TEXT:  Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2:7, 18-25 


In our last lesson, we learnt by the grace of God that the male and the female gender is the original thought of God, which mirrors His image and likeness. The Lord formed the male and the female bodies and called the female, woman and the male called man. One essence of this is to enable man fulfil God’s intention of filling the earth with mankind through procreation. Altering this arrangement is a rebellious confrontation to the authority of the Creator. It is a deliberate attempt of Satan to teach men to walk in ways away from and out of the sovereign reign of God over mankind. 

This week we shall be looking at the other consequences of altering this arrangement through LGBTQ+ practices and other depraved sexual perversions. 


A. It is an attack on marriage 

Marriage is the oldest institution ordained by God on earth. God created the spirit and soul in Gen. 1:26-30 and later created the earth suit called the man of the dust and breathe into him the breath of life, and man became a living soul.  

God saw it was not good for the man to be alone. Also, it is not good for the man and woman to stay in one body. So, God brought forth the female from Adam and created her body from Adam’s rib. Two distinct humans of the same kind but different gender; the man and the woman. So, the first marriage was between a man and a woman, this is what is called marriage. 

Marriage is the coming together of a man and a woman for the purpose of procreation and companionship. 

Marriage was ordained to be between male and female (head and body), to demonstrate an order in creation. The union between man and woman is the coming together of the head (male) and body (female). Altering this arrangement/union between the man and the woman is coming against God’s eternal plan.  

One of the greatest attacks of the enemy against God’s plan is an attack on the issue of marriage. Marriage is a big threat to Satan because it keeps ordinances of the beginnings through which God can still visit the earth. 

Homosexual ideas and other sexual perversions and abnormal deviation from the male and female relationship cannot be termed a marital relationship because they cannot fulfil God’s everlasting plan of populating the earth through procreation. God is the author of marriage and He laid the foundation upon which every other man should build upon. Deviation from this is not marriage, but rather abomination (Lev. 8:22). 

Same-sex marriage is headless and bodiless. What comes out of such a relationship in the realm of the spirit is a monster that will constantly blaspheme God

  1. It is an attack on Homes (Psalm 128:1-3) 

The home comprises the father, the mother, and the children. Each member of the family has a unique role they play. God created families as a haven where souls will be nurtured and nursed by the father and the mother for the purpose of being raised as healthy children.  

God planted households as a means through which His ways (and His will) will prosper upon the earth (Gen 18:19). Homosexual relationships cannot produce a home. And bringing adopted child/children into such a relationship is destructive to the spiritual (emotional and physical) wellbeing of such a child. 

  1. It is an attack on the Society/Nation (Genesis 13:10-13, 18:20-26, 19:1-8) 

The good or evil in a society is a product of broken marriages which leads to broken homes that release unhealthy children into the society. Sodom and Gomorrah was a wicked and sinful city that Satan raised with homosexuality (Gen 19:1-8). This evil started from household to household until almost all the households in this twin city were eaten up by wickedness.  

All that Satan was raising was a blasphemous and wicked city that was meant to destroy every soul that would be born into it. It was raised by Satan to raise pernicious men whose end was to be destroyed. The city was eaten up by iniquity such that God could not find up to 5 righteous souls in it! Their wickedness was demonstrated by their unbridled lust towards the same sex. 

Handling homosexuality with open-mindedness is playing with an infectious disease that can ruin a whole generation. Satan is doing this so that God by Himself, with wrath, will destroy the men and women that He had created in His image and likeness. The wickedness Sodom & Gomorrah expressed was through homosexuality.   

  1. It is an attack on the Church (Eph 5:22-33; 1Tim 3:15) 

The church is the custodian of the Everlasting and Eternal truth of God’s word. The issue of homosexuality has been in the world for ages, its prosperity rides on civilization and has crumbled many laws that condemned it. The largest portions of the developed world have been eaten up by it. 

It could not prosper in the church because of the barricade the Bible puts on it. The marriage between a man and a woman plays a major role in the interpretation of the relationship between Christ and His body. There is a big threat to the body of Christ to accept homosexuality. The church will lose her essence if homosexuality is accepted. 

It is obvious that homosexuality is an antichrist agenda because it denies the reality of Christ and the church. 


  1. It reflects the union of Christ and His body (Eph 5:25-29; Eph 5:31-32) 
  2. Procreation plays an important role in bringing forth the new creation that God ordained to come through man, by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Psalm 127:3-4)