Prayer Meeting (03/02/2021)

Bro Happy (Exhortation)

(Colossians 4:12) All the whole will of the Lord will not just jump into us, we have to labour. We can stand in the will of the Lord and we are not standing in the perfect will of God. The will of the Lord is in cadres. After we have done all, we still need mercy. It is not by power nor might but by the Spirit of the Lord. 

Pastor Laide (Message)

(1 Thessalonians 2:8) It is evident that God has blessings for us. The quantum of what heaven wants to accomplish is so much. We need mercy to complete that work. 

Fathers communicate blessings. There are things that we must receive of our parents. Those communications are weights that culture a soul. We will come into blessings of various strengths. 

(1 Timothy 1:12-20, John 3:16) Believing on the Lord Jesus is for the purpose of not perishing. We must believe in life everlasting. Jesus showed a pattern of longsuffering which became a template for anyone who wants to enter life everlasting. 

That a man believes does not mean that he has believed all the believing he is supposed to believe. The journey of believing is from faith to faith till a soul comes into believing life everlasting. Faith is an essential commodity of the journey of laying hold on life everlasting. 

We must be cautious and diligent not to turn from faith. There are things that can sway man. If you don’t abide in the doctrine of the Son, you can’t abide in the Father and the Son. 

(2 Timothy 2:16) To err in truth is to err in faith. It is to overthrow faith because truth is to lead you to the end of faith. If doctrines are not laid well, they can twist a soul from arriving well.

We need a whole work of mercy and discipline of the Spirit. Not all spirits are the Spirit of the Lord. We cannot trust in ourselves or discipline. We need mercy to help to navigate and to hold forth because there are boisterous winds that can turn the course of a man. 

We must be forced to abide by the course of faith. The suffering of faith that is orchestrated by the Spirit is about circumcision in the spirit. That is how we are engrafted into the heritage of glory. 

We must be fervent in truth. In learning, we must trust God to come to assurance, persuasion or conviction. We may have learnt and have not come to the knowledge of the truth. Coming to the knowledge of truth means truth is sovereign over every judgement we make. Otherwise it is just one of the many opinions. There is a pattern of faith that we must embrace in our heart.

It takes a son that is dear to your soul for you to reveal your conversation to. If you have not found mercy, you will not find the way of salvation in scriptures. It takes workings of mercy to break into the scriptures. We will never outgrow the scriptures. Not everybody that starts the journey of faith finishes. 

Not everyone that believes in Jesus Christ believes in Him unto life everlasting, many shipwreck along the way. May we not grow at the expense of everlasting materials.

1st Tongues & Interpretation

Everlasting pattern. I’m showing you a pattern, even a pattern, an everlasting pattern for your souls even to walk, for you see there is a pattern that has been laid for every man to walk, to arrive in everlasting destination. So I’m laying before you the pattern for you to see for your souls to walk that you might arrive at that everlasting destination that has been ordained before the foundation of the world. There is a pattern that your soul must cleave to, to agree with, to arrive at. That everlasting destination that God has proposed before the world began. I’m laying a pattern. I’m making it clearer and clearer for you to see.

2nd Tongues & Interpretation

This is that season again. This is that season where the pattern of my speaking. It is that season of my speakings again, even of my utterances, that will bring forth clearing, even understanding and judgement of this way which I authored and finished. That I have walked before, even this walk that I created for you, that I’ve completed the curriculum. It’s that season again to bring the understanding even for your soul to understand things, even the pattern of things that are being laid, that your soul might walk well in all perfection, even walk, as it destined in the Lord.

3rd Tongues & Interpretation

It is a birthing process, there is a pattern of life upon your parents that I am bringing upon you at this time, even as a church. I am the God of Abraham ,Isaac and Jacob. I am the God of the living not of the dead. There’s a grace that Abraham passed unto Isaac and Isaac passed unto Jacob. It is a season for you to be birthed according to the pattern of life of my Son. It is a birthing process. I want to begat you. I’m bringing the birthing of your parents upon you. This seed is being passed down. There is a seed that you must partake of. I must birth you according to the birthing of your parents, for there is a birthing I’m bringing you into, even as a church.

May we come into all the Lord has for us. We would never remain the same!



Prayer Meeting (10/02/2021)

Bro Happy (Exhortation)

(James 1:22-25) We have to tell ourselves the truth. There’s a kind of atmosphere that every message carries that if we are not careful we will think we have received the Word.

The real warfare is not in the place of hearing alone, but after we have heard the Word, because we can forget what we’ve heard. The desire of the Lord is not that we should just be in the atmosphere but live the Word.

There is a secret in keeping what we’re hearing. Secret of not forgetting, secret of holding and handling. Because these are things pertaining to eternal life and we’re natural beings. 

(James 1:25-26) For something natural to take what pertains to eternal life, eternal guidelines of what pertains to eternal life must be involved. That is the secret of not forgetting. The way we do the Word is by looking, paying attention to the commandment that comes with the Word.

The Word is not our own until when persecution has come and we have passed it. There is no leading of the Spirit when we have not heard.

Forgetting is our inability to pay attention to the law of liberty that’s coming to us. When they say “forget”, it means our inability to pay attention to the Word that is coming. Without paying attention (looking for the commandment that is coming), we cannot be doers of the Word. A doer is a keeper of commandment. If we’re not a looker, we cannot profit. 

It’s good when we listen to the message over and over again. It helps us to look. It gears us towards bible study, but it doesn’t end at it. Commandment was emphasized on Sunday because without it, we cannot do. We cannot profit from what we’re hearing if we don’t look for commandments. We have to look for commandments attached to what we are hearing. If we want to come to the place of seeing and handling, we have to look for commandments. A doer first of all looks for the perfect law. If we hear the Word and are not keeping commandments, we are just hearers. Doing starts from looking for that perfect law.

The true blessing of a message is we become doers. A man is truly blessed when he does, paying attention to commandments. 

This should bring us to the place of carefulness after hearing the Word. When we hear the Word, a great thing has been given to us – we keep this thing when we do! It’s by abiding by instruction. If we don’t get instruction, we can’t keep it. A forgetful hearer is someone that cannot keep the laws or commandment of the Word.

Pastor Laide (Message)

1st Tongues & Interpretation

I’m opening, I’m opening a way, even a new dimension of my way. For there are many openings, there are many doors to be open at this time. There are many of my doors to be opened. I am opening doors even to my everlasting things. I will open doors.

2nd Tongues & Interpretation

There are many things, even many doors to be opened at this year’s SOS. Many doors, many work to be done, plentiful work to be done. I’m importing even more angels upon your assembly. Plenty works, even works that will spring up for many years. Even at this time, we are coming, even the Godhead is coming to commune with you as a church. Many doors that lead to the Door, many things need to open. We have many, even plenty things to say concerning this company, even plenty things. We are many and we have come to fellowship with you and to show you the way of the Father. Even many sent forth, many of us are here in your midst.

3rd Tongues & Interpretation

Even angels of this season are in your midst even to guide my thoughts into you. Even to teach you the consecration of this season, even to teach you how you ought to behave. Even my angel is in your midst, there’s an angel doing this work in your midst, even to further strengthen this work in your heart. Even the angel for this work is in your midst, even to aid you and strengthen this work. My angel is in your midst.

(2 John 1:8-11) Preachings or ministerations are not just Word sessions, they are work wroughting sessions. They are seasons of working or writing a work. (2 John 1:12) Speaking is writing. Preachings are actually writings, but what they are writing is a work. Ministrations are a systematic writing of a work that sets us in motion or on course on which we should go. It is like programming where codes are written. 

(2 John 1:8) There is a work that has been wrought. There is a wisdom of paying close attention to the things that have been wrought, lest it gets damaged. It’s like a farmer that has gone to sow seed. Even though the seed needs light, in the initial stage, he guards it jealously until such a time when it has gathered so much fortitude. The prosperity of that which has been shown requires a measure of diligence in watching over it for it to blossom. 

They can labour us so much. There is required a keen sense of jealousy over the investment of heaven in this season. The things that heaven is giving moves at a faster pace, the pace at which these thoughts move are very fast.This light is faster than Christ. It is very, very fast. Mercy is showing us Christ and we are coming to understand it, but leave it for two weeks and it can become gibberish unless heaven shows you mercy again. There is a requirement in this season to look very well at the things that have been wrought. 

When he said look to yourself, he means to the work, looking to yourself as a keeper of the Word. Looking to yourself is actually keeping and doing the work that has been wrought in you by words. (2 John 1:8) Sometimes when we talk about the incorruptible, we think it’s something we’ll never be able to lose. No, sometimes we can lose them if we’re not careful. So, we have to be very careful and jealous. The work that has been written needs to be looked at in order for us to walk in the work. We must keep it so that we can have a full reward. 

This season is a project of full reward. We must pursue full reward like never before. It’s as if the Lord is telling us that we must keep these things well. We can’t be content with the euphoria that new things are being spoken. That is not our satisfaction. Our glory or joy is not that we have heard. 

It’s one thing for you to hear, it’s one thing to see, it’s one thing to handle. There is a blessedness in hearing, seeing and handling. But, we won’t be complete if we don’t handle it. The longing of our soul should be that we will have express breakthrough, abundant entrance into all till it becomes our daily use, our daily practice.

It’s possible to end up with not so full reward, but the desire of the Lord is that every soul will come with a full reward. We must not leak out: “All that He gives to me, I lose nothing”. Can we say that in the seasons past that all that the Father gave to us, we didn’t lose anything? Can we be keepers of these things, can we jealously guard it and not lose anything? But keep it until a full reward, a full recompense of life is given.

Can we keep it? Can we keep the truth of the Word? 

(2 John 1:8-9) Even in this place, some will transgress. May we not transgress. The way you begin to see transgression is not completing Christ well. If you have seen well the technology of the Father is that he revisits Christ in greater detail. The Father is the continuation of Christ.

(John 1:1-3) Truth is Christ. There is truth in the Son, there is also truth in the Father. The Father is like an advanced curriculum of the Son. To sway from the Son is to miss the Father. There is light in the Father upon the Son that makes us to see the Son in a better light than the light that Christ has shone on Him. 

The Father must show us the technology of abiding in the doctrine of Christ. This ‘abide’ means that he doesn’t go out. He abides there. There’s nothing else that he holds than pure Christ.

You can keep the doctrine of Christ and keep some other things also. But, by the time the Lord brings us into this place, we are not just obeying the doctrine, we are brought to a place where we will abide. This soul has come to rest in the doctrine of Christ. He has made Christ his abode, to abide is to have as your dwelling place wherein he goeth no more out. This soul that is abiding is unturnable. He abideth a priest forever. He doesn’t die nor change.To abide is to have received the seal of everlasting Iife. The things of Christ.

We must continue in Christ to be able to abide. We must do fervently to be able to abide. (Hebrews 11:9-10) To be able to abide, you can’t hold the former together with the present. There must be a deleting. To go into this abiding city, the Lord will have to reinforce our separation this season. 

One of the signs of the whorish woman is that her feet abideth not in her house. It can’t stay. It is typical of a soul that cannot be planted. We must make labour to abide. (2 John 1:9) The technology to have and not lose is to abide. So, in keeping the work, I am making an abode (John 14). I must be a keeper of the commandment or look to myself to keep the work which is the commandment that has been wrought, shown so that I don’t lose it.

Satan wants to get us distracted so that even though there has been breakthrough, we will end up empty and not be able to abide.

What heaven is saying is that we have not been so jealous as heaven is over this. We don’t know how treasurable this knowledge is to heaven. These are things that the Father treasures Himself. We don’t know yet. We think they are just common things that are just spoken. If God opens our eyes to see the warfare going on for heaven to bring us these things, some of us will cringe.

Oh, that heaven will open our eyes to see how precious these things are to heaven. We don’t know. They are treasures, hidden treasures, secret mysteries. It looks weak listening to this Word, but it’s mercy.

May the giving of the light and knowledge of the Lord not look contemptible to us.

Somewhere, our souls are still incapacitated from fully appreciating the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. We have not fully come to appreciate it. If we see these things with the light of the Lord, jealousy will overwhelm our soul.

It is an infirmity that our heart does not comprehend the weightiness of this Word. We must fight hardness of heart. We can be excited at something new, but if we don’t know the value, or weight of the things, it’s a sickness. That soul has been around light but, he can lose it and not know that he has lost anything. 

Can we account for every life that we hold? Can we account for every quantum and measure of life? Everyday of our life, we should be able to account for every measure of life given to us to see that we didn’t lose. It takes this measure of jealousy and even much more to be able to abide. May that weight rest upon each and every individual’s soul.

(2 John 1:10)That coming unto you is not just our physical house. This is our house now, we’re waiting for our house which is from above. There’s a way we can interact with the Word and keep them outside us. People come in unto us, interactions come in unto us. I can say anything that is not within the confines of this Word and not receive it into my house, my thoughts and body. It’s only things within the confines of this Word that I should allow into my house.

We must not only guard our hearts but our entire house. “…receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed”, because he’s not holding this doctrine, or this wisdom or testament. Not only don’t receive, don’t also encourage them. A time comes when you know that if you’re not holding Christ, you’re an evil doer. (2 John 1:11) What evil is he doing? He is evil because he is not holding the things of Christ. He is working things that are not Christ.

We suddenly begin to realise that everything that isn’t Christ is wickedness against the kingdom of God. If there’s the slightest affinity in me for things outside Christ, that means I’m still evil. If there is any wicked way in us that encourages things that are not Christ, then we are still partakers of evil and are still wicked somewhere within, and the Lord needs to heal all of that. 

(2 John 1:10) Anyone that does not have this doctrine, don’t receive him and don’t bid him God speed. If we enter into the everlasting lot, we must be like the sons of Levi who drew swords against their brethren. That was their access into the everlasting priesthood. We must draw the line as to what is not Christ. This doctrine, the Lord will make us tight in it. We are still very loose. Even though we are working some, we are still very loose. An administration is coming upon us that will make us tight. It’s going to be rigorous, tough and so on, but it will make us tight. Some of us will cry, but, if those years will bring us further separation into light, is it not worth it?

4th Tongues & Interpretation

I am not just interested in speaking to you, I want your feet to do that which I am speaking to you. I want you to do the work that will accomplish my sayings. I want you to do, there’s no profit even without doing. if you want to profit, you have to do. Make sure you’re doing something. Don’t just keep quiet when you hear, you have to do. He that does righteousness is righteous. If you don’t do righteousness, you can’t be righteous, so pay attention to doing. Even so, I will rest on you, I will press you down, I need a quick response for you to do, if you want to partake you have to do, you have to do, pay attention even to do, I’m bringing impartation to doing. PAY ATTENTION TO DOING!


Prayer Meeting (03/03/2021)

Pastor Laide (Exhortation)

(Proverbs 6:20-24) Can we trust God that in this season, the lord will tie us to the word/commandment of this season, so that everywhere we go, it will lead us and keep us. We need such deep mercies in this season that it will be much more than speakings, it will be engraving. The father’s commandments must be written deeply upon our hearts like an incision.

1st Tongues & Interpretation

Even my agenda and vision for men has not changed, for I will that all men be SAVED!  And this is the season which my wish will come to pass, the prosperity of my work will begin to dawn on all men. It’s time for harvest, it’s time for the prosperity of my word.I want to define a way of life, I wish that all man be saved – this is the season that I want to accomplish this. I wish for men to follow my word, it’s a season to harvest men, it’s a season for my wish to be accomplished upon the face of the earth, that is why I am bringing things that will destroy hell on the daily in men. It’s a time for you to call me unto salvation. This is a time to pray for long until you see my counsel upon the face of the earth. Pray for the prosperity of this word, pray, for gross darkness will cover the face of the earth. But it is for my will, for men must rise back to their savior. I beseech all men to pray, pray and labor for the harvest that is coming. PRAY! PRAY!!

2nd Tongues and Interpretation

I have loved even the world, even the soul of men, that is why I have given my son. There’s a strategy satan is bringing to make men believe that God doesn’t care. It’s a time I want to put my love upon the heart of men. Even men that have forgotten the love of God will begin to see GOD. So many even say that God does not exist, but I will prove Myself, even at this time I will prove Myself. I need men to labor with me, if only I can find 10,000 men to labor with me, to cut hell from the soul of men, I am going to revive the soul of men. I love men, I will draw men to me, I need men to labor with me for this agenda to be fulfilled. Co-labor with heaven for this, be faithful in the place of prayer. Make sure you pray, ensure you pray, I will put the burden and the stirring upon your hearts, make sure you pray, stand in the place of prayer. For the fulfillment of my agenda, make sure you pray.