DATE:.                21, November 2021


 Men who are strong in the spirit are tremblers, they are weak men, helplessness without God. They have utter reliance of heaven. We won’t come into the fullness of God’s strength if we have not come into such depth of brokenness, we would never be able to graduate in strength if they don’t break us. The essence of knowledge it to crumble us, make us go lower, we become more meeker.

Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them.2  For their heart studieth destruction, and their lips talk of mischief. 3  Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: 4  And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches. 5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.  6  For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war: and in multitude of counsellors there is safety. Prov 24:1-6

One of the things that’s being sold to this generation is that money Is a strong city, a defence, wisdom also is a defence. 

For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it. Ecc 7:12

The way knowledge excels money is that wisdom gives life to those that have it. We have to choose our defense system, because there is a defense system that’s is excellent, more advanced in the spirit.

Sins starts by misconception in thoughts 

But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. 15  Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. James 1:14-15

Your lust is barren without someone impregnating it, the adulter feeds our lust with his own seeds through thoughts, that’s how lust conceives and when lust has conceived, the seed enters then it bringeth forth sin. When God is teaching us about thoughts and the strategy of thoughts, he’s giving us sight to be able to abort from afar the gestation of sin.

The defense system of this world cannot trap sin, but the beauty of knowledge is that it unveils the wisdom of life.

Prov 8: 1-36 . As we sit in church and God is communicating to us, he is fortifying us by working an understanding. Understanding is an entity, outside of it you are unwise.

To reign is to establish governing laws of righteousness, to stay in a place where death has occupied and to dethrone death that’s kingship.

Ps 82: 1-8 To reign we have to unsit death, we come into reign by raising, we will stand in a place where death used to occupy.

For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.) Rm 5:17 

They want us to come to a reign,  the world wants us to spend our youth on chasing money, 

He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart. Prov 11:29.

Every man has capability to Love Jesus, it’s just darkness that’s worrying the person, no matter how small it is Jesus can flame it to passion.

1st Tongues and interpretation

My long suffering salvation

My long suffering is salvation, the long suffering of the lord is salvation

I go to hell so I can know how to take you out from hell

I’m not giving up on you 

Don’t let Satan lie to you I’m not giving up on you 

I know it, I know the root of it and I am seeing it, it has a time 

I call you again, I call you to life , I bring you to life

I raise you from your death estate

I call you to life, I bring you to life 

I know the root of the hellish nature that has been disturbing you but I bring you forth to life. I’m coming there my hands is stretching there, and I will bring you to life

O my great mercy is in the house, calling you forth, don’t give up on yourself, I’m not giving up on you 

I see the lord bringing comfort to souls. I am Kind, my long-suffering is mercy.

It Is not every soul of the saint can undergo this work of wisdom, you  can go and follow up on a hardened criminal and they will end up converting you because the devil on them is stronger than light in you, It depends on one’s growth in the wisdom of light. We cannot afford to run without discretion, we must be guided by the ghost of God. As we begin to come into the stature of everlasting stature, the lord will clothe us with the relentlessly of heaven of the father, that it will swallow up Sins and detonate it’s entity. As plants like sugar cane uses very dirty water and turns it to sweetness, God wants us to be able to quench sin, to break the strength and the gene of sins and bring forth Life. 

They want to give us knowledge, understanding, wisdom to give us strength, 

2nd Tongues and interpretation

I’m tuning your ears to pick knowledge at his frequency, at it’s pace

I’m tuning your ears, To pick knowledge at it’s pace of delivery, that you should not fall short at the pace knowledge is delivered in this season

For I want you to incline your ears to pick knowledge at the pace it is been delivered in this time, that you might to be able to amass substance that comes with knowledge in this time.

Even there’s a pace, frequency at which knowledge is flying at this time and I want you, even you to be able to catch up with the pace of knowledge, even in this time 

That you might be able to amass substance that will make you ready, make you qualified for seasons to come, even for time to come 

I want to tune your ears, to pick knowledge at it’s pace.

3rd Tongues and Interpretation

I’m waking a panting 

I’m waking many souls to begin to pant, to begin to pant for true riches, for true treasures

I’m putting paintings even in many hearts

Souls will begin to pant hard after me 

For I have gifts I want to give, I have good gifts I want to give, I have treasures I want to open up 

I have true riches, and they are found even in wisdom , they are found even in knowledge, they are found even in understanding.

I want to open the heavens and pour it out even upon many souls that pants 

O this is a great time to pant, it’s a great time to pant after wisdom, Knowledge and understanding.

Seek them far above rubies, far above fine gold, seek them , seek them with all your life.

For I have said as many that would seek me would find me , as many as would knock upon this door, the door would be open unto them, as many as would call upon me I would answer, I would answer them in this season.

It’s a time to call out for me , it’s a time to seek after me, it’s a time to knock on the door and the door shall be open unto you, it’s a time for panting,

Don’t waste time, don’t waste precious time, it’s a time to pant hard even after me.

                                     THE END