The New And Living Way Church, Ikorodu

Meeting: Sunday School

Sunday School Theme: Receiving and Maintaining your Healing (Conclusion 2)

Date: 28th March, 2021

Minister: Pastor Laide Olaniyan 

Pastor Olaide Olaniyan (Sunday School Service)

(Proverbs 4:20-24) Even though sickness is traceable to the fall of man and sin, that was the remote cause. The immediate cause was the judgment of God over the Egyptian nations who had given their lives to idols. Up until that time, diseases, sicknesses and infirmities did not exist. 

Sickness or bodily ailment is directly associated with worship of fallen spirits, not just the fall. It took a long time for sickness,  disease and infirmity to find its way into the bodies of men. 

Once a level of judgement is revealed, it begins to take its course. Until the revelation of a thing, it is withheld, but once it is revealed, it belongs to us. The course of everything is that it is established in circles and they continue after their pattern: everything that is founded from the spiritual realm. The only way to totally remedy it, is to make sure that course is totally obliterated from the earth. The Lord does not and cannot do evil, but He is bound down by His word; He would not contravene His word. If by certain conducts, you engage yourself in things that He does not like, He may not be able to help you beyond the work you have been able to do or how much you want to be delivered. 

It is faith for a soul to call upon the Lord. Calling upon the name of the Lord is a response of faith. 

In the spirit, there are things that are weightier than others. You can’t break the law of eternal life and expect what is corruptible to sustain the body. What God designed the body to be sustained by is the word of God. God can instruct you to take food as it is required but that is not what your life is based on. (Deuteronomy 8:3) The secret to life is contained in the word of God and the believer must come to terms with this much more in the area of healing and health. What the Lord has spoken in His word is what gives life. Secret to life is hearing the word of the Lord. 

Satan has made the heart of man sick with oppression.The first response of faith is the desire to be free. Many do not even have that desire. Taking the word of God for what it is, is what makes for a believer. The scriptures contain the express will of God. The word of God is the surest ticket to sound health. Many believers believe more in the healing anointing more than the Word. The power of God does not just stop sickness and diseases, it restores and makes all things new. Medical practice is good but limited. If you limit your possibilities to medical results, you will be limited. Our faith should be triggered towards the possibility of the word of God.  

The word is not life unto us until we find them. (Proverbs 4:22) The same thing some say is not working, is quickening others. Some found it; some didn’t. It depends on what you find in the word. We can carry the Bible around and it will not profit us until we find it in the word. There is nothing more potent than the Word (John 1:3).

(Proverbs 2:1-5) Nobody finds without seeking. The soul must engage in a search. It is not a privilege for pastors, it is for everyone that believes. Only you and the word of God is enough. The day we find it is the day it gains entrance into us; lights up in our soul. 

There are things written in the word that keep every form of affliction and infirmity away. There is nothing the word of God cannot treat and when it does, it doesn’t leave side effects, only a bumper harvest of life, only sound health. We must eat the word of God again and again until we find life therein. The word of God renews our strength; there is no surer guarantee in life apart from the word. Plunge yourself into the word of God, it is the surest way.

(Psalm 107: 1-19) The Lord is the deliverer and when he wants to deliver from sickness and afflictions, He gives His word and anyone that finds it, is delivered. No matter the cause or the affliction or disease, if a soul can sincerely call upon the Lord for deliverance, God will answer. Salvation is not a precursor to healing. Before people were saved in their spirit, the Lord has been healing those that had faith. If you can dare to believe, nothing can hinder you from receiving. 

Life doesn’t come from without, it comes from within. The word is a seed you plant in the heart and what it brings forth is life. When you put the word in the heart, what it generates is life. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. The mouth is a fetcher from the heart; it fetches what is in the heart. The mouth is given primarily not to eat but to fetch what is in the heart. 

Language is a tool to describe accurately what is in the heart but language is also weak. One of the inadequacies of man is inability to fetch those things accurately. How we know how much of the word of God has been shown, is how much it has been spoken. We need to consume and stay on the word of God so much. If your faith is weak, double your dose on the word, for faith cometh by hearing and hearing of the word of God.

(2 Corinthians 4:13) A sign of faith or believing is that the mouth is not shut. (Mark 11:23-24) Believing what the Lord has said is not what will come to pass, it is what we say that will come to pass. It is good to believe, but it should generate the speaking. What will come to pass is what you said from believing. It is more of what you say than what the word of God says. There is absolutely nothing too big or unsolvable for the word of God. If you believe, you will see the salvation of the Lord. Healing is our lot and perfection of health is our inheritance. The provision of healing has been even before Jesus’ death on the cross. His death further entrenched it to be immutable to time everlasting. Stay on the word, double your dose until something sparks.