The New and Living Way Church, Ikorodu.

Meeting: Sunday Service

Sunday School:       The God Made Husband (Part 2)

Date: 26th September, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan & Pastor Segun

Message (Pastor Laide Olaniyan)

(Luke 18:1; Rom 12) Man is a being of prayer.  There is a commandment about the issue of prayer by design. Salvation is the bedrock of prayer, it is the chief driver of the reason for prayers. It is not unwholesome to pray concerning things, but it is a precursor to pray for abiding things. (Daniel 4:17) Coming into the place of watchfulness is a precursor to praying. To be able to pray effectively, we must be watchers. 

The watch of the Lord is not watching for the Lord, but standing in the place where the Lord is standing to monitor things and see as the Lord is seeing. If you can’t see the way the Lord is seeing you can’t judge the way the Lord judges. A soul must be able to stand here to escape temptations. A soul encumbered in carnal matters cannot watch with the Lord. 

(Philippians 2:4) (Galatians 6:1) Our heart must be tested in the prosperity of one another. A quick way to fulfill the law of Christ which is charity, is to bear one another’s burdens. We will not be able to complete Christ fully if we have not become burden bearers: ie mastered the skill or art of bearing one another’s burdens. You can’t bear your own burden fully if you haven’t borne another’s burden. In the spirit, you can’t bear your own burden, they give you the burden of others to bear. This enables you grow shoulders and maturity to bear your own burden. In Christ, we are trained to bear burdens because if we are going to bear God, He is a heavier burden. 

(Matthew 11:28-30) Light is a burden and the chief of them is the Father of lights, He is weighty. Jesus is a burden bearer. You can’t build a house or restore desolations without burden bearers. (2Chronicles 2:1-18) (Colossians 1:6-7) Before a house can be raised unto God, the Lord will raise burden bearers. Labourers in the epistle mean burden bearers. Stones can’t move themselves and the means by which they move is by word and prayer. The workmanship of the house of the Lord is executed by skillful workmanship. To be able to raise a house, the Lord must raise you a skillful workman. A master builder is not just one that is skilled in the use of one component alone but in all fabrics to make a great house. 

The mileage for entrance for every soul differs but men must be skilled to bring them from whatever level they are to raise them and build them unto God. It is not a skilled master builder that is involved in raising souls unto God. Every soul must learn to bear each other’s burdens. It is setting the stage to assemble the resources that will be raised unto God. Without the burden bearers, the work can never move. There is a ground in the spirit that the Lord wants to raise a people. 

Every ark is a trained beast of burden. A beast of burden is slower than a horse. God is making us many things in one. 

You can’t bear the burden of the word of the Lord without bearing the people. Watchmen are people that join with the Lord; it is not their lofty thought, it’s the Lord’s thoughts. The Lord calls them into a fellowship of His thoughts. We are called to share in that burden. Many of the thoughts of God are not finding expression because men are not available to stand with God. Many things will happen contrary to the will of God except we stand to pray. There are ways the will of God is being done in the heavens. 

(Galatians 4:19) Without labour and travail, the house of God can never be raised. Nothing spiritual happens naturally, it is pushed and engrafted. The natural has to be carved to align and this is done by prayer. We must be given to labour consistently in the place of prayer. Sometimes, God weeps and moans.  Travail often occurs when we find souls undiscerning, unperceptive of the workings of the Lord but yet the love of God wants to prevail. If there are no burden bearers, nobody will by himself respond to God. 

You need to be weak to pray, if you are too strong, you won’t pray. There is a level of weakness you must come to for to pray, where there is no confidence in the flesh.

Zion is always built in troubled times. When Satan gets physical, it is to stop building. The secret is not to abandon building but to build and fight at the same time. We fight by fighting for our brethren; lay down your life for your brethren, sacrifice. If we will see the complete raising of Zion, every one of us must stand in our place, warring and being a bearer of burden. (1Thess 1:1-3, 1Thess 4:10-13) It is no ordinary work to raise a church that is in God and Jesus Christ. To work a work that will appear at that pedigree and height, the church in Thessalonians must have carried out fervent charity to a degree. 

If we must be a spiritual house unto God, we must be people that are given to prayer.  We must get the posture of prayer. The Lord wants to build a pure river which is only consecrated to the agenda of heaven. 

(Psalm 24:5-6) (Zach 12:10) The Lord wants to raise holy seekers and living enquirers. Until the Lord beats our heart, we will serve our course in the place of prayer. 

(John 3:33-34) There are portions of the spirit that are given that are not of particular tribes in the spirit. The grace for supplication is not just a prayer, it is a cry for inheritance. It takes the operation of the Spirit to look upon. It is not just by looking up, but for hunger to look for lost inheritance. The key to open up for God is a posture of the heart and unless you have that spirit, you might not be guaranteed an entrance. 

3rd Tongues & Interpretation

Garments, we’re washing your garments. 

For we want to raise priests that can offer pure service to the Lord, even pure service to our God. 

For we are washing your garments 

Purifying your garments that you might be a minister unto our God 

That you can offer even in the holy temple of our God

For we are raising a temple, a gathering of priests that can offer and minister to the Lord.

Even the pure ministration of our God. 

It’s a season where we are washing your garments 

Removing every impurity that has hindered your entrance, service and ministration. 

We are removing impurities and putting a pure garment upon you that you may minister henceforth pure sacrifice to the Lord.

We are raising a company of priests that can offer offerings, for you are the offering.