The New and Living Way Church, Ikorodu.

Meeting: Sunday Service

Sunday School:       Understanding God’s Ordinances for Marriage (Part 2)

Date: 5th September, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan & Pastor Segun

Message (Pastor Laide)

There is a garment of prayer that wants to rest on us as an assembly but we have not been structured properly so it hasn’t rested. We have to be taught to be properly positioned. Nothing truly rests unless the people are taught.

 (Romans 12:2-12) There are several injections towards prayer. The principal description of prayer as understood by the carnal man is taking things to God to grant his desires. Oftentimes, people don’t feel the need for prayer until there is a concern or burden. God has to condescend to where we are but that is not the true intent of God. To actually understand His intent, we have to look at the original blueprint then we begin to understand what prayer is. The default mode of the believer is praying. The believer is supposed to be a prayer house: that is God’s intent. 

The HolyGhost prays when we pray. He takes on together with us against our infirmities. He helps us against our limitations and tone in alignment with God’s will. We can switch on to the HolyGhost at any time, he is always on standby. 

To be saved, prayer is an expression of our dependence on God for salvation. Prayerlessness is pride, it is telling God you can save yourself and journey through life by yourself. It takes humility and helplessness to pray. A proud man does not pray, he plans. Prayer is a yearning for salvation. It is a desire to be saved. It is men realizing that without God, we can’t be saved. As we approach salvation, we begin to see the very weight of prayer. 

(James 5:12-16) The bedrock of every successful prayer life is seeing the need for salvation. In order for prayers for our needs and concerns of the heart to be met, all we need is faith. Our ability to get things from God does not mean we are praying according to God’s intent. 

(1Timothy 2:3-4) Salvation is the bedrock of prayer.  (1Thessalonians 5:17) Even God commanded us to pray without ceasing. When the Lord begins to unveil salvation, the church will begin to enter her true prayer ministry. Prayer is our life and default system. We must have a desire. (Ephesians 5:15-16) If Jesus is the Son of God, why did He have to pray so much? This place is a den of temptations, the days are evil. One of the things that is causing people to be prayerless is taking the adversary lightly. Our adversary, Satan, is ruthless.

(Luke 18:1) Prayer is our default mode. That is how we ought to be. Prayer is not a recital. Jesus taught his disciples prayer but couldn’t teach them all about it because they couldn’t bear it. It takes understanding to be able to cooperate with God. In this season of everlasting things, God wants us to come into everlasting strength even in the place of prayer. (Isaiah 40:28-3; 41:1) Jesus ever liveth to make intercession for us; even in his God estate, he is still praying. Man at his best cannot service everlasting course. If we don’t pray, we will faint. Satan does not want us to come into everlasting strength, he will fight tooth and nail to limit the gaze of a believer. 

(Jeremiah 12:5) God is still withholding the wrath of Satan from coming on the earth for now. There is hosts in heaven, hosts on earth and hosts beneath the earth. The Lord is the lord of them all, even Satan bows to him. When the Lord speaks, Satan trembles. 

Renewing our strength is coming into what we ought to be. God expects us to outgrow our weariness and come to a place where we work together with angels – heaven’s hosts. God’s burden must overtake us. We must be beaten to shape and yield to the spirit. Heaven has waited for generations for such a day and time where vessels will come in partnership with them and bear their burdens. 

1st Tongues & Interpretation 

We want to house a house of prayer that can house our sustainability 

That can house our ministering spirits

That will accommodate and will not weary our visitation 

We want to raise you a house of prayer so that when we come, you will be able to accommodate us 

We want a house of prayer to contend with the things that we will bring 

We want to raise you even as a house and embodiment of prayer and supplications, intercessions that can keep the souls we are bringing. 

So that we will not slip away from your hand 

If we can get it well as a praying house, we will not slip away any longer and you cannot house us without contending in prayer. 

That we come does not mean you own us. 

In this house, I want to raise supplicators, intercessors that can war for souls to stay in the will of the Lord. 

It is a door in the spirit, we will come as we came to Daniel. 

Contend, because we are wearing you a garment of watchmen and watch women, even garments that can sustain our coming.

See that you contend in the place of prayer until we see that we build this house of prayer to ourselves.

2nd Tongues & Interpretation

Digging deeper, digging deeper into you.

For in this season, I’m digging deeper into you until I touch a fountain that will spring into life everlasting

I’m bringing this season of prayer upon you that I might dig you deeper. 

For I want to raise you a house that can house me in my everlastingness. 

For I want to wear out the strength and ability of man that I might be all in all. 

So I’m calling you forth in this season to join in prayer that the process of digging might be smooth. 

I want to carve inside of you a place for my dwelling. 

I want to raise an entity that can carry God such that wherever you are and wherever you stand God is. 

So I’m digging deeper, I’m asking of you this season to join in prayer, start in prayer and the spirit will take over from there. 

I want you to obtain me in my everlastingness.