Date: 28th March, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan 

(Colossians 1:1-14) The faith in the Lord Jesus and love for all saints was hinged on the hope which is laid up for saints in heaven, which they heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel. The gospel painted a hope for them in heaven which required a demand for faith in the Lord Jesus and love towards all the saints. That hope that is laid up in heaven was preached by the word of truth, or the gospel, and what that hope demanded from them was a kind of faith in the Lord Jesus and a love walk towards all the saints. The gospel that was preached to them generated a kind of response.

Every gospel has the fruit it must bear. The word will come back with a fruit. The gospel must come back with a type of harvest or response that God requires. Every church is blessed to the degree to which there is a yielding of fruit according to the measure of that which has been watered; by the measure of the response that is generated from the word that is sent to them. The word that is communicated to us is not idle. The sending forth of the word should generate a response.

(John 11:16-19) To go the circuit of Jesus’ teaching and not be offended, you’re blessed, you’re helped because it will collide headlong with your life; with what you fear the most and what you fear to lose. God is expecting a kind of response from us. We must respond to the degree to which God has shown us things. 

(Matthew 11:23-29) Jesus was preaching the kingdom and expecting fruits. We are to learn the knowledge of the Father but Jesus is not calling those that are at ease in Zion. He is calling those that labour and are heavy laden; those who take His yoke upon them. Until a soul is laboring and has been laden, he is not brought low to men. 

Sometimes we think we are qualified for the mercy that God has shown us so we don’t generate the kind of response that God requires. There are heart responses that God expects from every dispensation of the gospel. Judgement is measured by heart response to the gospel that came to you.

(Hebrews 4:2) Every generation is validated by the kind of heart response they have been able to give to the gospel that has been preached to them. The day we know the grace of God in truth is the day the word enters us. Heaven knows and marks the exact point where entrance and the witness of truth is ministered to us; where understanding dawns. And from that moment, they begin to calibrate response, they begin to expect that you yield to all that has been delivered to you. Heaven wants us to bring forth fruits. Every heart must ponder on the kind of response that is required of it. At every level, there are degrees of profiting that is required and outside of profiting, more cannot be delivered. If you have not profited or brought forth fruit in the previous level, it will be unjust and suicidal for them to add more. We should bring forth fruits in the level we are, otherwise, even if we force ourselves into the next level, there won’t be grace. 

When the quantum of response that heaven requires is generated, tides will change. Fulfill the obedience for this phase, don’t try to change the seasons yourself. The will of God is as pure as the understanding you have of spiritual things. Your perception of the will of God is as pure as your spiritual judgement. Every wise believer must learn to talk to his soul from his spirit. You can pick up from the spirit and speak with your soul.

Whenever Satan tries to cast you down in spite of God’s faithfulness, recall for him what the Lord has done for you over the years. The reason the Lord brings to the depths is because there, you will receive commandments from the Lord. Regardless of what happens on the outside, you must be stable in your soul. 

You must be at peace regardless of what is going on outside. God is never late. Sometimes, we desire that God shows up earlier, that some things in our lives should have happened earlier or quicker, but when you think God is delaying things, that is when you should be more careful so that you won’t be compelled to do things by yourself because God is never late; He is the timeless one that dwells in timelessness and controls time.

1st Tongues And Interpretation

Respond, respond, I need a response, even to that which heaven is giving you at this time, even a quick response in your midst. I need a quick response, quick acceleration of response to heaven at this time. We are not just saying this to you alone, we want a quick response. A response is a sacrifice of an assembly, even a sacrifice. We bless you with giving but we need a response to that which we have given to you. We need a response, we need you to generate fruits, even that which heaven is giving. Heaven requires a great ascension of sacrifice, so much has been committed to you this season, we are waiting for your response. 

For every giving, there must be a commensurate response, even to that which heaven is sowing. You should seriously, diligently look for a response. As you are obeying me, you are quickened unto response. If you disobey, there is no fruitfulness in that which we are committing into your hands. We need a fruit and you bear fruits by obedience, for having quickened in the promptings of your heart, when we give you our word, we throw you in the realm of leadings, even into the leading of the spirit, even the path of leadings. There are so many leadings hanging around you as an assembly. I want you to be swift to obey, swift to obey even at this time, swift to respond. 

There is no establishment without response from you. You cannot bear fruits in this light except you respond to the commensurate givings that are coming at this time. Respond, respond, I say respond; to whom much is given much is required. More diligence is required, much diligence is required even from this assembly. We need a response. It is serious business. Don’t just tag along, there are promptings that we are bringing along your way at this time because much response is needed. This word will become dormant if you don’t respond to it. The activities and the true activeness of this word is the response from your heart. I say, see that you push to the end of the obedience of that which we are saying because we will be bringing promptings at this time so that you can respond to us. 

2nd Tongues And Interpretations

Wait, wait, I say wait upon the season which I have placed you under. There is time and season for everything upon the face of the earth. For the time of waiting is the time of strength, it is the time whereby you gather strength for the next phase, even the next level that heaven has allocated for you. In the realm of the spirit, you have to fulfill a course for another course to come upon you, and by the time you’re finishing the course, strength has come. I say to you, do not force my way, it is dangerous to your level and airspace in the spirit, grace will break forth things by itself. I don’t need your arrangement for the progress of your life, I don’t need anything from you for the progress of your life. Just wait upon me, seasons open as they are allocated in the spirit. No matter how big your anxiety, it cannot open anything. We don’t answer to anxiety in the spirit. Anxiety is not a word of our kingdom, we can’t recognize anxiety in the spirit. Do not be anxious for anything. 

We have planned your everything for your salvation. I say wait, wait, wait, there is a wisdom of Satan that is telling you that time is going, I say to you wait. He wants to distract you from bearing fruits of your current estate. What is more important is for you to bear fruits per season. What you’re supposed to focus on is how much fruit you bear each season. What is important to us is your salvation. Whether you progress in the natural or not, what is more important to us is how much fruitfulness and growth you have acquired in your soul. Your fruit is your growth. I say to you, wait, for those that wait upon the Lord, I shall renew their strength. Waiting is a place of strength. Waiting shows us that you’re strengthened. Your waiting period is when we strengthen your resolve, we strengthen your capacity. 

You need eye salve to truly see who you are. You need to truly see your progress in the spirit. Some of you are progressing but Satan is lying and even telling you to consider your natural. In the realm of the spirit, you’re progressing, you need eye salve to see how much your progress is. Satan wants to obstruct your sight with what you’re seeing presently. I say to you, wait and bear fruits of what you’re currently doing. Don’t leave what you’re doing. If you leave it, you have jeopardized life. I say wait, you need to pray for eye salve at this time and season to see growth for what growth and progress is in the realm of the spirit. Satan is lying, I say to you that you’re progressing. Do not force things upon yourself, wait upon the Lord, for therein lieth your strength, progress and prosperity. I say wait upon the Lord, no need for anxiety. There is no where you are running to, what is important is your growth. 

Your expression of growth should be the strength of your life. Do not use your strength for anything, but use your strength to abide in the Lord in the current state of your life. Invest all your energy and you will see that you will bear fruit. Satan wants to divert your strength and attention, I say bear fruits and abound in the current season of the Lord upon your life; that is where we are seeing you in the realm of the spirit and that is what is real, nothing else surrounding you in the natural determines your growth, for growth is in the spirit. You need eye salve, even eye salve of the Lord.