The New And Living Way Church, Ikorodu

Meeting: Sunday Service

Sunday School Theme: Receiving and Maintaining your Healing (Conclusion)

Date: 21st March, 2021

Ministers: Pastor Laide Olaniyan

For the past 6 weeks, we’ve been looking at healing holistically to understand the mind and thoughts of God for us concerning the subject of healing. Not understanding this will prevent us from getting all of the benefits therein.

Origin of Sickness

The problem of man is multilevel and even though there was a fall, the very constitution of Adam was not designed to last. Adam would have still needed redemption because he could not serve the purpose of God irrespective of the fall.

Sickness and diseases did not show up immediately after the fall. The fall of man is not the direct cause of sickness and diseases because thousands of years later people still lived in good health. It took a level of operation and disobedience before ailments started to occur in the body of men. The reason it is necessary to trace the root cause is so we can treat the cause and not just the symptoms. If we can know what caused it we can know how to treat it.

Even in the days of Noah, there was no record of sickness even when sin was already present. Even though darkness had started governing the mind of man, there wasn’t yet any record of ailments in the body of men.

One thing sickness and disease are characterized by is Egypt. Before Egypt, we didn’t see infirmities. Egypt typified the strength of darkness in that day. They had gone into sorcery, divination, etc. They were not just carnal or natural, they had gotten diabolical and the Lord was going to bring forth judgment by withdrawing a covering that insulated mankind against the punishment of their ways. Even though mankind was in sin, there was a grace; a covering over their bodies. This covering was over all men – not just His people, and God was going to remove the covering which exposed Egypt to the gravity of the error of their ways.

(Deuteronomy 28:15-61) Because of our wickedness, we opened the door to some things, but the Lord insulated us from the power of those things (Deut 28:15:20) until He began to show in Egypt a pattern of judgment; and He said if they continue in those things they will feel the weight of their actions. From this point, we can begin to see the bodies of men come down with ailments, plagues, diseases. We can safely conclude that no matter the ailments, disease, or sickness, the visible origin or manifestation started from Egypt.

The people of God were kept from sickness until the law came. There is the curse of the fall and there is the curse of the law. If we look at the curse of the fall, sickness is not included but in the curse of the law, there was an allowance for the afflictions of the body. It is good to differentiate the two because the different allocation of grace takes care of these two things.

Adam in the fullness of his stature still needed redemption, light, and communication of eternal things. If we are not acquainted with the provision of God that takes care of things, we will overestimate them. The curses of the law were the things the affliction of the mind and body could rest on. While some ailments are demon-backed or spirit engineered (e.g cancer) and some are bodily deficiencies, they are not all in God’s plan.

It took a level of fellowship with fallen beings for some depths of sickness to show up. The Lord is aware of every possible thing that can go wrong with our body and He also has a fix for it. God had made provision for the things they ought to do so that those things will not come but they could not fulfill the law. The beautiful thing is that we have a man Christ Jesus who fulfilled the law for us.

(Galatians 3:12-13) Redemption of the soul is not complete. We have regeneration in our spirit but for some things, the price has been fully paid. If we are oblivious of these things which He has fully paid, we will remain under the weight of them and afflicted by them. The provision that allowed for the affliction of people was in the curse of the law especially for the people of God. When Christ died, He served the punishment of everyone that could not fulfill the law so all of the causes of the law that gave room for the affliction of Egypt upon the children of God was paid for. The only condition for the affliction coming upon them was: if they don’t keep the law. What Jesus took on His body was the punishment for not being able to fulfill the law so that we can go ahead and fulfill it. This is not the same as the salvation of the soul. Now He has made us able to fulfill the righteous requirements of the law without punishment (Romans 8:1-4). The legal ground for sickness and affliction to pass to the body of anybody has been obliterated because even when men sinned, God did not allow the weight to come upon them, it was a function of mercy. This shows that sin is not sufficient a reason for the affliction of the body to stay (James 5:14-15). Sickness is a far less problem than the issue of sin because Jesus was sent to deal with the issue of sin. It is like using a nuclear missile to kill a mosquito. The exceeding greatness of the power of God is too much to take care of sickness but rather it’s to take care of sin.

Oppressions of the mind and of the body are at the basest level compared to the gravity of sin.

The resurrection power is too much to take care of sickness and disease, it’s an abuse of God’s power (Ephesians 1:18-19). Medical science has stolen something from us; even in medical sciences, their sign typifies Jesus hung on the cross. Jesus was the sign hung on the cross and not medical science. For us as people who know the truth, our first point of call is to look at Him and live. In spite of the fact that Moses had lifted up the brass serpent (Numbers 21:8) in the wilderness and all they had to do was look and live, many still died in the wilderness because it didn’t make sense. Even in the time when the curse of the law wasn’t yet lifted, God made provision for them through the brass serpent on a pole lifted up typifying a time to come when He will make a provision of covering for all mankind against sickness and diseases.

There is nothing like a terminal disease, it only gets terminal when we don’t look up to the truth or the person that can deliver us from it.

Power for sickness and diseases is knowledge. There is a grace factor that comes with knowledge. There is no sickness and disease that cannot go from the body when the right light comes. Even body parts that are missing or not born with can be restored. Healing is about the easiest thing that a believer can do. Faith in the provision of God and the sacrifice of Jesus will raise us so much that sickness, diseases, and afflictions will be so far from our person, not even skin rashes or headaches.

The Lord wants to regulate our lives so that inconveniences or too much convenience will not impact the knowledge of God in and over our soul. We need our mind and good health to learn salvation. God is interested in our mind and bodily health. We must not let the devil deceive us into thinking God does not care about these areas.

To a very large degree, if the body is not comfortable, it won’t be settled enough to focus on learning. This doesn’t mean that God cannot raise men to defy the weakness of the body but God’s will is for us to be in good health. We must know this very well.

Asking for forgiveness is not a precondition to healing. We ought to know that God has already forgiven us, but for the sake of salvation, we ought to ask for forgiveness. For healing, the price has already been paid. It’s why asking for forgiveness is not a condition for us to get healed. He himself bore our sins and by His stripes, we have been healed (1 Peter 2:24/ Isaiah 53:5).

The power to do miracles and correct anomalies in the body is not far-fetched. God accepts only that which is whole. In the old testament, priests were not allowed to have any parts missing or accept animals with anomalies for sacrifice. God is not discriminating. The word of righteousness has in it the power to heal, but we need to handle it without swaying from the message of salvation. It is very potent to restore bodies for the sake of salvation and it is by Jesus hanging on the tree, not by revelation.

One of the evidence of the things we are handling is that the camp will be kept in better health. Satan may want to bring sickness but the Lord will stand against him. We must not accept it in our hearts, we must resist it in our hearts. We will not give room for Satan, we will not accept it as a norm or part of the journey.

(1Corinthians 3:16) Our body is the Lord’s temple – it has been bought. Our spirit, soul, and body have been bought. It’s why we can no longer treat our body anyhow like it is still ours and also why we cannot allow Satan to trespass on God’s properties.

The only things permitted to be in our body are things of righteousness and of peace. We must serve satan quit-notice else he won’t leave. We must show that our body belongs to the Lord and was bought with a price and trespassers must beware.

Tongues and Interpretation (When Reverend Kayode Oyegoke arrived)

What a Blessing! Oh Blessing! I bring in a blessing, it’s a blessing of sight, it’s a blessing of understanding. You need to understand this to be able to wage war well. You need to understand this to stop many things that have even hitherto afflicted you. Pay attention, pay attention, pay fast attention.

For indeed many things want to stop you from seeing this, to hinder you from coming into this blessing, but pay attention for it is a blessing of sight that I’m bringing to you this day. Many will be made free, for many will see their freedom, many will understand their freedom.

For you have been free from the curse of the law, for I have paid the price, I have taken out even that cause. You will be free, you will come into your freedom, you will come into your liberty, you will see your liberty and you will walk in it.

For indeed I want to open sight so you can see this freedom, so you can understand this freedom. I will open your eyes, I am coming even to fill even a foot, even a soul, even a person. I want to give substance that will make those feet even to take steps.

Don’t be bonded, I bring grace for you to take steps. I have come to fill those feet to bring substances of grace, substances of life. Grace and peace be multiplied even to that feet. I have come to fill you so you can take steps and walk.