The New And Living Way Church, Ikorodu

Meeting: Sunday Service

Sunday School Theme: Receiving and Maintaining your Healing

Date: 14th March, 2021

Ministers: Pastor Segun & Bro Happy

Pastor Segun (Sunday School)

Anointings have tendencies to sway us if we are not careful. God is more interested in our soul. We need to understand the healing anointing and be established in it so when it is in operation, we will be able to discern and key into it. 

Last week, we established that the surest way to get healed is by faith. Once you’re able to lay hold on God’s word and are persuaded in your heart, you will be healed. 

We must be careful to not fall into errors when it comes to healing. It is as the spirit wills and there are diverse ways healing can happen. There is no one way healing occurs. The anointing is according to how God deems it fit and it is a manifestation of the Holy Ghost based on the level of the people involved. Our level of faith sometimes will warrant the use of a handkerchief or water while, for some, healing will come by just believing the spoken word. 

All the ministries e.g teaching, function by anointing. Even the ministry of Jesus upon the earth was by anointing. Once the healing anointing rests upon a man, any healing can happen and we must be able to discern this anointing.

Characteristics of the Healing Anointing

1.The Anointing is Transmittable: Even to an inanimate object. For example, Jesus’ garment. Also, Elijah and his mantle.

(Matthew 14:35-36) God will not deny us of anything we have faith for. We don’t always need to be healed through the laying on of hands. We can, like the woman with the issue of blood, have faith and believe. For example, we can say, “If pastor will just shake my hand, I’ll be healed”.

(Acts 19:11-12) Even in the Epistles, we can see that the clothes Paul laid hands on were charged with anointing to heal men of their diseases and sicknesses. This is still very much applicable in the church today, so we can trust God for healing in this manner.

Ways the Anointing is Transferred

Laying on of Hands – One of the main ways Jesus healed was by laying on of hands (Luke 4:40).

Through a cloth medium – Some people think the transfer of anointing through clothes is superstitious. But it is actually very scriptural and the only time healing will not happen is when we don’t have faith. If diabolical people can believe that power in a ring can cause things they want to happen, how much more, we who have the spirit of God in us?

While we desire to be healed, we should not get carried away from the things God wants us to focus on.

2. The Anointing is Measurable: Jesus is the only man that had anointing without measure. There came a time that the disciples could not cast out a demon, but Jesus cast out the demon. (John 3:34, 2 Kings 2:9). We need to understand that some people are more anointed than others. However, people can grow in the anointing. Anointing is measurable and can be apportioned. It can increase or decrease. Exercising ourselves in the things of God and exercising in this grace can increase the grace for this anointing. So also not exercising in these things can reduce the anointing.

3. The Anointing is Tangible: This means that it is perceptive to touch. Jesus was aware when anointing left Him. People with healing anointing can tell when the healing anointing rests on them. There are times that we might have been healed but we won’t feel anything but the minister will know that virtue has left him – it is tangible to them. We must believe even when we don’t see or feel anything that we have been healed.

4. Healing Anointing is in Degrees: It is to the degree that the healing power is administered to the body. So when our pastors say there is a healing anointing, we must be quick to go out to receive our healing because we are aware there is a degree to the anointing and we should take it when the degree is very high. We must be quick to plug into the anointing when it is still high not when the anointing has waned

Cooperating with the Anointing

The degree of faith released by the individual can hinder the flow of anointing (Mark 5:25-34). If we respond to a high degree, then we will receive our healing to the extent to which we have believed. It is not just the power or the anointing that makes us whole, but also our faith. We need faith to touch the power. Many people were thronging Jesus and that is a sign of unbelief. This is like when we keep going for every healing meeting but yet not being healed because we have unbelief in our heart. All we need to do is reach out in faith and believe that we will be healed. Anointing responds to a touch of faith, not thronging in unbelief. The anointing can flow to an individual or to a crowd (Mark 5:27-31, Matt 14:36). Anointings are like spirits, and there’s a way we call them forth by our faith. God will never deny us something we have faith for. God responds to faith.

Anointing is not an inherent power, it comes from God. Jesus does not operate healing because He is the Son of God but because God allowed it to rest on Him. So also, the anointing was made available to the apostles.

The power to heal is present always, we just need to key into it.

Bro Happy Oseni

(Proverbs 4:20, Psalm 119:11) Jesus Christ is not a magician. He anchors on something. We need to constantly meditate on the word. We must be grounded in the word. We must build our lives upon the basis of the scripture.

Faith is spiritual.

When we gave our lives to Christ, there is a kind of trust that has been given to us which we exercise in the name of Jesus. If we do not exercise ourselves in this, nothing will happen. We must grow and appreciate in faith. We need to trust in the Lord by staying constantly in the word.

There are things that if we do not stand in the place of faith for them, nothing will happen.

(Luke 4:40) There have been so many errors in the church. There are principles in the scripture and guidelines that we must follow. What Jesus did was by laying on of hands. There is no abnormality with God.

One thing we must take home from this series is that we must grow, appreciate and exercise our faith.