The New and Living Way Church, Ikorodu.

Meeting: Sunday Service

Sunday School:       The Church in Antioch (Lesson 3)

Message: Considering the Big Picture

Date: 13th June, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan, Pastor Moses Omokhafe

Pastor Laide

(Acts 10:1-16) Many people have discussed Cornelius’ visitation – but Cornelius was a worshipper, not an unbeliever. He was like Apollos, a devout man, a worshipper of God, a proselyte, a greek who had come to believe in the God of the Jews. He was a different Grecian. He learned and understood the ways of the God of Israel and prayed always to Him. The only thing is that he didn’t know the way to Him but his heart was right before God.

He was seeking the true God that Israel served. People say he was an unbeliever but he wasn’t. An unbeliever is one who is alien to the God of Israel, who has not accepted the Lordship of God over his life but Cornelius was a devout man and all his deeds were being reckoned by the God of Israel. It wasn’t his alms that qualified him before the God of Israel but his person, because God will first have respect towards your person before your offering. His person had come into alignment and under the authority of the God of Israel and God could speak to him clearly – an angel of God came to him. Despite the fact that this man in his heart had journeyed, this man saw a vision. There are different depths of vision. The angel of God didn’t come physically, he came in a vision. The Angel of God can come bodily as with Moses in Deuteronomy 34:10. Visions are good because this is how the Lord starts with every one of us but it shouldn’t be our desire. Let the Lord come if He desires.

(Acts 10:4) We see here that Cornelius prayed. It was not the alms primarily that brought the Angel, he was seeking the way of salvation. He must have been praying to the Lord, “When you’re visiting Israel even though I am a Gentile, let me not be left out”. He prayed always, it was his continual burden. It might be that he was also praying the prayer of the rich young ruler who asked, “What might I do to inherit eternal life?” Even though he was following the God of Israel, he did not have the Holyghost. The Lord must have had to lead him from without through dreams and visions.

It’s good that we understand the leadings of the Lord. Before the Apostles had the Holyghost, they casted lots and God rode sovereignly upon that to pick Matthias as the replacement for Judas Iscariot. But after that, the Holyghost came, and the Lord did not primarily lead through casting of lots or visions again. He can use that, but not as a primary tool for leading.

There are operations that will come upon us that will be so dramatic, ecstatic i.e visions, trances, open visions. Some people will even be given grace to see Jesus in a dream or vision. Paul’s encounter wasn’t seeing Jesus in a vision but was physical. When he numbered people who saw Jesus, he wasn’t numbering people who saw Jesus in visions and dreams but people who had appearances of Jesus.

(Acts 10:9-16) Peter was on the housetop about the 6th hour. The prayer must have zapped his energy and he became hungry and would have eaten. Sometimes, we need to be hungry to hear God clearly. Some delays in our lives are not inefficient, God is staging us for an encounter just like with Peter. While the food was being made ready, he fell into a trance. (Acts 10:12) What Peter saw in this passage was all manner of people. We can see on the sheet that it’s not everything that was unclean, he said common or unclean. These represented the grades of gentile souls i.e not just souls that have not been grafted into Christ.

There is a way the Jews still reject Gentiles; no matter how much they’ve been proselyted or have worshipped God, they still see them as Gentiles. It’s because they do not see the plan of God according to the Spirit. After Peter visited Cornelius, the Jews accused him of visiting his house not minding whether he was a worshipper of God. This soul (Peter’s soul), even though it had been with Jesus, still could not discern. We need to see Peter’s soul and Paul’s soul, how Paul’s soul was beaten quickly to begin to receive the judgement of God. But, three times the angel asked Peter to eat, he refused.

(Acts 10:28-29) We see Peter’s soul, even upon getting to Cornelius’ house he was still narrating history, indirectly letting them know that even if they got born again, they will still be second-class citizens. The Jews must have been shocked to hear Cornelius and his family (gentiles) speak in tongues because this was like their special edge. It’s not speaking in tongues that makes us special. The Jews treated speaking in tongues like an edge over others.

God wants to beat us to be easily susceptible to His judgement. What made the Antioch church or the church in the spirit is not anything but a heart state, a heart that can yield to the Spirit.

The whole church (Israel) that came out of Egypt was referred to as the church in the wilderness and from that church sprang out two churches/people, Israel and Judah. Initially, when they came, worship was at Shiloh after all the judges had reigned and Samuel came, it was at Shiloh until Saul. In the days of Saul, the ark of God was taken until David became king. When David became king, it was Judah that enthroned him as king not the whole of Israel. He reigned 7 years first in Judah before the whole of Israel came to adopt him as the king over Israel. He reigned 40years over Judah but 33years over Israel. It took Israel 7years to agree to the reign of David. Saul’s son Ishbosheth ruled, Abner installed him king over Israel and they followed him for a while. David stayed in Judah with Joab, the captain of his army. Ishbosheth and Abner later got killed and all of Israel adopted David as their king. All of Israel still followed the way of Saul for a while. After David and Solomon’s reign, the son of Solomon: Rehoboam under his reign the kingdom of Israel, was again split and Israel followed Jeroboam and from there instituted another worship in Samaria while Judah continued to worship in Jerusalem. 

We see two churches split from the mother. When the woman at the well met Jesus in John 4, she said “our fathers worship in Samaria and the Jews say Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship” and Jesus answered her saying that she knows not what she worships for salvation is of the Jews. This is because two streams broke out. These two streams are types and shadows.

We must understand what is happening in the church world by the understanding of scriptures.

 ~Reading of Kenneth Hagin’s Change Prophecy~… Access it Here

God led the church, and He began to bring judges to deliver Israel and there was tranquility until God stirred up another judge in Israel and that was depicted in the season of restoration of truth to the body of Christ. From the days of Martin Luther, the Wesley brothers, John Alexander Dowie, the Asuza church revival, and Maria Woodward Ether were judges in the spirit that held the helm of things. You can judge and prove these things for yourself. They were preparing Israel for an emergence of a people.

Reading Kenneth Hagin and Jane Leade’s prophecy will help us understand where we stand and help not to make us feel special but to clothe us in fear to understand the ground wherein we stand and to hold tenaciously the things that God is speaking to us.

~Reading of Jane Leade’s Prophecy~…. Access it Here

 1st Tongues and Interpretation

 Ark company, ark company, ark company.

There is a hidden work, a company that is arising.

There is a company that is arising.

Not a company of many generations but a company that I have raised unto myself.

Not a company visible to the man of the flesh, but it is a company that will inherit that which I am saying.

It is an Ark company.

It is an Ark company.

Don’t be distracted by what is happening around, over what is going around.

There is a course for you in the spirit.

There is something you are channeling.

Your pattern is not according to the pattern of the order of the ordinary man.

You have a pattern

You are an Ark generation

Have I not said even in the time of Noah that he should raise an Ark for me and it was looking as if it is impossible.

Even your work, even your allocation counts in the spirit.

You are an Ark generation.

You are a generation that we are waiting to inherit.

Don’t say it is scarce, don’t say it is scarce for it is an Ark generation, a generation I have prophesied of from time of old.

A generation that will live by the order of the Spirit, even to the order of the manifestation of the Spirit.

I want you to focus on your lot.

I want you to be focused on your lot.

You are a chosen generation.

You are a chosen generation.

Many are called, but you are among those that are chosen to focus on this Ark.

There is an allotment of Ark for you.

Your allotment in the spirit, your possession in the spirit, it is a very peculiar possession.

You need to focus on the peculiarity of your lot. You need to see how and strive to grow in the peculiarity of your lot.

Your lot is not for all, it is for the chosen generation and you are the chosen generation.

You are the people that will build this ark for me even in this generation.

It is for your generation, but it is not for all and we have chosen you for this cause.

We want you to focus on the peculiarity of your calling.

We don’t want any doubt to be found in your heart again.

We have chosen you.

You are not just called, you are the chosen generation.

Message continues

I believe that this Jane Leade’s prophecy was not activated until 1988 when Rev. Hagin began to speak. That began the rising of the first phase of the prophecy, which is the raising of head powers who had favour with God that will bear the thrust of that walk. Every work that was done previously was to raise those men that will be able to have stature of favour with God so they can bear the thrust of this work among the hidden minority. I believe that the Lord worked a similar work in the early church whereby some were reaped, but not the full number before Satan made war with the rest of her children. God raised another generation for to complete the number.

The guidance of the Spirit amidst us is prophetic. April was for Arky things. It’s not the fabrication of man trying to conjoin and concoct things. This work will still grow but it is necessary that it stays in the minority for a while. But it will later overtake the whole body. Just like the whole of Israel gathered to accept David and the gospel of Paul went round the church, it’s gradual but this work will take over. This is guided by prophecy.

The last paragraph of Jane Leade’s prophecy is what I’ve been trying to say: all true waiters of the kingdom in the spirit are to be watchful and quicken their pace. There is no time to waste time. It’s not to get you to be a responsible church worker, it’s more than that. God has to beat one to malleability to understand His judgement as the changing faces of the virgin church emerges. We have to be watchful and quicken our pace in the learning of righteousness.

Some of us still miss the old way of service from where we came from while for some of us, it has been expunged from us. Some of us might even wonder if it’s only EGFM and if the faith must be this tight. If there were no meetings upon meetings, what would we have been doing? If our soul is not exercised rigorously, there would have been so much room for flesh, we would have been living just like men are presently living.

It is a favour that the Lord is doing and showing to us, hedging us in with words. We are a most privileged generation and we must value these words. We should never think our life is being robbed of us or that meetings are too much. After now, if we think this way, heaven can get annoyed with us. Heaven is showing us mercy. We must understand this selection. Many of us were vagabonds when the Spirit of David took us. After light came was when we realised we were vagabonds, debtors, but God will raise mighty men. It’s a serious work changing a vagabond to a mighty man. David will have to communicate to us his spirit, his nature, his life, his doctrine. They have to rewrite the gene, the DNA in a living man. It’s not easy but we know the Lord is changing us. 

The normal church will continue. The prophecy of Hagin is something not just for ministers, it will happen to the entire church world – only that some ministers will have to birth it. The church world will continue but in that order. There is a change that will come because there will now be added partnership and grace for unction to bring mighty things, to bring secret things; and Michael will come when some of those secret things of God need to be spoken. The change in the spirit realm that he is talking about will birth a change in the work that will birth the army of God. So this army like Rev Kayode was saying yesterday will arise by food, by pasture.

The warfare in the spirit is of obedience and disobedience. We are gaining might to disobey some things.

2nd Tongues and Interpretation

 Hasten… hasten… hasten.

For indeed I have brought many many speakings, even many many utterances.

Many of this is for you to hasten, to hasten in your pace to obedience.

Hasten and obey.

Hasten and obey.

It’s a season to obey.

The more you obey, the more you come into life.

The more you obey, the more you are raised up.

The more you obey, the more you are quickened.

The more you obey, the more you gain life.

It is time for you to obey.

It is time for you to hasten and obey.

For I am opening up your eyes.

Quick obedience is what I demand even in this season.

Quick obedience saith the Spirit.

There are places where we are still stronger than God. Our bones need to be broken. Our bones represent our strength. Jesus Christ’s bones were not broken by the world. Whoever breaks your bones overpowers you, that’s why Jacob fought and he prevailed, but the Angel still shifted his hip bone. If the Lord breaks our bones, we’ll rejoice, but if the world breaks our bones, we’ll perish in corruption. The world could not crumble Jesus’ strength in God.

Message (Pastor Moses)

1st Tongues and Interpretation

I see the fear, even the trembling of your heart and I have heard your prayer for lines are going to fall in pleasant places today. 

For precepts will come upon precepts.

I am bringing an abundant and great door of utterance to water that which has been planted.

You have come to water the work that has been planted.

I open your mouth to speak and to water this work.

You will reach many hearts, I bring grace to reach the little one.

I come with great opening of utterance upon your lips: speak as an Oracle of God, according to that which I have planted.

2nd Tongues and Interpretation

Eye salve, even eye salve, to see even according to the pattern and building of the church.

To see what is needed for the growth of the church.

I anoint your eyes with eyesalve. 

I anoint your lip to open many eyes to see what is needed to prosper at this time. Even eye salve to open eyes.

Message Starts

A prophecy becomes tangible when we see ourselves in the light of that prophecy. Understanding becomes tangible when we see ourselves in the light of a revelation.

The Jane Leade prophecy pertains to our time: it paints the picture of our time. The Lord is raising an army that will fulfill this prophecy. We need to be watchful and quicken our pace. None shall stand under God except those that have become ‘tried stones’ after the pattern and similitude of Christ. This will be a fiery trial where only a few will be able to pass. 

We are charged to hold fast and wait together in the unity of pure love. Hearing the word of righteousness does not guarantee that one will be part of this company; there will be trials and hearts will be tried. We will go through difficult times that will try our faith at different levels. The Lord must purify us so we can be numbered among this company.

3rd Tongues and Interpretation

For I am showing you these things to bring you into an awareness of your time and the season where which you stand.

Even an awareness upon your soul, for your souls to be aware of where you are standing, that you might know that you are not just moving upon the face of the earth.

For there is a time upon you, there is an orchestration upon you, you are not just waking without hope.

Do not walk like one who has no hope or does not know where he is going to.

The essence of opening up things is to give you awareness.

That things are not just happening, it’s an orchestration of heaven, you are fulfilling a prophecy, even the handwriting of the Lord.

Therefore, take heed and walk as one who understands times and seasons, even understand the divine counsel of the Lord.

Message Continues

We are privileged to pursue the gospel of everlasting life, and it is not a gathering that should be overlooked. We should not take things with a lackadaisical attitude. There are pastures in the spirit that must be found, trapped and brought to the flock – which should make the flock arrive at the expected end; for there is an end. 

Anything, no matter how legitimate it might be, is not as important as the big picture. We see this pattern in the church; everything that sinks the big picture out of your consciousness, is not of God. Some of the things that can take the big picture from your mind may even seem godly. There is a bigger picture we must consider. There is something that heaven wants to do and they don’t have time. 

Every time the Lord speaks to us, we must realize it is prophetic. What the Lord is actually saying is more than what we are hearing. Sometimes, the Lord needs to come down to our level to say some things based on our level of comprehension, but that is not all God wants to say. For example, the Lord’s instruction to forgive a brother or sister is not an end in itself, it is what the obedience will turn you into.

(Gen 13:14-17, Gen 15:1-16) Abraham was able to relate with God at that level of faith, and God counted it for him as righteousness. Sometimes, the Lord will give us something we can relate with at a certain level of faith so we won’t lose focus; at that level, the Lord might not demand too much.

(Gen 15:10-12) Sometimes, the Lord will couch the big picture as a seed in a present reality; He can make promises and will couch the seed of the big picture in the provision of that promise. When the Lord wants to speak His true intent to us, it will be in our time of darkness when we are couched. Everything was taken from Abraham. It was a state where the Lord could speak secret things to him.

While the Lord promises us things that appeal to our desire, we must be careful to understand that He had a big picture.

(Deut 8:1-16) The Lord was speaking with the children of Israel through Moses, telling them that they need to observe all His commandments so they will live. The wilderness experience is a process of bringing them back to fulfill the promise. Moses was giving them instructions on how to come into the big picture.

(Deut 8:16) One of the ways the Lord proved the Isrealites was through manna. It was not the Lord that named it manna, it was the people. The name was from this literal meaning ‘what manner of bread is this?’ They called it manna out of pain. God did that to humble them and to prove their hearts.

When we use the word ‘manna’, it is an indication that we do not see the big picture. Anytime we are faced with the nitty gritties of our journey, we must know that there is a big picture. When the Lord is taking us through the wilderness, He wants to deliver us from things. Manna typifies a manner of life that one is not used to. Most times, when we get to the wilderness, the experiences are strange: we can’t relate with them.

When the Holy Ghost is leading us, we will not be taken to places that we will like, they take us to a place we don’t wish to go. They bring us to a place of counsel; to a place where they begin to deal with us with the seven spirits of the Lord. 

When we are being led to where we do not wish to go, it is to humble and prove us: they want to see our heart, to see how we will take discipline. When the Lord wants to receive us, He chastises us.

Whatever we do or achieve in life, if it doesn’t align with the big picture, it is useless to God. Sometimes, when the Lord is carrying out His purposes on earth, He will not always do it the way we think or understand, He will send you as a servant. Sometimes we ask ‘why is my case like this?’ When we ask those questions, we lack judgment. Instead of worrying or remaining in despair, consider the bigger picture – there is salvation in view.

We must not draw back. Some must enter and we must be numbered among them. We must continuously lay down our life. We must come to a place where we must understand that there is a bigger picture, bigger than us.

Heaven is raising trees, oaks in our midst, men that will not compromise, men ready to stand and set their face as flint.

There is a bigger picture! May the Lord purify our thoughts.

Pastor Laide Rounding Off

Every manna is an opportunity to live by the word of God. Everytime we face the constructs of life and we feel everything is in a mess, it is another provision of heaven to live by the Word.  Heaven hears all the mumblings of our heart. Except the Lord shows us mercy, we will not go through these fiery trials that we must go through. 

There are measurements that if God doesn’t show us mercy, even the very elect will not survive it. We need to run into mercy because our hearts will fail.

4th Tongues and Interpretation

Blessing, blessing, we brought so much help today, this is a blessing indeed.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, there is a reward in view. 

For every long suffering, there is a reward in view. 

You need to see far, you need to see the reward. For blessed are you when you are persecuted for my sake, it is a great help to stop your way to darkness.

I want you to be committed to persecution, they are a great help of the Lord. 

Blessed are you when you are persecuted for blessing is in persecution. 

5th Tongues and Interpretations

Love is knocking at your door, for whom the Father loves, He chastises. 

He chastises the very son that He will receive.

Receive chastisement with joy, receive it without disputing, dissimulation. 

If you are warring, you are telling me you don’t love Me.

I bring chastisement to your company because I love you. 

The suffering of this time cannot be compared, suffering is the pathway to gaining life.