Sunday School (24/01/2021)

Brother Happy

Text: (Prov 4:20-22, Act 10:37-38)

Healing anchors itself on the Word of the Lord. The Word of the Lord must be in our heart to receive our healing. 

Wrong understanding of the origin and purpose of sickness (Luke 13:10-16):

It is not, first of all, laying of hands that grants healing. No matter what the sickness or infirmity may be, we need to remember the fact that Jesus Christ has paid it all by his stripes, so no sickness or disease is permitted in our body.

We should speak up so that faith will rise. We should not fall into the resolution that we have heard some things before. Until faith is established, we should not stop speaking it. Our victory is in Christ and He has paid it all. We should come to the reality that we are healed. We must build our foundation on the Word of the Lord because satan will not stop speaking, and the Lord will not stop speaking also until we attain victory.

Faith does not have a direct tradition or principle. Our life is anchored on faith and is not anchored on a particular principle. Attaining healing from the Lord is something that has been accomplished, we cannot exhaust it. You can call on the Lord at any time. The Lord is ready to answer you. God is not a God of tradition. There is no tradition around receiving healing from the Lord. There is no limitation to the healing of the Lord. 

(1 Peter 2:24) What Jesus Christ bore on the cross is our sin. Victory over sicknesses is by his stripes. Healing is it the key thing of the gospel. Healing is not what Jesus finished on the cross. He got to the end of healing before he got to the cross. Healing is not something so serious, as Jesus paid the price for it even before he got to the cross, he dealt with it by his stripes.

(2 Timothy 4:20, 1 Timothy 5:21-23) Healing is not a one-way traffic. The Lord can instruct us to take some medications. What is more important is the person instructing us. We must not get scriptures wrong. Anything done outside of faith is sin (Roman 14:23). Faith is not a drama that we will act. The true definition of faith is that we hear because faith cometh by hearing. The Lord can prompt us to take medications but the ultimate thing is that to stay healthy at all times, we must believe in the word of God. 

(Hebrews 12:1-2) The only person we are permitted to look unto even in the place of sicknesses and diseases is Jesus Christ. Our goal is to look up to Jesus. The ultimate goal of God concerning our health is to be like Jesus; to stay healthy. We don’t do things based on fear.

(Hebrews 2:10, 1 Peter 4:1) Chastisement means to train. Training is to grow. The Lord cannot inflict sickness on us so that we can grow. We don’t grow by sickness and diseases, it is not our portion. God did not train Jesus with sickness and diseases. It is not the laid down foundation of the Lord. No sickness is potent to take our life. 

What is suffering? If sickness is suffering, then we would say Jesus fell sick while on earth.  Suffering is a chastisement of Christ. It is a life that crucifies our flesh. Suffering means living according to a life that is not comfortable to the flesh. When a man is suffering, he is living not according to his own will but anchored on God’s will. 

Without suffering, we can’t align to the will of God. Sickness and diseases were not included in the steps of our Lord Jesus, therefore it cannot be included in ours. We must believe it. We are permitted to live a healthy life because Jesus lived a healthy life while on earth.

The Lord does not need sickness and diseases to train us. Sickness and diseases are not permitted. There is nothing to be thankful for about sickness and diseases. We should have perfect hatred for sickness and diseases. Sickness is not normal in our realm and we should treat it that way. We should not permit it. 

We can live a healthy life, it is possible. If Jesus lived it, we can live it. If a man can live totally by instructions and follow them, he won’t fall sick. A man that has learnt the culture of not doing things by himself will not fall under the affliction of Satan. If we expose ourselves to a wrong atmosphere, it will interject our thoughts. 

We should abide by the scriptures. Stay within the boundaries of the scriptures. God will work based on our atmosphere, so we have to preserve our atmosphere jealously. We need to be under the right atmosphere. Do not look unto distractions. We need to pay premium on what we do per time. 

(Isaiah 38:21, John 9:6, John 5:30) We should not be stiff necked about the things of God. Faith is what we hear and not a predetermined mind. We must be pliable to God. We don’t gain life by having a predetermined way of doing things. What makes faith is what God is saying per time. We must learn the malleability of the Spirit.  We must always give audience to hearing. Without hearing, there is no prosperity for us.

What is important is that we hear what the Lord is saying at a particular time (Joshua 1:8, Psalm 119:11). We must profess what we have meditated on. Whenever Satan comes, we must speak up and say the words we have meditated back to him, we must not get tired.

The Word of the Lord must remain potent in our heart. It must be what we anchor our healing on. 

Sister Ore

Our life is spiritual. Everything pertaining to us is spiritual. We should look at sicknesses and diseases from the spiritual angle. Sicknesses and diseases are from satan. Satan is a spirit so sicknesses and disease is a spiritual affair. It springs out from satan. It is a nature that was put to cause confusion and distract us from what the Lord is doing. The plan of satan is for us to stop pursuing God. 

Not obeying instructions can lead to sickness. Wrong use of the body is as a result of foolishness and disobedience to the Holy Spirit. Everything concerning our life is spiritual.

We should stay on God’s word. The word of God is spiritual, it means the Word can give our body life, strength and sound mind. The word of God is potent and that settles it. It is not a matter of argument or up for a debate. Our lifestyle and everything pertaining to us should be as it is written. What you put your focus on is what will build you up. 

We must be ready to live as spiritual men. Our conversation is not earthly or carnal. We can’t afford to live anyhow or do just anything. We should live by instructions. We should be led by the Spirit even to the place of our body. 

Anything that won’t gear you towards God is not called suffering. Suffering is not sicknesses and diseases.  One intent of satan is to stop us from following God. Just follow God and keep His instructions.