The New and Living Way Church, Ikorodu.

Meeting: Sunday Service

Sunday School:       Understanding God’s Ordinance for Marriage

Date: 29th August, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan, Pastor Biodun Omokhafe & Bro Happy

Message (Pastor Laide)

1st Tongues & Interpretation 

We bring breath into your lips, even breath of life.

We bring direction, even the direction of the path of life. 

We align you with the angel, even the ministering spirit hanging around you.

We bring alignment to your soul, we bring skill to follow. 

Even the breath of this angel is upon you.

Follow, speak boldly. 

Even the breath of life, of healing is within your loins. 

Follow, we clear direction. 

We see and behold your waiting around the corner of life. 

Speak the word with boldness. 

It is in your lips, speak even as an oracle of God. 

Our breath is upon you to guide you in the direction of life.

Speak boldly, speak, speak.

Message Continues…

(John 14:15-23, 16:5-15) Jesus wanted to teach things that pertain to the Father but He knew that without the activity of the spirit, you can’t teach the things of the Father. You have to be spiritual before you can be taught the things of the Father. A carnal person can’t take spiritual things, they are foolishness to him. (1Corinthians 12:1-3)The minimum qualification for to begin to receive the things of God is that you must have been raised a spiritual man. There is so much ignorance in the church about life in the spirit. We should not be afraid of the spiritual, it is our world. 

(1Corinthians 12:1-3) No one can acknowledge the lordship of Jesus over his life except by the activity of the Holy Ghost. The beginning of a spiritual man is the lordship of Jesus. Until a man acknowledges lordship, he won’t accept commandments from Him. We don’t get to the point of discipleship until we have come to a place where Jesus has lordship over us. It is not just by believing, but by the heart being able to obey in fear. This lordship is a high place in the spirit. He has His government, reign and final day and decision over any matter. If Jesus is not Lord to you, the adversary will speak and it will come to pass. This lordship is not activated immediately we believe, but we have to journey to a place where He becomes our lord. We must give our allegiance to Him. This can’t be fully activated until the Holy Ghost works on the heart. The Holy Ghost does not only console when things go bad, He can condescend to that level but that is not His ministry. The main reason for His comfort is in Isaiah 40.

(Isaiah 40) The Father is also a comforter, not just the Holy Ghost. They are others of the same kind, they are meek and lowly. The operating system in man is a vow to fight with God. The comfort is that warfare is made to cease; that a person can agree with God from the heart. It is the man that has lost to God that they come to comfort. Until a man has lost all things, he has not yet become a candidate for comfort. A man might not have suffered any physical loss but the Lord might have plundered him of his dreams, preferences and ambitions. It is that man that the throne can comfort. When they are comforting man because of a natural loss, they are actually condescending; that is not their ministry, as those seasons can pass, but the flesh and idols are still intact.

(James 4:1) We must finish our warfare. A man is a sinner, even if he is a believer, until his warfare is accomplished. We must not sacrifice life to fellowship with dead thoughts. God wants our warfare expired. 

To receive comfort is to receive double dose of cure for sin. To receive double of the Lord is to receive the administration of Christ and of God. It is not one administration that cures sin. Comforting is not pampering, it is the restoration of ease back to the soul. The comfort that the Lord truly brings is freedom from sin. 

(Isaiah 40:3) The operation of the spirit of Elijah was to prepare the way of the Lord so that Christ can come. There is the voice of preparation. There are operations that prepare the ground. The activities of the Holy Ghost is a preparation for the work. He is the Spirit given to herald Christ. A person that doesn’t receive the ministry of the Holy Ghost can never receive Christ. (James 1:14-17) The giving of God will lead you away from sin. Sin is to err, to miss the mark. Sin is not works of the flesh, sin is more intelligent and a natural eye can’t see it. Sin is a mystery. The wisdom of sin is hidden and it is what causes a man to miss the mark of God. It takes the wisdom of Christ to reveal sin. 

Sin is what makes us fall short and not sufficient to meet up to God’s standard: when a soul can’t meet up with the demands of God. Satan has made us see our darkness as our life. When comfort is being brought to a people, they are bringing solace in the things that abide; they are shifting our hope, to give us focus into enduring substances. The very essence of existence and survival is anchored on God. Sin teaches us to place value on that which is corruptible either in the realm of man or the realm of the spirit. The desire of God is to raise an abiding man: a man that will not pass away. 

(Matthew 13:14-15) Any man that goes to hell or perish will be aware and have understanding. Deception is a training by Satan to prepare a people that will love darkness. Deception will build the taste bud so high that one can’t live without it. That is why a man must relinquish his darkness quickly. The seed that Satan will harvest will be one that has continually resisted light.

Someone who has been unable to submit to earthly authority cannot and will never see the wisdom in God governing them. Even the Godhead submits to one another. God has to show us His own way and level everything by revealing His righteousness. The work of the wisdom of righteousness is to level the infirmity of every soul. (Ephesians 4:2) We must walk in all lowliness and meekness. Lowliness has chapters; finishing one chapter doesn’t mean one has finished the curriculum of lowliness.

2nd Tongues & Interpretations

Attitudes, mannerisms of service.

For I am blessing you in the manner to serve me. 

For indeed I desire a particular attitude. 

There is a way your heart has to be purified to bring true service to me.

Many cuttings, many attitudes you need to set aside. 

For they are weight, they stain your garment. 

For I want that garment to be made pure. 

There are still spots on your garments.

I don’t want you to wink away from it.

You need to desire that they be washed with hyssop.

I want to make you clean, even for you to bring true service to me. 

Service is of the heart, a clean and pure heart is what I want to inhabit, stay, dwell in and rest. 

Contrite heart, a heart that trembles at my word. 

Manner, manner, I will change even many manners for you. 

As you eat this manna, your manners will begin to change. 

You will even know how to eat in the court of the Lord. 

I will teach you many heavenly manners, many heavenly cultures. 

Message Continues…

There are shades of lowliness, but the Lord wants to open us up to all lowliness. Don’t reward yourself, let God reward you. After Jesus finished all commandments, He did not take it upon himself to be called but waited to be called a High Priest.

May we have grace to understand that after everything, we are still unprofitable servants.