Sunday School (31/01/2021)

Sister Ore

(Proverbs 4:20-22, Matthew 8:16-17, Acts 10:37-38, 1Peter 2:24, Joshua 1:8)

Hindrances are things that limit us from receiving the finished work of Christ – these limitations are not from God but us. Jesus finished the work of healing 2000 years ago. It has been done. The reason why we are hindered is because of something we are not doing well. It is God’s will for us to be healed. If God did it for one, everyone can be a partaker. God’s love abounds for us all.

(Luke 5:12-13) Jesus is a compassionate saviour. If someone does not have enough faith for his or her healing, we can stand together in faith with them and trust God for their healing.

God has demonstrated His willingness to take care of every part of us (Rom 8:32). God will freely give us all things; healing is part of it. It is God’s will for all of us to be in good health. It is not about preference. There is a love that God commended to the world and healing is part of what we should enjoy out of His Love.

We should hold on to faith and this faith is what will order our life on how to live. We should not just stop at healing, we should hold on to faith. Even when you are healed, there is something you have to hold on to which is the word of God. If we stay on the word of God, we will see how God loves us.

Walking by sight – We should walk by faith, not by sight. We are living by a different conversation so everything pertaining to us is by faith. We should be able to stand on faith and hold on to God’s word. We need to be deliberate about our healing. Hold God by His word; He is not a man that He should lie.

(1Peter 2:24) Jesus has done it all. It is a finished work. He is not planning on healing anyone today. He has finished it on the cross. We are supposed to receive it.

As far as God is concerned, healing is already ours. Sickness and diseases come from Satan. The way we will live is not the way the world lives. We should not live like mere men. We have a destination, and God is not ready to cut short our lives before we get to our destination.

Just stay in faith and keep believing. We are not normal men, we are spirit men. Our assurance should be set on God’s word. As a result of this study, we should not be sick. We should have enough faith to stand on God’s word.

Not completing the cycle of faith by saying the word of God and meditating upon it (Joshua 1:8). The way Jesus lived, everything that pertained to him was always linked to the scriptures: ‘As it is written’. Our lives should be centered on God’s word. Everything we do should be hinged on God’s word through: the Bible, instructions from the Holy Spirit, from your pastors, and everyone who has authority over you.

If we are not saying the Word of God, we won’t be able to hold on to faith to the full measure. The devil will keep bringing lies. At that point, what we should hold on to are the sayings of God.

Unforgiveness does not give peace to any man. It can make one stay in sickness and disease, it can scatter a man (Matt 6:14-15). If you stay on the Word and someone offends you, the Word will teach you how not to hold grudges, then teach you forgiveness. The excellent way to walk is to walk in love. If we don’t obey God, we will have unrest and not be comfortable. Jesus left the 99 and went after 1; this is an example of walking in love.

 As we obey the commandments, our faith is activated.

Pastor Laide

The word of God is true. The content of the Bible is life. It is the revelation of life. One of our greatest failures is not trusting God’s Word. The moment a soul begins to build himself on God’s word, healing becomes a norm.

We should look into the Word of God and look for the healing stories. We should look into the Word and read about the fathers of faith and see the power of God’s Word.

We should have a burning heart for the Word of God. God said it, believe it and that settles it. Once your faith says yes, God can never say no. He can never deny you. God is not big enough to stop you: He is a man of His word; He is bound by His Word. If your faith can lay hold on it, nobody can take it away from you. God is incapacitated by our faith.

May unbelief not rob us of the blessings of the Spirit. 

Blessed is he that does not see, yet believes. Once we can receive it, not even God will deny you. Your healing is not dependent on God but dependent on your faith; this is so because God has done His part 2000 years ago. We being born again has completed the program of healing.

If you are expecting that Jesus will come to heal you, that is not faith. The day we realize we have been healed by Jesus, sicknesses and diseases have been broken over us. When your faith can see it, nothing, not even the chief of devils, can stop you.

Once you realize you are the son of a king, the story changes. You gain audacity against Satan. The spirit of faith speaks. You can’t have faith and not speak or act. You can’t eat the Word of God and just act or behave somehow. When you believe something, there is a way you act. When you believe the Word of God, people can see it.

If you can believe, blessed are you. Some people want all the symptoms to be gone before they can believe: that is walking by sight. You will not receive healing by faith if you judge by what you see. You will miss out on the allocation God has provided. There is a blessing for believing.

Can we dare to believe the Word of God? There is a confidence about tomorrow not because of our calculations but by the Word of God; It has enough integrity to sort our future. Can we bet our life on the Word of God? Satan is fighting the integrity of the Word of God.

The Word of God is true, it is never wrong. The Word of God never fails. We must hold the integrity of God’s Word in all sacredness, in our heart and in our spirits. God can heal, does heal and his healing power is still active today. But if your faith is not intact, you shortchange yourself. Faith booster is to hear the Word of God. For faith to arise in the heart, it must be preached to you. God’s word is true till today.

(Heb 13:6-7) Confession is not quoting scriptures. It is a belief statement that comes from the understanding of what the scripture has said. Everything that is spoken is so that we can also ‘boldly say’. Whatsoever revelation we have by the Word of God is given to us so that we can also say something.

After reading the Word, it should stir us up on our feet. You can think on the Word of God. Arm yourself and mind with the word, don’t just read religiously. Sometimes, you need to speak it out loud so that spirits will hear you. Dare to believe the Word of God.

Forgiveness may be hard but oppression is harder. No matter the depth of what someone has done to you, remember you did worse to Jesus, yet He showed you mercy.