19th of March, 2023.      



TEXT:   Matthew 9:35-38; Acts 6:1-7; Romans 12: 1-10; 1Cor. 12:27-30 


The Lord through our Pastor is leading us again (through this study) to instruct our hearts on the scriptural perspective on Christian Service and commitment to the intent that we become more involved in the work of the Lord. It should be noted that a good number of us have been exposed to different patterns of service in different local assemblies and ministries. It is expedient that we are properly educated on how service and commitment are rendered in the New and Living Way Church according to the scripture for proper alignment under the set man and the leadership of the Church. 

The objective of this Lesson  

The Lord has led us from season to season and we have greatly increased in number under his servants; Pastor and Pastor Mrs Emeka Egwuchukwu. This is the beginning of the unveiling of His purpose to us as an assembly under His servants. There is a great harvest coming that we need to prepare for as a local assembly. This might not be possible if formidable and spiritually equipped laborers are not raised, for this purpose, and to the glory of God. 

Defining Christian Service and Commitment 

Christian Service is an act of ministering to the saints either individually or corporately, to supply that which is lacking according to the working of the gift of grace. It is an excellent lifetime opportunity that has a great positive influence on our spiritual growth and eternal reward. We need to have proper training on how to serve the Lord in His vineyard. This training/learning will influence our commitment and attitude toward serving the Lord. 

The First Service and Commitment (John 12:26, Romans 7:25, 1Thess.1:9) 

The Lord is greatly in need of laborers in his vineyard but we must also be aware of another service that will prepare us for serving the church. The Lord wants us to excel in service in the following areas (this list is inexhaustible): 

  • Helps Ministry (Act 6:1-7): Helps ministries are auxiliary ministers that serve under the set man (someone in the five-fold ministry set over a local assembly), for the prosperity of the ministry of word and prayer. So, this study is looking mainly at how we can be recruited into the helps ministry for the prosperity of the ministry of the word, in the coming harvest. It should be noted that helps ministry in essence is as important as the word ministry because helps ministry is meant to publish and help push the ministry of the word.  
  • Serving the Lord in Doctrine (Phil 2:19-22): There must first be a commitment to doctrine before anyone can be qualified to serve well in the vineyard. If we are not committed to doctrine, which produces a manner of life characterized by obedience, we might not be able to serve well.  
  • Commitment to Growth (Eph 4:14-15): God cannot trust a baby with the grave responsibility of service. We should know that the reason for Christian Service is to join forces with the set man to aid the ministry of the word, which God has designed to grow men from childhood to maturity. We must be particular about our growth and prioritize it. So, anyone that will co-labor with the set man in a local assembly must be committed to the same cause of spiritual growth. We will consistently do a grave disservice in the vineyard if we substitute our commitment to consistent growth in life with service or anything else. 
  • The Brethren Life (Acts 4:32, Rom 15:31, 2Cor 9:12, Philemon 1:7): The Church is a family and what keeps the family together is love. We will not serve well if we are not committed to community life among the brethren. This is where the laws of charity can be fulfilled. Serving helps the ministry excel well when we are committed to the brethren. We should understand that the actual work is the brethren! 
  • To Spiritual Authority (Rom 16:3,9; Phil 1:7, Tim 1:16): Graces flow from the head of the Church to us through the set man and the set woman under whose guidance and leadership the Lord has put us. Upon them rest grace which flows from them to all members of the local assembly, for the prosperity of the work. Loving and serving spiritual authorities unlock grace for the work. 

Bearing the message before bearing the burden (2 Sam 18:11-32):  

There must be minimal knowledge of the message (at least) before one can render service well in the vineyard of God.  Everyone in the helps ministry must be the first witness of the work. A work is a reflection of its workers. Many believers serve with zeal but in ignorance of God’s righteousness. Such will do harm to the work. This should also reflect in our life pursuits.