with your thoughts even when you’re not there. Structure is good, discipline is good, discipline in the Word is very good. 

Spiritual growth is freedom from our senses. But that can’t be done without the knowledge of Christ. It is the mysteries of the knowledge of Christ that delivers a man from his senses.

Growth can never really happen without diligence with the scriptures. It’s not ritual, it’s fellowship. It’s the desire to be free from our senses that should drive us into the Word. Anyone that is not running into the word, his desire to be free is dwindling. If you see a soul that is not thirsty for the Word, his desire to be free is waning. Genuine hunger for the Word is actually genuine hunger for righteousness. The Word is meant to unveil righteousness. 

If your eyes have been distorted, they can blind that eye for a while – just like Paul. But we need to stay in the Word. If hunger is waning, pray for hunger. We should read the word every time and stay on it. (Psalm 199:97) “I love your word, it is my meditation all day long”: Can His word be our meditation all day?

So it’s good to read. It’s good to read steadily. As much as we want everybody to read, little consistent steps make great progress. In a book pastor read, he took note of the phrase: consistency is a mark of maturity. One singular victory is not what makes you a victor, it’s the life of victory. Consistency is where the labour is. You can grow consistently. Let’s make gradual progress consistently. Let us be consistent. If we can build consistency, we’ll build flexibility. 

It’s also good that as we’re growing, there’s nothing wrong to set time for prayer and how long we want to stay in prayer, because by ourselves, we don’t know how to do it. If we don’t set boundaries, we won’t do anything consistently. If we learn this way, we can begin to grow consistently.

The Lord told pastor one time that some of us see our parents in the Lord and think the way they’re flexible is how they started. It’s important for us to increase in life first before being liberal. Some of us now, what God wants for us is less friends and less jokes till we grow to where we can have liberty. If we have too many friends and make jokes too much, we’ll lose that which God wants us to enter into. 

Set time to read the word and pray, do devotion, you’re not greater than it. Let’s make it sacrosanct. Do devotion consistently. Have private time for reading the Bible and praying. It is amazing how many “revelational” people are lacking in these things. 

Read, pray, listen to messages. Make these things priority in your day. Learn it first. We don’t start building from the top, rather we lay foundation. If you see the foundation some people have in the Word, you’ll be amazed. 

(Ephesians 5:1-4) We can’t stop these things from bubbling out if we’ve not changed the content of the heart. (Colossians 3:16) Let the word of Christ dwell in our hearts richly: The Holy Ghost wants to do work in us, but there’s no adequate furnishing because there’s no Word. There’s nothing to bring to our rememberance to repel the effort of the adversary. How rich are you in the Word of Christ? Let it dwell in us richly in all wisdom. We can never have too much of it. If we’re going to be poor in anything, we shouldn’t be poor in the word of Christ. Even if we’re poor in this world, we should be rich in the word of Christ so the devil can’t compete with us. 

Message Begins

Do you know that spiritual people can disagree? (Colossians 3:13) What causes quarrel is misunderstanding and every one of us are persuaded that our opinion is right, but we are told in Colossians 3:15 “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.” When we’re clothed with humility and meekness, we’ll be able to walk with each other. That someone agrees that they’re wrong doesn’t mean that they can’t be right.

For the sake of peace, we can forbear our brothers. Sometimes, we have to bear the infirmities of others. Do we know that if we don’t make allowance for our brother, we won’t know how to appreciate and forgive? Let’s forgive ahead. How did Christ forgive us? He forgave us before we were born. Yes we have been forgiven, but the issue is repentance and remission, he doesn’t want us to do it again. God wants us to treat our neighbours the same way. 

Yes, we’ve been forgiven, but that isn’t the end of it. We shouldn’t feel guilty about forgiveness. God is not holding any sin against us, He just wants us to repent and He wants remission for us. We’re able to grow into remission because we understand it. No matter how wrong we’ve been, we should know that we have forgiveness in Christ. 

He said we should forgive others like this. 

If we forgive like this, we won’t have issues with people. We may not be close friends with them, but we will forgive them. Christ knows that before He teaches us to the point where our sins are remitted, we’ll repeat the same sins, so He forgave in time even before we became born again. 

It is not the instance where we begin learning that we come to the knowledge of truth. But, they still have hope that we’ll one day come to have learned. So also, we must be with our brethren. If we don’t have basic understanding of this, we’ll have issues with people. We look at the heart of the person who has offended if he is pained about what he has done or comfortable in using others. 

When that hurt is in our heart towards people we don’t forgive, it turns to hatred. Eventually, we go far  far from the tarbernacle. When we get infuriated about something we’ve done again, it means we’re getting better. Do not allow the devil guilt trip you for doing it. You have moved from being comfortable with it to not being comfortable with it.

We will never outgrow the Word of Christ because it is the foundation. It must be very rich like in the days of Solomon when gold was dust. It must be very rich if we must come into that which God wants for us. 

(Titus 2: 1-5) These teachings are not from traditional African society, they’re from scriptures. This is where feminism has affected even the church. Scriptures told aged women to teach younger women to be keepers at home. Some young women don’t know how to keep a home. (1 Timothy 5:9-15) This scripture is against a work that satan has done in women. (1 Timothy 5:13) Why is scripture against wandering from one house to another? Let women learn to stay at home and keep the house. There’s a power that God has given the woman. It’s a woman that builds the home, and it’s something that must be taught. (1 Timothy 5:14) Young women that want to marry, there is a responsibility of guiding the house, while the man is to rule his own house well. They both have their functions. To rule is not dictatorship, it’s being the chief servant. But the responsibility of guidance is entrusted into the hands of a woman, and it’s a skill that must be learnt. There’s a way you shut the mouth of the adversary as a guardian; guide the house, be a keeper at home.

Being a keeper at home doesn’t mean being introverted. We can be indoors and not keeping anything. To be a home keeper is not just to stay at home, but to guard the integrity and the atmosphere of the house by making every ordinance intact. There are things that hold the house together, once it’s loose, everything will fall apart. There’s a work that holds everything together and that is what silences the adversary.

No matter how much we’ve grown spiritually, a woman must excel in the home before grace can be multiplied. Some women are loud in ministry, but shallow in grace of life to silence the adversary concerning the home. Saying these things is not to silence the woman, but there are everlasting ordinances concerning the home. There are things we ought to know. Some of us like liberty, we don’t know what it means to run a home. 

Many of our young ladies are not ready because they don’t have the maturity it takes to handle the home yet. Also, the burden of being financially responsible, owning a job and handling the home is stopping them.

The earlier we learn the complexity of life, the better. Being able to handle the different complexities is what makes us mature. What makes us mature is not the ability to earn NGN200,000 in a month. We can earn that and still be babies because we don’t know how to hold a home together. Marriage is not an adventure, it’s a responsibility. If you can’t handle yourself, you can’t handle marriage. This is not to get us scared but to promote self evaluation. 

When a woman is married, she’s now with her husband which she hasn’t loved before. She has to now start learning to love him. They need to teach us how to love our husbands because men are different when married. 

(1 Peter 3:1) It’s easy to obey your pastor than to obey one’s husband, because we like a person we can reason together. This scripture is the reason we must watch very well before we get married. Women must obey their husbands – these are everlasting ways. It’s not about lording it over the woman. With age, we’ll learn it. Many people struggle with their husbands, but the way to control the man is to submit to him. 

The Bible says that Sarah was subject to her husband calling him lord. The very first demand Sarah made from Abraham, God told him to grant it even against Abraham’s wish. Immediately Sarah took a position about Haggai, even God couldn’t stand against it. What Sarah did was actually working out prophecy, but the decision had to be hers. Women have more power, but it’s in submission. This scripture is warfare. You’re warring against things and spirits. It’s not just for the home or family, but for the word of God that it may not be blasphemed. 

(Titus 2:8-9) These are part of the things that can be denied. All of the conversations that God is raising are things that have been there since the ancient times. When we’re talking about the hope of eternal life for everlasting things, all of the revelations boil down to conversations. When we talk about commandments of everlasting life, they’re not far from the conversations. It is possible that people are going to rebel against these things, this is why they must be taught and reproved with all authority.

Satan is attacking the ways of God on earth. But God says He’ll imprint His ways again. We’ll see homes where wives will be submissive, they’ll nurture the family, husbands will love their wives, children will honour their parents and all will be done without fear. We’re not lawless people. We should not be the ones breaking the law. When it is not a direct affront against worshipping our God, we should obey it. But, when it goes against worshipping God, we should stand firm against it. God wants us to obey even our human government. 

(Titus 3:4-6) If you realize that you were once bad and God showed you mercy, when others are being bad, don’t speak evil of them. God saw the best in us when we were least deserving, and the least He can expect of us is to show it to another person. So, can we excuse another person’s flaws even when they don’t know they’re so flawed? God needs to help every one of us in this regard to speak evil of no man. 

(Titus 3: 7-8) You must be careful to maintain good works. A rebellious person can be forgiven but kept afar because his act is against the word of God. But a person that has judgment and turned against it is an heretic. 

(Titus 3:14) There’s a wisdom that is greatly lacking amidst the children of life. That is how to prepare to be useful. There’s a revelational side of this scripture, but let’s consider the natural. It is good to learn skills for necessary things. Many people don’t position themselves to learn things that are necessary for use along the course of life. Sometimes, we find the greatest unskilled people in  the church. You can’t be useful beyond what you can do. There’s a usefulness in the work of our hands. You can be useless in the place of work because you’re not adding any value in the place of work. There are a whole lot of people who just sit at home not learning any skill to be valuable to the society. Even if we learn skills, we must keep finetuning it for it to remain relevant. One of the faithfulness of service is willingness to work and ability to deliver.

The sons of this world can position themselves for fame and all. But, we should position ourselves for service, ready for use. And to be able to serve, we must have the requisite skills. There are times that it’s necessary that God will want to do things. God has people, but many of His people dont have the requisite skills to do His projects. This is because people are lazy. We’re not fighting for relevance or fame, but for usefulness. There is a way to position ourselves so we’ll not be useless. 

Many people are now laid back. Even Paul reprimanded the Thessalonian church that those who don’t work shouldn’t eat. In our personal lives, we should judge our motives of why we want certain things. Staying on a job isn’t just about paying bills, but there’s a culture of work and readiness for service that we must do and it will be used to teach us eternal things. 

Let’s learn to do alot with an open heart because a demand will come later for the skill. Learn present and future skills for necessary uses. We shouldn’t make them idols. But they’ll help our fruitfulness. We shouldn’t be laid back. Let it be that we’re willing but God is not allowing us. 

Learn, otherwise, satan will cheat us. We’ll have a difficult life in the flesh and blame God for it in the name of faith. Learning is not anti-faith. Anything we need to learn, we should learn and allow God to determine whether we need it or not. 

There’s a fruitfulness is the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and God wants us to be fruitful.