The New and Living Way Church, Ikorodu.

Meeting: Sunday Service

Date: 4th July, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan


1st Tongues and Interpretation

I am good, I am good and even my goodness extends.

It is vast, it is vast, from everlasting to everlasting. 

I will show you this love, I will open it up. 

I will open up my love to you.

I will open up the person of love, I will open up the true definition of love.

For indeed I am love, God is love. 

For indeed I am yours, I am… I am. 

I want to open I am to you, for indeed I want to open Him up. 

I want to open Him up for indeed He is vast. 

I want to open, open.

It’s an unveiling, it’s an x-ray, I want to open Him up.

2nd Tongues and Interpretation

Oh Man, man I am mindful of you, my mind is full of you.

I think of you so that you can come to the place I am. 

I think of you so that you can be raised above your limitations. 

My intention is to bring you out of the region of death to the place where I am. 

That is why I keep coming, that’s why I come today.

I want you to see My intentions, My calling and My purpose over you. 

I want you to see me, oh man, My mind is mindful of you.

Message Begins (Pastor Laide)

We must learn to enjoy presence. If we are not careful, the preciousness of the spirit that we have, we can lose it if we despise it in our hearts. 

When you have all things figured out, you edge God out. What God can do in minutes, you can’t do in a lifetime of talking. Chairs don’t have to break for you to know that God is moving. You know He is moving when He visits hearts. When the psalmist said, “…create in me a new heart and renew in me the right spirit…”: he didn’t mean to create a blood-pumping machine. This means your heart can be changed while you’re standing.

(Daniel 4:30-37) They took Nebuchadnezzar’s reasoning and understanding from him. At that point he became beastly. That is the work of an everlasting God. In a moment, He caused that. If an everlasting God can do that in a moment, can He not upgrade an understanding in a moment? He will multiply your spiritual quotient to understand everlasting things. Amen.

What happened to Daniel that his understanding was imported from God so he can comprehend the work of an everlasting God. Men can learn earth, science, the invisible in the realm of visible, but to learn eternal substances, only God can make that happen. When God says “I will give a new heart”, He’s talking about a faculty of understanding: Eternal life is an understanding.

We need to hold forth before the vessel of salvation comes by. Do not despair for the Lord will upgrade your understanding. God is deep. Wigglesworth never knew learning. They told him to write Holy Ghost, he wrote it eight times and couldn’t get it, but at the end of the year, he had books to his name. Unto us is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom, it’s our lot to know. We receive grace to know, we will comprehend and gain mastery of things pertaining to everlasting life. Amen.

Some said they’ve handled it, meaning they’ve grasped it. They had mastery over it: such miracles the Lord will do amidst us in our hearts. The Lord will make quick our understanding. Our minds are blessed! Our hearts are blessed and they are fruitful in all things everlasting; they are productive in all things everlasting. We have an understanding in the holy scriptures, our sight and judgement are blessed. 

3rd Tongues and Interpretation

Landed, we have landed in our numbers. 

We have landed for dispensations of light, we are angels of light. 

We want to bring light and understanding.

We want many to be fruitful in the regions of understanding. 

It’s a time for you to be fruitful as a church. 

I open your understanding, your faculties, I open your eyes, your ears, I strengthen your legs. 

It’s a season to be fruitful and that is why we came in our numbers. 

We have come to open books, page by page. 

Our intention in this season is to save many, to upgrade your reasoning in this season. 

We have come to say it to the church.

4th Tongues and Interpretation 

Raining manna, raining manna.

We have opened up a portal, a portal of understanding. 

Even dews from heaven will begin to fall. Even manna, meals will begin to be dispensed. 

The heavens are open to pour out blessings, many blessings, blessings in the area of food. 

Faster, faster, for this meal is to make many faster, it’s to quicken, for there are yet many places that you need to cover and this is why we are raining this particular food. 

You will run this time and won’t be weary. 

I’m bringing more strength and grace, it’s time for you to make haste. 

Make haste, make haste.

Message Continues…

I (pastor) see there’s healing, healing of body organs. I had a burning fire inside of me, as if my heart and lungs were on fire. The Lord is touching bodies for the manna which are kept our bodies. The Lord is taking care of many internal things that have not been spoken. You will not see it anymore, you will look for it and you will not find it. This healing is different, it is by angelic visitation. It’s not by healing anointing. They will dip their hands and change some things themselves.

5th Tongues and Interpretation  

Resurrection, we are removing things that are malfunctioning, even heart surgery.

We are removing things that are not planted but crept in, we are removing them. 

Even things that give you sleepless nights, we are doing internal healing on you. 

We want you to open up by faith into this atmosphere. 

There’s an automatic surgery going on here. 

I am the Great Surgeon, I am removing things because they are distractions to my work. 

You will not spend time thinking about them again. 

I am here because I don’t want distractions in my work. 

There’s an allocation you’re supposed to enter but because there’s an inadequacy in the body. 

The grace of John is here, for your body is of the Lord and it is needed to carry salvation. 

We have come here with our healing angels.

Message Continues…

If you believe the things the Lord has done, let thanksgiving arise in you. You have just experienced an upgrade. You don’t know what that means. They have just run a system upgrade in you. Please believe what I (pastor) am saying, whether you understand or not. He (the Lord) said He will renew your youth like that of the eagles. Your bodies are being made fit for everlasting things. It’s not all the time that the Lord allows us to speak this expressly. I (pastor) say the truth of the Lord and lie not, an upgrade has just happened. I believe God needed that obedience to be able to do what He did. I say you’re made whole. Don’t get insensitive in the spirit, the Lord is still working. Some for the rest of the day, others for the rest of the week.

As preachers, we must be ready to preach, but not hungry to preach. Preaching must never overtake following God. You are a minister, you are called into the fivefold , thank God for it. But staying before the people to utter the word of God is secondary to following Him. Remember He is the minister, He only needs vessels. And sometimes, He works by your yeildedness, not your standards. Zeal must never overtake yieldedness – submission to the Holy Ghost. 

You don’t use the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost uses you. Some people have grown so much that the Holy Ghost doesn’t use them anymore, it is them that use the Holy Ghost. Our zeal to speak must never be greater than His desire to utter. We are not wasting time, please. Take these things seriously. Many hearts have erred from the place of reverence and sobriety because they put the cart before the horse. Your desire to be used of God must never overtake your desire to be presented to Him perfectly. This is another guile that Satan fronts in the body that elevates use.

(2 Timothy 2:16-21) In your journey to spiritual maturity, you will face that junction where your desire to be used is fueled, but never at any time must you let it to outweigh your desire to be presented perfectly. Use always comes after sanctification and purification. 

When it seems that you stand something to gain naturally, beware! Always develop the culture of asking God twice when it seems as though you stand a chance to gain something naturally. Learn the culture of checking it again and again, if possible invite a second and a third eye. This is because the heart is deceitful. When it seems as though you stand to gain something naturally (naturally doesn’t necessarily mean physical), check it. That thing might not be tangible, but you gain something. Look at what you stand to gain and judge it again. You must trust God to make you die to the sense of gain. It’s not that increase or benefits will not come. But be wary of that sense that values gain. 

There’s something about gain. There’s a difference between gain and benefit. Gain adds to you, while benefit is something you use if made available, but it doesn’t add to you. You must trust God that you will die to gain. You will enjoy everything as a benefit without it increasing you by a fraction of an ounce. It doesn’t add to your substance, it doesn’t make you better. Even while we are grateful for the additions in the natural, we see the emptiness in them that they don’t make us better. It can be a certificate, a cloth, or even a compliment. 

Check everything that wants to give you gain. Check it twice, thrice. The presence or absence of benefit shouldn’t make us better or worse. These words will make you stable to a good degree. Things will not move you much. Few things will move you. My heart cry before God is that we will become more stable in life. Our judgement will be right and we will walk in the light. I think the Lord has blessed us.