The New and Living Way Church, Ikorodu.

Meeting: Sunday Service

Sunday School:       For this Cause (Part 3)

Message: Continuing In Prayer (Part 2)

Date: 19th September, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan & Pastor Segun

Message (Pastor Laide)

1st Tongues and Interpretation

Eye salve, I’m bringing eye salve 

I serve you many eyes, many entrances and understanding 

I serve you even many eye salves 

I’m washing your sight, many eyes will be purged 

For you would see into my intent, my heart and you will gain great understanding. 

Great understanding is coming upon many eyes, many eyes will see

I bring blessings of sight 

For we are many and we’ve been sent to ensure that many see in this season 

It’s a blessing of sight that I bring even forth.

2nd Tongues and Interpretations

Mercy will open it up 

It’s mercy that is opening the book

It’s great mercy I’m having upon you, I’m bringing showers of mercy forth. 

As I begin to open the showers, the book will begin to open.

Open, open up treasures, eternal substances 

Mercy will pave this way and many will see this way of mercy 

You’ll know that indeed it is mercy 

I bring showers of mercy 

For indeed the book will be open and the way will be made plain for many to walk and take steps in the way

It’s mercy that is opening it up 

It’s great mercy, I am mercy and I will have mercy upon this assembly.

3rd Tongues and Interpretation

I see pattern for you to follow

This is a full message coming to everyone seated

This is a message and a pattern 

And I’ll come to you even after this order

For he that has gone ahead of you has paved the way for you

I will join you two by two to follow this pattern 

I will come with commandments after this order

This is a pattern for you to follow 

For to amass in life, you must follow this pattern 

I have kept this message for so long 

But this is the season of the message and it is a pattern for you to follow

The way is open, follow the footsteps, follow the pattern 

I am putting the nudge, follow it and stop restraining your heart 

Receive this pattern and let it settle in your heart, it is enough for you to be convinced. 

4th Tongues and Interpretation

I show you my mercy 

Follow him that knows the way

For it is him that knows the road that I will bring around your way 

Follow him that knows the way

I will bring him that knows the way 

My mercy is coming after you 

My mercy is shining after you

Even my daughter (Pastor Rose) you are coming into the allocations of the Lord for your life at this time

Because you have allowed him that know the way and you are still showing a pattern

You are an epistle written for many to follow 

There is a conversation in you and I’m taking out of the grace I’ve given to you, and I’m pouring to others

Because you did not struggle, others will have grace not to struggle. 

I will take out of your spirit and give to my daughters 

I will raise so many after this mercy

I will settle them early

I will touch their eyes and help them see way

I will settle them early with mercy 

I’m coming after you with my mercy, I will not spare you

I am coming for you 

And I want to remove the grade of filthiness in your eyes so you can see the One that knows the way

I’m raising patterns in your midst and you must follow, you will see clearly 

This is great mercy, my mercy for you to see my workings in your midst, it  is my mercy, I am the one that wants to join you with my way.

Pastor Laide (Admonition)

The person you get married to is very crucial to your stability in this path, that is why God is particular about that assignment. God knows the pattern of everyone’s heart and knows who will continue to the end. God can tell ahead that’s why we should not joke with the leading of the spirit. Compatibility is not known by the number of scriptures you know but by the ability to yield to the counsel of God. 

Message Begins…

(Daniel 9:1-27) Failure in prayers begins from failure in watching. When we fail in the place of watching, we will diminish in strength to pray. We must come into the operation where we watch with the Lord and if we do, we will have grace to pray. If we don’t have an understanding of the counsel of God by the word, we will never be able to position ourselves for prayer. 

Many approach the place of prayer with desire. Our desires are not enough to command the attention or intervention of heaven in the place of prayer. In the spirit, what validates our petition is not our desire. Sometimes, we think God is autocratic and does as He wills but He is constrained by how men plead their cause.

Prayer is the platform where you convert the written word into a commitment for faith. 

(Jeremiah 25:12) Daniel didn’t come into the allocation of prayer by sheer will but he had seen the will of the Lord and began to align with Him in prayer. The knowledge of the word of God precedes any prayer, if not, our desires will be empty. Many people don’t love the word but love prayer. This can’t be possible because what we pray in the place of prayer is the word. Prayer is an expression of the word of God to God in the place of prayer. We are not praying our desire but praying the will of God.

(Psalm 119:148) The prayer of a soul must come from a heart that is founded upon the word of God. If we don’t understand the word, we won’t know how to handle a petition in the place of prayer. We need light to pray well. Don’t just use one verse to pray but be a sound student of the word. 

When you read the word, pause, meditate and pray… the heart begins to respond. When the heart begins to engage the word, you will be a praying person. Prayerlessness is rooted in a lack of fellowship with the word. If we have no understanding of the word, we won’t have a compass for life. 

We only know the beginning of prayer, we don’t know the end. What is in the heart of God is deeper than where we began from. Sometimes, when God nudges us into the place of prayer, there are great and mighty things which we know not and He wants to show us. The word of God is more mysterious than we think it is. One of the greatest blessings a man can get in the place of prayer is an understanding: a conviction concerning a particular thing that is born of heaven. Sometimes, what we get is not an instantaneous change in what we asked but what the spirit brings is an understanding which is more precious than the answer itself because the understanding will outlive the answer. 

Getting the way of God in the place of prayer is better than the answer we seek because it will help you mature and grow in life. If all we get is answers and we don’t get understanding, we are limited in prayer. We can get our answers and desires and not move forward or increase in life.

(Jeremiah 33:3) God is eagerly waiting to tell us things, but sometimes, answers to our prayers prevent us from staying there. If we seek only answers, we will be shortchanged in the eternal plans of God, especially the hidden things of God. 

(Ephesians 3:20) There are things that are beyond our thoughts. We cannot ask beyond our thoughts and desires but God can do exceedingly abundantly above them, even in the spiritual. There are many things to say about the Godhead that passes understanding. God is eager to show us things and widen our scope in the spirit but waters lead to waters. If we don’t respond to obedience we can’t come into some waters in the spirit.

If we tarry on the place of prayer, beyond the cause for which we have prayed and groaned in the spirit, there are things heaven wants to show to us. It is not our energy in the place of prayer that makes our prayer effective. However there are prayers that come with the characteristics of burden not just on the soul but even on the body.

(Matthew 17:15- 20) All faith is not faith. Sometimes, there is a measure of denial to come into the position of faith. We must reach a depth of brokenness and groaning in the heart. Groaning is not mechanical, it is a response of a soul that has been touched by the agony of the Lord. To respond to God in that order, they must have touched something within for that soul to bring forth a groaning. (Luke 18:1-8) Faith and prayer are synonyms in the spirit. This expression of the heart before God is an expression of faith. We must see what God has said and labour towards it. Faith is not just believing what we see in the Bible, it surpasses that. That is where it begins but that is not where it ends. It is the knowledge of the Godhead that is faith. Because we are believers does not mean we are rid of unbelief. Unbelief is a deep monster.

We need to believe unto eternal life, and the journey of believing must not be truncated. If not, we will perish in the wilderness.

May we find grace to respond to the most high in this season.