The New and Living Way Church, Ikorodu.

Meeting: Sunday Service

Sunday School:       The Root Cause of Homosexuality

Message: Enduring Till The End For Salvation

Date: 11th July, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan & Bro Niyi


1st Tongues & Interpretations

Angels, even Angels are here. 

Even Angels of the height that have been given the authority to dispense things of the Son of God

To bring forth things about the Son 

Even blessings of the things of the Son of God 

For they are here in their numbers to bring many portions around the Son of God

To open up another portion of the Son of God 

They have come with blessing, understanding and entrance 

That you might understand the portion of the Son of God that have been brought forth to you

They are here in their numbers to see to it that everyone understands this portion that they bring.

2nd Tongues & Interpretation

For their presence here in this place is bringing healing for souls; of the infirmities of the soul

Even healing upon the soul, for many souls will be touched. 

Many souls will light up for God

They have come to deal with many infirmities around pursuing the things of God

Things that do not want to give heed to the things of God

For by understanding, healing will come to the soul

Even bonds will break, even things that have bound the soul for long will break, by the reason of understanding.

Message Begins (Pastor Laide)

(Matthew 24:1-22; Acts 1:6) In the administration of times, there are things in the custody of the Son and there are things in the prerogative of the Father. Understanding of times means that you know what to do in the season, if not, you won’t be able to align with heaven to do what heaven is doing. You can’t cooperate with God beyond the season that has been opened to you. 

(Matthew 24:4-5) Coming in the name of Christ is not just professing Christianity, it is having the name of Christ. As high as the name of Christ is, it is not free from deception because those coming in this name were first deceived, before deceiving other people, and one of the deceptions that will come will be “that is all to the learning of God, there is nothing beyond Christ.”

To handle Christ in purity and be free of deception, you must be meek and lowly: any stature devoid of these things will be more susceptible to deception. 

(Matthew 11:29) Christ has his own yoke, but we must be meek and lowly. To bear the burden of light, we must be meek. Light is a burden of Christ; if we are not meek, it will derail us. To bear light, we must be balanced and the properties of this balance is meekness and lowliness, otherwise, we will cause harm and destroy things. There are sins that only sons of light can commit. We must be tempered to remain within the confines of things permissible to the gospel, otherwise, we will make shipwreck. Shipwrecks are caused by winds that drag the souls of men off course. Lowliness and meekness are winds that guide and prevent us from going off course. 

(Matthew 24:6-8) What makes a man’s heart troubled at the sight of war is because his hope is in the world. Men’s hearts are fixed here. Everything that has held the souls of men will shake because the very foundation of their hope is crumbling. These things will not affect believers. The sorrows that fall upon the world will not fall upon the people of faith because their hope is on God and not this world. When the earth and heavens begin to shake, it might be around us, but we must not lose hope like every other person. Running away is not the solution but knowing who we believe. The church in Jerusalem was sustained in the midst of the famine.

(Matthew 24:9-10) “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.” You will be hated for holding His name. Holders of the name must be prepared for this day; a day is coming when they will believe everything happening is because of you; because of the name of God that you hold. 

When we are being taught love of the brethren, it is immunity against any offence that will land upon the face of the earth, against a temptation that will face the elect. They are raising immunity against a temptation that will try all of the earth. 

(Matthew 24:11) “And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many.” False prophets don’t trouble the church at the beginning but at the end: in latter times. The emergence of false prophets is a signal of close proximity to inheritance. False prophets can sacrifice anyone and anything for the hope they have in sight. They come to a point where the tidings of the dealings of this life is no longer in coherence with the hope they have in sight. 

The work of false prophets is to multiply iniquity; their ministry is to make iniquity abound. The Lord must make us hate iniquity, He must prepare the church fully before these things fully emerge. These prophets are against sheep. They can kill love because of the things they merchandise as they have also held light. (Matthew 24:13) “But he that shall ensure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” This means that all the world has not tasted salvation, they have not been totally saved. Just before Salvation comes, the ministry of these prophets will come.

The work of false prophets is to spread iniquity and the work of iniquity is to spread abomination. 

(Deuteronomy 7:21-26) Balaam did not hate the nations nor their ways. However, he made the children of Israel commit an abomination. Abomination must be purely hated, detested and abhorred. There are things classified as sins, and things classified as abominations. Some of these sexual vices are abominations. What Balaam taught Balak was the wisdom of abomination. There are abominations that cause desolation.

The world has not fully raced into abomination.

(Daniel 9:20-21) This race is against the race of abomination. In this chapter of Daniel, they had seventy weeks to complete a work before the work of abomination multiplied. The prophecy concerning the restoration of Israel is a race against abomination. These seventy weeks are prophetic and are speaking of a dispensation of time that the Lord will give. The church has time; but in all reality, there is no time. 

By grace, we are coming to the place where we are being shown the mystery of everlasting righteousness, but just before we get to that place, they must anoint the most holy and seal the vision and prophecy. This sealing is the name of the Father. These are the times of His coming, and they shall be in troublous times. 

The building and raising of the temple is in troublous times. Abomination is coming but the Father wants to complete the sealing of the prophecy before it comes, because when abomination comes, scarcely will the elect be saved.

For the elect’s sake, it is good for us to race to the place where they will anoint the most holy. We must not joke with this as Satan is also racing. He wants to mature the earth for destruction; he wants to bring in abomination. The goal of abomination is not to stay in the holy place, it wants to get to the most holy. Satan wants abomination to sit there; he wants men to serve abominations. When the nations start drinking abomination, they are near unto destruction and Satan wants the nations to drink this cup and drink it fully.

Holders of faith must race. Mercy has brought us to the threshold of everlasting things, we must not rest or relent. We must race to receive all that God is giving pertaining to everlasting righteousness. As the everlasting gospel or righteousness is being taught, the giving or serving of abomination has begun. The giving of abomination will occur at the same time as the season of everlasting righteousness.

(Revelation14:8) Why did Babylon make all nations drink from her cup? Because as the knowledge of everlasting righteousness was going on, she was also serving her fornication. Drinking of the cup is receiving knowledge, because they refused the knowledge of the everlasting, they accepted something else.

(2 Thessalonian 2:3-4) The man of sin is just the embodiment of the fullness of abomination. His works will go before him. LGBTQ+ is actually an opposer of God and that is how every abomination is. It is an opposer, an affront against God. Satan wants men to stand in direct opposition to God. He wants to bring every man to a place where he is able to defy God. For men to wage war against God, it means they have become defiant.

There are things that the world shows us that shake us to our “God conviction”, but the Lord must raise us by words. God must help us to be committed to the things we are hearing. We must labour to get Eternal life. We must give ourselves to reading, fight anything that keeps us away from the scriptures. The substance of this race against abomination is not real to the soul.

We must pray that the Lord will give us the heart to understand the weightiness of these things, that our hearts will be able to race at God’s pace. We must pray that the Lord will help us to outrun that which the enemy is bringing this season.