The New and Living Way Church, Ikorodu.

Meeting: Sunday Service

Sunday School:       For this Cause

Message: Installation of Dominion

Date: 12th September, 2021

Minister: Rev. Kayode Oyegoke, Pastor Laide Olaniyan & Pastor Segun

Message Begins…

Orderliness is a weapon. It was order that fell Jericho. The people were in order without saying a word and they did things that the natural man would see nothing in,but they were obeying an order. It is an interpretation of an angel. That movement was a command in the realm of the spirit. 

The people who moved around Jericho wrote a commandment for seven days. It is a pattern in the spirit that angels understood. The angels acted after they have obeyed the commandment. It is also a revelation of a Word in the realm of the spirit. Many things will not fall in our lives except we obey commandments. It has to do with our walk. Just keep walking and obeying. Prayer has a very significant role to play but after prayer, interprete the walk.

Interpretation of the word of God is the revelation that has been given to you. Obedience is light to carry out what God is saying. Commandment is an understanding and light of what God is saying which has dawned in your mind. When you carry it out, you break the power of dark angels.

(Ephesians 4:17) Evil spirits thrive with darkened understanding. The gentile mind, the vain mind is not an ordinary weapon. This mind is very high, can operate and men will be anointed; it is a spirit mind. This mind is darkly spiritual, it makes one flesh. Flesh is a mechanism put together to make someone do things that are seen. The origin is more of a spiritual concoction that makes someone do something contrary to the positive spiritual realm. 

A vain mind is not ordinary, it is a weapon, an inward element upon the skull of the soul. It is an iron bondage, a grip over souls of men that spirits put together to make man carnal. It was worked by angels, it is an angelic mind. Angels know what we ought to know and we ought to know more than what they know. What we know is what will undo what the dark ones have done. Vanity mind has a link to a server. This mind is being controlled by a realm that angels are controlling.

It is not easy to yank this mind from anyone, it will fight back. It is a web of thoughts that is traceable to the realm of the spirit. Spirits help to frame how we think. How we think tells our estate. To change your world, change your mind. Your thinking is contagious, you can give someone your mind. Satan hates us and is afraid of us because we are highly contagious. We are in the season of the gospel. The gospel is a ministration of changing people, to create in them a pattern of minding. The mind of a person has to be changed before you can change their walk. 

A vain mind has an understanding, but a darkened one. Without understanding, you can’t lift your feet. Understanding is the key to movement: it is responsible for what you should do. Man was designed to see an interpretation of how to live and carry it out by taking steps. But in this narrow corridor, there is great temptation.

God designed us to stay sensitive to life but Satan stayed at the gate of decision, this is how he enslaved us. Cain gave room and allowed sin to stay in his heart and live. 

Vain mind is what is understood to be life outside the life of God. Satan has pumped hearts above what God will offer so when the life of God comes, we won’t see it. The cost to life is the opportunity that darkness offers. This power of darkness is vain mind or understanding. It is not the power of oppression, it is the power of how to live. Continuing in that life will lead to death. Evil spirits have turned the eyes of men to what is natural and they created life out of it. These things ought not to be life at all.

(Colossians 1:12-14; Ephesians 1:20-22) What is responsible for sins are powers. That vanity mind is the sin. So when we are purged from the vain mind, we receive forgiveness of sins, then we will be delivered. Redemption is breaking the vanity mind. It occurs when we receive the provision of the cleansing of the blood. Without the blood of the lamb, we will remain vain in our imagination. 

Where we congregate every Sunday matters in the realm of the Spirit. If a statistics of spiritual alignment is taken and the sum is added together, it matters in a territory. There is a specific amount that is meant to take an atmosphere. Two is not one plus one; it is not an addition. Addition is different from multiplication. In the scriptures, one multiplied by one generates multiple; they can’t generate by just adding. People should not just come together, they should multiply. There are laws to multiplication. 

Husband and wife need to tangle. Tangling is joining and meeting each other at an angle. If we don’t tangle, we won’t call an angel. That is why Satan wants to break marriages, because you operate with multiple strengths. Two of them joined together is not them being tied together, they have been reshaped. Addition is different from multiplication. When you get married, you undergo another reshaping. It will take commandments to make you multiply.

Growth is not addition, it is multiplication. One man can be equal to a thousand men in an assembly.

5th Tongues & Interpretation 

I show you these secrets lurking around this terrain .

The secret things that Satan has used to blind the eyes of men.

I bring this angel to spot them out and show you how to unlock them.

Even the secret of blindness and vain things that Satan has blinded eyes with.

I have come to open your eyes from blindness.

I’m showing you these secrets. 

Do not desire other places, stay in this place and grow.

I will establish some of your feet in this land, don’t seek another place. 

It is by your staying that darkness upon this land will fall. 

I want you to stay and grow. 

For the secret for unraveling the secret is your growth. 

I’m bringing my angel to break through and deliver men from blindness that has stayed in this terrain for long.

6th Tongues & Interpretation

Many, many men, harvest are coming, they are tied to your feet. 

I want to raise you as Abraham raised servants. 

Bringing harvest for your labour, for this harvest is to find your feet. 

I am bringing instructions to tie you to this land, harvest are coming.

I need men to agree with me, to war with me. 

Your warring with me is your obedience. 

It is not a coincidence that you are here at this time, you are for a target audience. 

I’m bringing a harvest and I want to use you to raise this harvest. 

I am bringing angels to show you the way and to bring this harvest and make it grow. 

This harvest is tied to you, do not run away.

Make sure you grow and abide by my instructions and harvest will come. 

And you will win the atmosphere that have tarried over this territory for long. 

Message Continues…

(Deuteronomy 32:7-8) Making an army is not making an addition of men, it is to build them. Building is a law of multiplication. An army is the multiplication of saints.

(Isaiah 6:1-4) ‘Host’ is an Hebrew word for army. Host is a number who is seen at once and at the same time, he who receives. The law of charity is in the holy place, that is where brethren are formed. The brethren is an army. Host is a unit of the army. They have one mind, one thought and are one people.

We wrestle with evil spirits, never give up on the wrestlingh of life. Satan doesn’t mind us having good houses, he wants us to be and live like other men on earth. Evil spirits are aligned in the spirit, they don’t break rank but make men break out of alignment. We must wrestle and fight to stay in alignment.

(2Thessalonian 2:3-4) Iniquity is to think that you can be God by yourself. What Satan desired is what God gave to Jesus. Satan’s doctrine does not wait to be exalted. Satan was looking for the way God is being worshiped. We must be careful of men’s admiration and praise. Iniquity starts with opposition against God, that is why we should be careful about authority. If a person is higher than you and you are opposing, it is showing something.

(Ezekiel 28:1-2; Isaiah 14:14-16) Don’t set your heart except God does, if not, you will go bad. It took secrets to create Satan. 

(Psalm 103:19-22) Kings who have the ability to please God will do everything that will bring pleasure to God. The highest of this dominion i.e. angels, obey commandments. Commandments are more important than pleasure and dominion.

Inheritance is a plot- portion allotted to you. 

Tribe is God’s number: His count of God’s number. (Revelation 22:2) There are 12 people/tribes in God. There are 12 different leaves in God and they are everlasting life; they have their seasons. There are 12 fruits in God. The first fruit is the first born and the last fruit is the last born. They are His members. In each member, they are His sons, multitudes. They are His members in eternity. There are 12 tribes in eternal life. They are all Persons. Months are counted with the moon, God divided it this way. So we can tell our season and year. Every year has twelve months. Each month is special and we have twelve fruits in a month; all the twelve fruits and moons are not everlasting, they are eternal. The manifestation of each fruit is a manifestation of the hidden eternal member of God. If you open up the Father, you would see twelve members; they are nations, multitudes. 

In immortality, there are twelve tribes, all of them are persons. In eternal life, when you eat a fruit, the fruit has meat and seed. Without meat, we can’t grow. Through seed, that’s how we become a partaker. We need the meat to hold the ground for the seed. After taking all the meat and the seed, they become eternal life.

(Genesis 49:3-7, Deuteronomy 33:12-16) The first fruit is Reuben. The names of the twelve tribes in Israel represent the first fruit. The last fruit is Benjamin. These names have their leaves as everlasting life and fruits as eternal life. These are the eternal powers that God is.

          THE END