TOPIC:  Leading of the Spirit for Nature Formation
TEXT:  Rom 8:14, Heb 5:8-9; 1Cor 12:1-2


By God’s grace, we took a further look at the importance of the inward witness and its crucial role in nature formation. We learnt that man is a tripartite being by creation and formation, and that the aim of leading is always for the formation of nature. We saw several qualities of conscience and it was stressed that as believers, we are meant to train our souls (heart, mind, will, conscience) by being constantly subject to the life that our spirit now possesses. The more we live from our spirit, the more the faculties of our souls are being retrained also to become spiritual and to also possess life.

Death Passed Upon Man’s Soul by Leading

Man was created in Gen 1:27-28, he was made a living soul, man had a spirit that was Adamic in nature, fit for this natural habitat of the earth, but man was cut short early from showing the full expression of this life. Man had what we can call an Adamic spirit, with a soul that was also Adamic and a body fit for the quality of life in his spirit and soul.

According to Rom 5:12-14, man died and his spirit was no longer Adamic, it became hellish, man became born again negatively, Adamic spirit expression stopped, and the soul gradually began to learn the ways of the dead spirit inside of man. By Genesis chapter 6, man was also flesh first in his spirit and the soul was led and trained to put on flesh which the scriptures called the old man (Rom 6:6, Eph 4:22).

The nature that is in the dead spirit was taught to the soul by the gradual leading of the soul until the soul acquired the first nature of that life in the spirit (1Pet 4:3).

At new birth, man had access to a miraculous resurrection power, that gave birth to a new spirit entirely, a spirit that has no trace in whatsoever way to the former that was dead and one with hell.

Man was completely and totally recreated (2Cor 5:17, Rom 8:9, John 3:3)

A miracle of the ages occurred in man that had a spirit of hell of this present, he was made anew and given the spirit of a new world, a new creation that had never existed before. Man was made alive again, not with the former Adamic spirit that died, but with the spirit of Christ, a spirit of the earth of the world to come.

Eph 1:12-14 says we were sealed with Holy Spirit of Promise. God the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost decided to seal us with that Holy Spirit of Promise to begin a process of life acquisition for our souls which had been led astray by the adversary and trained and cultured and cultivated with another life.

Darkened Understanding (Eph 4:17)

Satan systematically and carefully darkened man’s understanding and ability to comprehend anything from God or by God. So the darkened understanding made sure that the mercy we found at new birth was looked down upon, so that we would not harness all the blessings that are locked up in that new birth experience.

Man was made alive after a completely new order (2Cor 5:17)

By the Adamic spirit of the earth, Adam our father had access to an Adamic soul by creation (Gen 5:1). The other children of Adam had access to the Adamic nature by leading, God led them, and their souls acquired Adamic formation even though their spirit was dead. At new birth, our spirit is Christ, but our souls still has the nature, character, conversation, and fashioning of the old man.

Quoting Daddy, Rev Kayode Oyegoke, “the recreated spirit that has life (Christ) cannot give life to our souls, the process for our soul to acquire the life that is in our spirit is by leading of the spirit for nature change (1Pet 1:14-15)”. The life in our spirit is transferred to our soul by leading. Our souls are subjected to a training process for it to acquire life.

A miracle of the ages happened at new birth, and yet another miracle is set to occur, the birthing or the change of our soul and much more the change of our bodies! Halleluyah! 

New birth and In-Filling of the Spirit (John 3:3; 2Cor 5:17; Eph5:18-19; Acts 2:4; Acts 4:31)

At new birth our spirit man was made alive or given life, the Holy Ghost gave birth to our spirit and sealed it until the soul and the body had undergone redemption. There is a second experience of filling us with the Holy Ghost which should keep increasing until we are full of the Holy Ghost (Act 6:3-5, Acts 11:22-24).

The New birth experience is once, we believe with our heart, confess with our mouth and we are saved (Rom 10:8-10). The In-Filling of the Holy Ghost is not a one-off experience, we keep being filled (Acts 4:8; Acts 4:31; Acts 13:9). The more a soul is subject to the leading of the spirit, the stronger the level of the wine gets (Eph 5:18-20; John 7:37-39).


Nature are formed in man by leading, the more subject a man is to the leading of the spirit, the more obvious spiritual fruits the man possesses. Holy Spirit is a nature forming spirit. A soul who is not subject to leading will be very low in the nature of the spirit.